Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1518: my son


Zhou Fan looked at the three little boys with frightened faces, and a look of guilt appeared in his heart, but he was suspicious by nature and couldn't help but wonder, could this be a conspiracy?

Even though the three little boys came out of his stomach, when he remembered that strange fruit with bad luck, it was difficult for him to have so-called family affection for the three little boys for a while.

"You misunderstood, it's not that I don't want you." Zhou Fan tried his best to use a gentler tone: "It's just that I'm a man, how can I be your mother?"

"But it was Mother Mother who gave birth to us, shouldn't it be called Mother Mother?" said the little boy with dark blue hair.

Zhou Fan: "..."

"If it's not called Mother Mother, what should it be called?" asked the pale mist-haired little boy.

"You can call me dad." Zhou Fandao, he was testing these three little guys, calling his mother may be a joke, but let them call him dad, if these three little guys are not new creatures, but have their own Origin, it should not be shouted like this.

"Father?" The pale and mist-haired little boy said, "Does Father mean what Father Father means?"

Zhou Fan was speechless for a while, did this really absorb his knowledge? His knowledge does have the vocabulary of his father, but this should be unpopular, and it is not as good as the vocabulary of father.

"Yes." Zhou Fan nodded.

"Father," the pale mist-haired and dark-blue water-haired little boy changed his tune.

"Why doesn't he speak?" Zhou Fan asked, pointing at the dark boy.

The jet-black little boy pointed to his mouth and waved his hand quickly.

"Don't your father know?" The pale and mist-haired little boy said in surprise, "He can't speak, otherwise something big will happen."

"What's going to happen?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It's not clear, it feels like this is what it told us." The little boy with dark blue water said: "He can't speak, otherwise it will be bad if he hurts his father."

"By the way, my name is Zhou Fan." Zhou Fan said, "What's your name?"

"Father, we were just born to you, how could we have a name?" the dark blue-haired little boy said.

"Father, you haven't given us a name yet?" said the pale and misty little boy.

The three little boys looked at Zhou Fan expectantly.

Zhou Fan had a peculiar feeling, maybe they were really new creatures, but he didn't understand why they gave birth to three little guys after eating one fruit.

"Name, you stand up first and then talk about it." Zhou Fan then realized that the three little boys were still kneeling on one knee and said quickly.

The three little boys all stood up. They were wearing short vests and shorts that matched their hair color.

Zhou Fan thought about it for a while, and said helplessly, "Whatever name you like, you can actually call it."

"That won't work, Father must give us a name." The pale and misty little boy said with a serious expression.

The other two little boys also nodded quickly.

I'm a householder who is struggling to name... Zhou Fan silently scolded himself, asking him to come up with three nice names at one time, it's really too difficult, he thought hard for a while and said, "Why don't I give you three first? It's a small name, and I'll think about it later."

"Then what's our nickname?" the dark blue water-haired little boy asked anxiously.

"Your name is Xiao Lan." Zhou Fan pointed at the dark blue water-haired boy, and he looked at the pale and mist-haired boy again, "Your name is Xiao Bai."

"Your name is Xiao Hei." Zhou Fan said while looking at the jet-black little boy, he suddenly thought that Momo was almost named Xiao Hei by him before.

It's not hard for me to come up with a nickname... Zhou Fan thought proudly.

"I'm Zhou Xiaobai." The pale boy with misty hair said with a faint smile, "Thank you, Father, for the name."

"I'm Zhou Xiaolan." The dark blue water-haired little boy also showed a happy smile, "Thank you, Father."

The jet-black little boy grinned. He couldn't speak, but he was equally happy to have a name.

As for it, just having a nickname makes me so happy... Zhou Fan felt a little weird. He talked to the three little boys again, but he didn't get any useful information.

"Why do you believe me so much?" Zhou Fan asked directly.

The three little boys all looked confused, Zhou Xiaobai said: "Why does the father say such strange things again, we were born by the father, the father is the person we trust the most in this world, we don't believe the father , who to believe?"

Zhou Fan was suffocated by Zhou Xiaobai's assertiveness. He paused and said, "Then do you still have any impression of what happened before I was born?"

"I mean do you know how you were born?"

The three little boys all shook their heads blankly.

"I don't want to hide from you either." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Actually, in order to save Mengmeng, I swallowed a fruit that is said to bring bad luck, and there are three of you."

"Who is Mengmeng?" Zhou Xiaolan asked.

"Mengmeng is my third daughter." Zhou Fan said with a smile when he remembered Mengmeng who could walk but couldn't speak.

"My father's three daughters are our third sister." Zhou Xiaobai said, "Then I understand."

"What do you understand?" Zhou Fan asked.

"We were born because our father swallowed a fruit that is said to bring bad luck to save the third Then our birth is full of meaning." Zhou Xiaobai said happily.

The brain circuits of these three little guys seem to be a little different... Zhou Fan thought helplessly, he asked, "Do you have any impression of that fruit?"

"No." Zhou Xiaolan and Zhou Xiaobai answered in unison, and Zhou Xiaohei nodded.

Zhou Fan looked at the sincere expressions on their faces. It didn't seem like he was lying. He hesitated and said, "Then do you know that you are different from ordinary human children?"

"Yeah." Zhou Xiaolan tilted her head, looked at Zhou Fan and said, "It seems that ordinary human children would talk at the beginning without us, right?"

"Not only that, you not only can speak, but you have a certain amount of knowledge and wisdom like some seven or eight-year-old children." Zhou Fan nodded and said, "Then where did all your knowledge come from?"

Zhou Xiaobai scratched his pale short hair, and he hesitated: "We have consciousness in the belly of the father, and our knowledge should come from the father."

"Yes." A trace of unease flashed across Zhou Xiaolan's face, "Father, my knowledge tells me that we seem to be called freaks among humans, right?"

"It turns out that the father is worried about this problem, so are we causing trouble for the father?" Zhou Xiaobai said.

Zhou Xiaohei also looked at Zhou Fan with a worried expression.

It's really hard for me to treat you as children... Zhou Fan sighed and thought in his heart.

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