Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1513: way of the boat


"I don't know what kind of world you're in." Yingjiu raised her **** palm from the white bone skull, then lowered it with a smile, letting her palm sink into the bone spurs again, "Besides, you don't have this assumption. Meaning, that dragon might not be in the Holy Land."

"Even in the Holy Land, he can try to notify other dragons that are relatively close to him. Even if it is an ordinary dragon, as long as he is an adult, his strength will not be too weak."

Zhou Fan's face was a little heavy when he heard it. The Dragon God clan ordered the dragon clan, and as long as the divine dragon gave the order, it might not be long before he saw an adult giant dragon.

The reason why the divine dragon didn't order now may be because he suspects that there is a powerful cultivator beside him because of the problem of teleportation, and he doesn't want to turn his face easily.

But that doesn't mean he won't do it, no... Zhou Fan was startled when he thought of this, maybe the other party has already done it.

It's just that he felt wrong again, so he quickly said with a cold face: "You are scaring me, ordinary adult dragons shouldn't be able to sense Momo's existence."

This kind of bloodline induction should be done only by the Dragon God clan.

Yingjiu smiled lightly: "I admit that I am indeed a little alarmist, but even ordinary adult dragons have a smaller sensing range at most. They have a way of sensing the existence of Xiao Momo."

"Why are you scaring me?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"Because it's interesting." Ying Jiu said, "I like watching human tragedies like the separation of father and daughter."

"Me and Momo will not be separated." Zhou Fan said with a cold face.

"If you don't separate, you will die together." Yingjiu raised her palm and sucked the blood on her palm, "I told you for so long, you should understand this fact."

"You don't seem to believe me very much." Yingjiu put down her hands, her lips were stained with blood.

"I don't believe it." Zhou Fan frowned and said frankly.

"What about the trust between people?" Yingjiu sighed and said, "I can swear that I didn't lie."

After speaking, Yingjiu really swore that she didn't lie.

Zhou Fan was puzzled and asked, "Why do you make an oath?"

Some of Yingjiu's actions sometimes really make him unable to guess.

"Didn't I tell you?" Yingjiu smiled and said, "I like watching the tragedies of the separation of father and daughter. Anyway, I didn't lie, why didn't I swear to make you believe me?"

Zhou Fan's face darkened slightly, and Yingjiu swore, indicating that Yingjiu really thought so. If he didn't want to die, he could only hand over Momo.

But after Momo is handed over, what will happen next?

It is impossible for him to hand over Momo.

"There must be other ways." Zhou Fan ignored Yingjiu, but lowered his head and asked the boat.

He waited patiently, and the boat responded quickly.

After he got the response, his brows furrowed.

"What, what does the boat say?" Ying Jiu asked with a smile.

"The boat asked me to hand over Momo." Zhou Fan sighed.

"Look, even the boat said that." Yingjiu smiled and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

"The boat told me that the dragon won't hurt Momo, but will cultivate Momo. The cultivation method of the Dragon God clan is more suitable for Momo's growth." Zhou Fan continued: "Momo is by my side, It's hard to grow."

Ying Jiuyin smiled and said, "Then are you going to send Momo out? Do you really believe what the ship said?"

"Maybe it is lying to you. It is afraid that the Dragon God clan will find you and kill you. It does not want you to conflict with the Dragon God clan, so it deceives you to send Momo out."

"You and the boat... I believe that the boat won't lie to me." Zhou Fan said coldly, "And the Dragon God family, do you think they can pose a threat to the boat?"

The patriarchs of the Dragon God clan were all trapped on the boat and could not get out. With the help of his body, the boat could even easily kill an unknowable monster. What would such an existence be afraid of?

"As long as it's good for Momo, of course I'll send her out." Zhou Fan turned to look at the Grey River outside the boat.

"You're putting your child's life in the hands of foreign creatures." Ying Jiu sneered, "Although the boat is strong, it hides here, and it obviously has something to fear. It doesn't even dare to affect the outside world. Do you think it Can it affect the Dragon God clan?"

"Your child is a mixed race. Mixed blood is a great shame for ordinary dragons, let alone the proud dragon gods?"

I have to say that Yingjiu's words are very reasonable, but Zhou Fan still said calmly: "The boat said I would know tomorrow, and it said I would send Momo with confidence."

As long as Momo goes to the Dragon Clan Holy Land without being hurt, and with the help of a boat, Zhou Fan can send Mo Mo back at any time, and he should send her to the kindergarten, even if this kindergarten is the Dragon Clan Holy Land...

"So the key is to look at tomorrow?" Yingjiu asked curiously, "What did the ship do? Isn't it always afraid of being connected with the outside world?"

Zhou Fan was also curious in his heart, but he quickly shook his head and said, "I'm afraid of being connected with the outside world. That's just our guess. The ship may not really be afraid of being connected with the outside world."

"No, it must be afraid." Yingjiu said in a very determined tone: "If it wasn't afraid, its past behavior wouldn't make sense, and it wouldn't stay in this weird space."

"If you say you're afraid, be afraid." Zhou Fan shook his head and said This kind of argument means nothing to him, and the leader can't see through the boat, let alone him.

He is more worried about Momo now. The boat is reluctant to say more, and he doesn't know what will happen tomorrow, so that he can trust Momo to be handed over.

But if he couldn't gain his trust, he would never hand over Momo anyway.

As Yingjiu said, Momo is a mixed race. For the Dragon God clan, this is definitely a great shame. If you really hand it over, who knows what those old-fashioned dragons will do with Momo?

He could only wait patiently. He hugged Mengmeng, still feeling very heavy.

When the time came, after Zhou Fan left, Yingjiu was still holding the white skull. She looked down at the deck and asked curiously, "What method did you use to get Shenlong to win the trust of Zhou Fan?"

But the boat didn't respond.

"Don't talk about it, I'll ask Zhou Fan again tomorrow night." Yingjiu smiled and didn't ask any further.

For her, what she lacks most is patience.

When he woke up in the morning, Zhou Fan picked up the little black dragon, and the little black dragon shook his tail happily at him, making a barking sound.

"You have the blood of the Dragon God. If you bark like this, if you really go to the Dragon Clan Holy Land..." Zhou Fan touched the little black dragon's head, and he couldn't even imagine the scene.

Momo: "Wang."

"Momo." Zhou Fan frowned, "Listen to me, I may send you to a far away place to study, you have to be obedient in the future."

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