Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1527: meet an accident

In the unpredictable wilderness, you must protect yourself first, and then consider other things. Even if Zhou Fan has entered the Golden Core Realm, he must obey the rules of survival in the wild.

It seems that there is a completely invisible fight over there, the best way is of course to ignore it.

Of course, even if Zhou Fan didn't say it, his three sons were indifferent and would not pay attention to the fight over there.

The four people and one dog continued to move forward.

It's just that they didn't take a few steps, but the sound of fighting over there was getting closer and closer.

One of the two fighting parties is breaking up and fleeing, and the fleeing direction is on their side.

Of course, the speed of those who escaped was not slow, but within a few breaths, a dozen warriors rushed out of the jungle.

Zhou Fan could clearly see the panic on their faces, as if something terrible was chasing them behind.

These ten or so warriors shouted vague words, and before they could reach the mountain road, their bodies completely froze. There were countless blood-colored filaments pierced through their bodies, and the blood-colored filaments trembled wildly. They were cut to pieces.

Only a pile of disintegrated flesh and blood was left on the ground, and the grass was stained red with blood.

A woman in white slowly floated out of the jungle, her face seemed to be covered with a layer of white ash, she was wearing blood-embroidered shoes, and her body was filled with terrifying aura.

The woman looked down at the pile of flesh and blood on the ground, and she said coldly, "Dare, dare to rob, rob me?"

After she said this, she raised her head slightly, looked up, saw Zhou Fan, and was startled, "Father..."

"Bah." She quickly changed her tone: "Lin, Lin Wuya."

Zhou Fan also had a strange expression on his face. He didn't expect to see Zhang Benben, a living corpse, a wise ghost, here.

In Qianji Giant Pit, he was the first to escape from the hands of Heihe Chi. He originally thought that Zhang Benben had died in the hands of Heihe Chi, but he didn't expect Zhang Benben to survive.

"You're not dead." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

Zhang Benben first showed fear on her face, but she quickly laughed wildly: "I, I'm not afraid of you, I have already entered the realm of pill and pill tribulation, and it is you who should be afraid."

The blood-colored embroidered shoes under her feet had countless blood lines running up her feet, covering the lower half of her body.

The blood of the dead warriors on the ground spread like ink, spreading rapidly, staining the surrounding ground with blood.

Zhang Benben used her rune from the very beginning.

Zhou Fan just chuckled, he waved his hand, and the three Xiaobai and the younger sister all quickly stepped back.

The blood in the ground spread to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan didn't look at the blood on the ground, but the blood separated automatically in front of him. He strolled on the **** ground and walked towards Zhang Benben.

Zhang Benben looked puzzled, but she was very good at fighting. With just a wave of her hand, countless black shadows emerged from the **** ground, and the shadows rushed towards Zhou Fan.

"Who gave you the courage to win against me?" Zhou Fan didn't move his hands, those black shadows suddenly hovered.

He glanced at these black shadows, "Is this your robbery? Somewhat unique, but not enough."

As Zhou Fan spoke, the shapes of these black shadows changed, turning into ferocious ghosts, and they flew towards Zhang Benben.

"How is this possible?" Zhang Benben was stunned, her calamity and rune were controlled by the other party, she waved her palms wildly, and countless green and black palms tore those evil ghosts into pieces.

The bloodshot around her body kept shaking.

After tearing up the evil ghost, the green and black palm continued to move forward and shot at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan just glanced at it, and the frantic green and black palms were completely annihilated and disappeared in front of him.

Zhang Benben's face showed fear, she couldn't understand how Zhou Fan did it, this person's strength was too terrifying.

Zhou Fan was getting closer and closer to her, but he was still walking step by step.

Zhang Benben wanted to retreat when she was defeated, but she suddenly found herself unable to lift her feet, and she was frozen in place.

"How did you escape? Who else is there besides you?" Zhou Fan asked curiously. He escaped with Zhou Xiaomao at the beginning. If he hadn't wanted to know what happened after he left, he would have already Zhang Benben, who was caught in an illusion, was killed.

Zhang Benben didn't speak, and the blood lines spread wildly, covering her whole body, only to see countless blood lines shaking.

Zhou Fan's expression became a little subtle, and the Star Frost Rusted Knife slashed out.

Dozens of gray sword gangs shot away, the blood lines suddenly shrank, and even Zhang Benben disappeared in place.

Dozens of grey swords smashed the jungle into pieces, and Zhang Benben was nowhere to be seen.

The blood-colored ground dissipated, Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, his six senses were activated, but no trace of Zhang Benben was found, and Zhang Benben disappeared completely.

The three brothers Zhou Xiaobai and their little sister walked back.

"Dad, what happened to that weird woman?" Zhou Xiaohei asked.

"Let her escape." Zhou Fan said with a wry smile.

Zhang Benben was able to break free from his phantasmagoria and escape, which was beyond his expectations.

He quickly thought of the blood-colored embroidered shoes that Zhang Benben was wearing. At that time, Zhang Benben was almost killed by the boat kitten in the giant pit of Qianji. It seems that the blood thread from the embroidered shoes pulled her apart?

It seems that these blood-colored embroidered shoes are not simple... Zhou Fan thought silently, and it was not a long time since he disappeared, but Zhang Benben's realm was only one big realm worse than his.

Such an improvement is not unpleasant, could it be related to those **** embroidered shoes?

Just when Zhou Fan was thinking about these There was a caravan coming from far behind the mountain road. He didn't think about it any further. Following Zhou Xiaobai, they quickly left the place.



The small pond in the academy is covered with green grass because of the arrival of spring.

The old man was still wearing a light gray single shirt, and his straw sandals had already been taken off. He was lying on his side on the lawn and was seriously looking at the scroll in his hand.

Duanmu Xiaohong was making tea while his hands were moving smoothly, but he couldn't hide the worry on his face.

The tea smoke rose up, and Duanmu Xiaohong brought the brewed tea to the old man named Lin Wuya.

Lin Wuya grabbed the teacup casually. He glanced at his eldest disciple, and suddenly felt that the book in his hand was boring. He took a sip of tea carefully, "Little Hong, what are you worried about?"

"Teacher should know what I'm worried about." Duanmu Xiaohong smiled wryly.

"I'm not the roundworm in your stomach, how do you know what you're worrying about?" Lin Wuya said angrily, putting down his teacup.

"Why did the teacher leave at this time?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked, picking up the black teapot and pouring tea into the teacher's cup.

Just now, the teacher told him to travel around the world.

Every generation of academy saints will travel around the world, no one knows how far they go, sometimes it takes several years or even ten years.

There is no problem for the saint to travel around the world, but the timing of the teacher's choice is really wrong, the catastrophe is coming, how can he leave at this time?

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