Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1548: The emperor is furious

Even if those strongholds were emptied, Duanmu Xiaohong and the others could confirm one thing, the attackers were indeed the Thousand Deception Alliance.

"The Thousand Delusions Alliance is an evil organization that has only risen in the past two years. Their most obvious feature is that they wear evil ghost masks. They are famous for conducting various strange researches in various places in the Wei Dynasty. They have been confirmed by officials to jump into an evil organization. No. 11..." Someone in the meeting room told the information of the Qianzhen League one by one.

"Just before the attack on our academy, Zaijingdu never found any signs of Qianjing League's activities..."

Although Jingdu is safe, as the largest city in the world, it is not surprising that there are many secret forces operating in the dark.

"No matter what, we must use all our power to find them as much as possible." Chen Zheng said angrily.

The academy was attacked so badly, of course it can't be left alone.

The crowd discussed for a while, and only after confirming what to do at present, did the gathering end.

The reason why Zhou Fan was able to participate in such discussions was Duanmu Xiaohong, but he didn't say much the whole time, just listened silently.

After the meeting, most of the people left the meeting room to work, but Zhou Fan was kept by Duanmu Xiaohong. In fact, even if Mr. Da didn't let him stay, he would still ask to stay. He has something to do. I can only tell Mr.

"Are you in any danger from this attack?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked. The other monks in the academy were blocked, and Zhou Fan might be blocked, especially when he heard that Zhou Fan's house was in ruins.

"I met a Jindan cultivator." Zhou Fan explained his encounter with the Jindan cultivator in detail.

At that time, the matter was urgent, so he had no intention of leaving a living hole. If he wanted to leave a living hole, it was inevitable that he would have to spend a lot of time with the strength shown by the Golden Core cultivator.

If he knew that Mr. Da could come back so quickly, then he would not have to rush to kill the Jindan cultivator. Of course, wanting to stay alive was just wishful thinking. If the Jindan cultivator wanted to die, it would be difficult for him to stop him. , as long as the other party's golden core and human soul explode, he has nothing to do.

He searched for the storage bag of the Jindan cultivator. There was not much in the storage bag, only some spare medicine pills and utensils. There were only so many things, and it explained one more thing. To deal with him, it may be a consideration that cannot be returned.

This is a Jindan cultivator. In Dawei, there are not many such existences.

But the Qianjing League dared to send such a powerful cultivator to stop him.

This is what he wants to tell Mr. Da, because it will reveal his strength, so he hopes that as few people as possible know about it.

After all, to be able to kill a Jindan cultivator in such a short period of time, with such strength, the six Taoist masters may not be able to do it.

Duanmu Xiaohong was slightly moved after hearing this, not only because Zhou Fan was able to kill a Jindan cultivator so quickly, but also for the Thousand Deception Alliance to send a Jindan cultivator.

"Do you think they might have come against you?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked.

"No." Zhou Fan shook his head.

He had a conflict with the Qianjing League, but this conflict came from the opposition between the official family and the evil organization, and the conflict was not too big. The Qianjing League would not want to assassinate him specifically. If there is the influence of the Zhou family's mortal enemy, then Only one Jindan cultivator will be sent, and the mortal enemy of the Zhou family is very aware of the disappearance of Hua Feihua.

That's why Zhou Fan said this.

Duanmu Xiaohong fell silent, his brows furrowed.

"Mr. Da, do you suspect that they are not only here for the spirit room of the academy?" Zhou Fan asked. In fact, everyone had discussed this issue just now, but no conclusion was reached.

"I suspect they have another purpose." Duanmu Xiaohong said slowly: "The collection of spiritual objects in the academy is rich and precious. In the Great Wei Dynasty, only the Treasure House of the Mirror Palace and the relic cave of the Great Buddha Temple can compare with them."

"But in the same way, the seal in the spiritual room has been continuously strengthened by the sages of the academy. If there is no way to open the seal, if you want to forcefully break through the spiritual room of the academy, even if the teacher is there, it is impossible to do it."

"They have prepared such a detailed plan, and they know the existence of the spiritual room, then I think they should know a little about this. They can't open the spiritual room of the academy at all."

Having said this, Duanmu Xiaohong paused for a moment and said, "Only a few people know about the seal of the spirit room, and it's not surprising that they really don't know, but this is the spirit room of the academy. Before they came, It should be understood that it is not so easy to open it."

Zhou Fan was also surprised for a while. If it was really like what Mr. Da said, the purpose of the Qianjing League was not the spirit room of the academy, so what was the reason for paying such a high price?

The Spirit Room can't be opened, is the Thousand Deception League returning empty-handed? Or have they achieved their purpose?

Duanmu Xiaohong also just wanted to understand that the purpose of the Qianzhen League is unlikely to be the Spirit Room. He shook his head and said, "This can only be understood by capturing the important figures of the Qianzhen League."

The news of the attack on the academy quickly spread throughout the Jingdu.

Because of the four ice walls that rose at that time, not to mention the great power of Jingdu, even non-official warriors and even ordinary people knew that the academy was attacked by an evil organization.

This matter spread rapidly in Jingdu, and there was a lot of discussion.

The large and small forces in Jingdu quickly learned that more than 500 people died in the academy, most of them were students.

The students of the academy, whether they are warriors or not, are the pillars of the future of the Great Wei Dynasty. Such a loss is not a big deal.

This matter was also introduced into the mirror palace at the first It was a very important matter, and the father-in-law Tong who was on duty soon told the great emperor Wei who was drinking alone.

After the Great Wei Tianzi finished listening, his face turned cold, he slapped the jade glass on the wine table, and the glass shattered into powder.

"Sacred Lord, calm down." Eunuch Tong knelt down in panic.

The rest of the little father-in-law and the guards knelt down as well.

Eunuch Tong understood why the sage was angry. When the sage was able to sit on the throne at the beginning, the academy made the most effort, and the sage has always valued the academy the most.

"Although Lin Sheng doesn't want to recognize me as a disciple, he is my teacher after all!" Emperor Wei said angrily, "It's only been so long since Lin Sheng left Jingdu when someone attacked the academy, and so many people died. How did they do things? This must be explained to the academy!"

"Yes." Mr. Tong hurriedly responded.

The emperor was furious, and naturally some people would be unlucky. The chief officer of the patrol camp in charge of the academy, Jingdu Yin, who was in charge of the governance of Jingdu, and other officials were all dismissed and thrown into prison. It was confirmed that only dereliction of duty would be allowed to be released, but It's impossible to let it go and want to be reinstated.

At the same time, the Jingdu official family began to clean the Jingdu underground world, trying to find out the members of the Qianjing League.

Even ordinary people walking on the street would occasionally see warriors of unknown origin surrounded and arrested by warriors of the Yiluan Division, and those who dared to resist would be killed directly.

In an instant, the officialdom of Jingdu and the underground world were full of blood and blood, and everyone was in danger.

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