Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1496: Shindo style

The problem Zhou Fan is worried about is the official family.

Only the Great Buddhist Temple and the Small Buddhist Temple were allowed to spread beliefs in the Great Wei Dynasty, that is, the Buddhist family.

Others who want to spread their beliefs will be attacked by officials.

It is estimated that he was strangled to death before he even got up.

Even if the officials open their eyes and close their eyes and ignore it, the Big Buddha Temple and the Little Buddha Temple are not good things. They belong to the Buddhist family, and they almost lost their minds. An outside sect wanted to spread in the Great Wei territory. Definitely the first to jump out against it.

If it wasn't for their opposition, then Hanbei Dao would be a good place to spread beliefs. After all, Hanbei Dao had the least faith and the fewest temples.

Zhou Fan told Yingjiu about his worries.

Yingjiu laughed loudly, and the laughter was harsh and unpleasant, "Where did you think of this person? Are you still thinking of absorbing the power of vows and taking the Shinto practice route?"

"The beginning of the Shinto flow is not slow, but when you reach a certain level, it takes a long time to achieve something. What is the use of a little wish to you?"

"I let you follow the Shinto style to absorb a useful force of believers, not to let you widely spread the so-called beliefs. What use are ordinary believers to you?"

"You just need to make a good warrior believe in you!"

Only then did Zhou Fan realize that he wanted to be wrong, and he hurriedly said: "Then I only need to spread the faith secretly in a small area, right?"

"Exactly." Yingjiu said: "And it is very secretive to spread beliefs in a small area, how can Buddhists do anything?"

"But warriors can't be fooled." Zhou Fan frowned slightly.

"It's not easy to fool because you can't fulfill their desires. If you can satisfy their desires, won't they serve God devoutly?" Ying Jiu said with a weird smile.

"Nonsense, if anyone can satisfy my desires, I will also be very devout to him." Zhou Fan said angrily: "Desires are hard to satisfy."

"So you are an idiot. Where do you need to satisfy the desires of all believers, you only need to satisfy a small part of the most devout ones. If a miracle occurs, that small part will naturally take the lead." Yingjiu said impatiently. .

Zhou Fan was slightly taken aback, as Yingjiu said, where is it necessary to satisfy all believers, only a small number of people need to be satisfied, as a god, of course, he has a choice to give believers, he can't even think of this, in the end Or because he is really a rookie.

"Then I don't know what the secret method of Shinto flow is in your place?" Zhou Fan looked down at his broken left leg, which was almost healed.

He diligently practiced the Pluto inverse thoughts every day, and the Pluto inverse chakra body was constantly improving.

"My secret method of Shendao flow is called Taikoo Shendao flow." Yingjiu smiled and said, "If you want to go to Shendao flow, do you know what the biggest problem is?"

"What?" Zhou Fan always thought it was a matter of belief.

Yingjiu said: "It's a godhead, you need to get a godhead first, and I have a godhead called the ancient **** here."

"Godhead?" Zhou Fan was stunned.

Yingjiu caught a wisp of mist, and the mist turned into a pitch-black box. She opened the box and found an oval stone flowing with black brilliance. She smiled and said, "This is the godhead. Only by the law of God can we follow the flow of the divine way.”

"But that's all there is to it. The so-called Divine Dao flow is just some cultivator of the **** stick type."

"Then what do you want?" Zhou Fan asked, every time Yingjiu made a bid, he was frightened.

The key is that Yingjiu rarely asks for a big gray worm, but if Yingjiu asks too much this time, he won't agree.

"Don't be so serious." Ying Jiuxie smiled and said, "If I ask too much, you won't agree, so I won't ask too much."

"I want ten years of your life this time."

"Do you want my lifespan?" Zhou Fan said in amazement, "Why do you want my lifespan?"

The last one who wanted him to live was Zhou Xiaomao, but Zhou Xiaomao was doing experiments, so what was Yingjiu doing?

"You don't need to worry about this, I want you to live for ten years." Yingjiu said, "Your life expectancy is one hundred and fifty-five now. Even if you give ten years, you will still have one hundred and forty-five. I think It means nothing to you."

"It's easy for you to say, maybe I will be ten years away from entering the country in the future." Zhou Fan said with a distressed expression, his lifespan is shorter than that of ordinary monks, so he naturally cherishes his lifespan more.

He wouldn't trade his lifespan if he hadn't had a choice.

"I can give you 100,000 big gray worms." Zhou Fan thought about it.

"Do you think I would care about you big gray worms?" Yingjiu said, "You don't want to live ten years, I want five years. If you don't, then it's over."

Why does she have to live my life?

Zhou Fan felt a little strange. It was not the first time that he used his lifespan to trade. Other guides couldn't do anything with his lifespan. Yingjiu probably couldn't either. No matter how strong Yingjiu was, it couldn't be stronger than other guides. where to go.

He doesn't believe that Yingjiu can use his lifespan to influence him, which is not in line with the ship's trading rules.

"Okay, I'll change it." Zhou Fan said, it's worth it for five years to exchange for the secret method of Shinto flow.

As soon as Zhou Fan agreed, a smile appeared on Yingjiu's face, she snapped her fingers, and a white spot of light drilled out of Zhou Fan's body and sank into her palm.

Zhou Fan knew that this was his five-year life span and had been taken away by Yingjiu.

Yingjiu pinched a wisp of gray mist again, and the gray mist turned into a blue jade slip. She handed the jade slip and the box containing the godhead to Zhou Fan.

After Zhou Fan received the jade slip, he went to the side and began to study it in detail. His face quickly showed surprise. The secret technique of this Shinto flow was really exquisite. He didn't look closely, but stood up and hugged Mengmeng. Come back and start teasing your daughter.

He is not afraid of Mengmeng crawling and falling into the river now, because he has thought of a way to inscribe a talisman around the boat, which can block Mengmeng's progress.

The time with children always passed quickly. When the time came, Zhou Fan and Mengmeng disappeared on the boat.

All of a sudden, only Ying Jiu was left on the boat. Her usual evil smile appeared on her face. She spread out her palm, and the white light that belonged to Zhou Fan's five-year lifespan floated out from her palm.

This lifespan has been cut off from all causes and effects, just as Zhou Fan thought, the lifespan that was traded out, even if Yingjiu has the ability to reach the sky, it will not affect Zhou Fan.

But she never thought about what to do to Zhou Fan by borrowing her lifespan. Before she figured out the relationship between Zhou Fan and the ship, she would no longer be interested in killing Zhou Fan.

She was thinking of something else.

But what Zhou Fan doesn't know is a person's life expectancy, even if the cause and effect are cut off, there will inevitably be something left behind.

such as fate.

She wants to spy on Zhou Fan's fate.

She had heard from Zhou Fan that the Dragon Lord spied on Zhou Fan's fate, but the Dragon Lord's spying did not use any medium. Her espionage technique was different from that of the Dragon Lord, and the techniques were different, so she might be able to see some special features. thing.

Especially her secret technique came from a monk who practiced the law of destiny.

She opened her mouth and spat out mysterious golden runes, which were surrounded by white light spots of lifespan until they all fused together, and a thin golden line spread out from them.

The golden thin line disappeared between her eyebrows, and she slowly closed her eyes.

Then her whole body exploded, turning into countless bright star particles.

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