Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1520: greedy eyes

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Zhou Xiaobai, Zhou Xiaolan, and Zhou Xiaohe were all holding a roasted pork leg and nibbling on it. They ate, obviously starving.

Seeing that they were eating so deliciously, Zhou Fan couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth and said, "You guys are hungry, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"My father won't give you food, how can we ask?" Zhou Xiaobai showed a shy smile on his face.

Zhou Xiaolan and Zhou Xiaohei both nodded.

"..." Zhou Fan finally confirmed that there was indeed something wrong with the three of them' brain circuits. He was a little worried that I might have three mentally retarded children?

He said again, "Can the three of you stop calling me my father, but call me a name?"

Every time the three of them called out to his father, he felt an overwhelming sense of shame.

"But Lord Father is Lord Father." Zhou Xiaolan swallowed the meat in his mouth, a little aggrieved.

"Father, what do you want us to call you?" Zhou Xiaobai asked.

"You can call him Daddy." Xiao Ling said vaguely while eating the duck leg.

"Do you want to call me Dad?" Zhou Xiaobai looked at Zhou Fan and asked.

"It's better to call Daddy than Father." Zhou Fan nodded and said, "Actually, Daddy and Father mean the same thing."

He was afraid that the three little boys would not change their words, so he added the latter sentence.

Finally, the three little boys reluctantly agreed.

"You guys don't seem to like Xiao Su that much?" Zhou Fan asked while tearing off a piece of roast pork while eating.

Because he saw that the three little boys had a cold attitude towards Xiao Ling.

"They don't like me very much." Xiao Ling said with some grievances, "I'm so cute, but there are still people who don't like me."

The three little boys all glanced at Xiao Ling, and their faces showed thoughtful expressions, as if this question was too difficult for them.

Zhou Fan didn't speak, eating roast pork, waiting for them to answer.

"I don't know." Zhou Xiaolan shook her head.

Zhou Xiaobai and Zhou Xiaohei also shook their heads.

"Why don't you know?" Zhou Fan asked strangely.

"I can't tell." Zhou Xiaobai said in distress, "I just don't want to pay attention to her."

"Could it be because I'm a woman?" Xiao Qian was trembling with anger, her whole body was sweating on a cold day, her hands and feet were cold...

"Shut up for me, is this a gender issue?" Zhou Fan glared at Xiao Ling.

"Dad, we really can't tell." Zhou Xiaolan was also annoyed, "We are only close to Daddy, and we are not very interested in other things."

Only close to me... Zhou Fan smiled and comforted, "Then don't think about it, I just ask, I will find out later, by the way, I still don't know who is older and who is younger?"

"Dad, we were born by you, don't you know?" Zhou Xiaolan asked in a daze.

"You really were born by the master." Xiao Ling couldn't help but exclaimed. This was finally confirmed, and her guess was correct.

Zhou Fan "..."

Zhou Fan ignored Xiao Ling, he knew that this must be hidden, he smiled bitterly and said, "The three of you were born together, so it can only be regarded as the same age."

Born together? Xiao Ling glanced at Zhou Fan's buttocks strangely, she took a deep breath, it was too powerful.

The corner of Zhou Fan's eyes twitched, he slapped the small silk flying, and the small silk smashed into a large font on the wall of the ravine.

Xiao Ling slid down the wall and stretched out her trembling hands, "Why is it always me who gets hurt?"

After dinner, Zhou Fan paid attention to his followers. His followers were still growing. The number of followers on the human side had already exceeded 10,000. You must know that this is a warrior. This is a terrifying number.

During this process, in order to prevent some believers from going to extremes, Zhou Fan formulated strict rules, prohibiting doing bad things, and prohibiting doing evil things for missionary purposes.

Because this is faith, once the believers break the rules, the faith in their hearts will also become unstable, and finally they will be kicked out of the ranks of the little fairy, so Zhou Fan is not worried that they will break the rules.

The Barbarian Demon Ice Region is even more astonishing. Barbarian Demon believers are developed from tribes to tribes. Now there are fifty-one tribes that believe in the Great Immortal. Among them, there are several powerful tribes with good strength.

Of course, there are also some problems. For example, although these savage monster tribes all share the same belief in the great immortal, they are still in the state of disbelief in the past...

The speed of development of the followers of Xiaoshuangdaxian is beyond Zhou Fan's imagination.

After paying attention to these things, Zhou Fan focused on his cultivation again. The three little boys were all looking at Zhou Fan, but Zhou Fan was used to it.

It wasn't until late at night that I stopped practicing.

Xiaoxiao was already sound asleep, and Xiaoxiao was patrolling.

"Go to sleep, too." Zhou Fan said to the three little boys, "Maybe we can meet later."

The three little boys didn't understand why Zhou Fan said that, they just lay obediently by the bonfire and closed their eyes.

Zhou Fan fell asleep, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Zhou Xiaobai, Zhou Xiaolan, and Zhou Xiaohei.

The three Zhou Xiaobai all looked at the wooden boat filled with gray fog with surprise on their faces.

"Dad, where is this place?" Zhou Xiaolan asked.

"This is the boat." Ying Jiu's voice came, she suddenly appeared in front of the three Zhou Xiaobai, and the three Zhou Xiaobai jumped.

Yingjiu had a weird smile on her face.

Zhou Fan's expression was a little subtle. He had such a guess in his heart. Now that the three Zhou Xiaobai appeared on the boat with him, it means that the three Zhou Xiaobai were also recognized by the boat as qualified assistants, or to be more precise. is his child.

Then their problem is not big... Zhou Fan's heart that has been on guard has relaxed a lot.

"I really didn't expect it." Yingjiu stared at Zhou Xiaobai three, the smile on her face became brighter and brighter, "That fruit turned into three such handsome children."

"This is Ying Jiu." Zhou Fan calmly said, "You three come here, and I will tell you the rules on the ship."

The three Zhou Xiaobai ignored Yingjiu and walked to Zhou Fan's side.

Zhou Fan started especially told the three of them not to mention the existence of the boat outside no matter what.

Yingjiu didn't speak, she looked at the three Zhou Xiaobais with scorching greedy eyes.

The three Zhou Xiaobai didn't care about Yingjiu's gaze.

"We are assistants, so how can we help Dad?" Zhou Xiaobai asked with interest.

Zhou Xiaolan and Zhou Xiaohei both looked at Zhou Fan with expressions of interest.

"A lot of things on the ship will use the big grey worm. If you want to help your father, then go outside and hunt him as many monsters as possible. The more monsters you kill, the more big grey worms will be transformed. ." Yingjiu said slowly, while she was talking, her gaze was back and forth on the faces of Zhou Xiaolan, Zhou Xiaobai, and Zhou Xiaohei.

Her eyes were still hot and greedy.

"Don't stare at the child with such eyes, you will frighten the child." Zhou Fan finally couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily.

This look gave him goosebumps, do you still want to swallow these three babies?

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