Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1556: Weird Market


After the sixth prince, Zhou Fan saw several princes in a few days.

These princes were mediocre, either expressly or implicitly asking Zhou Fan to support him, but he declined.

During the period, the song "Butterfly in Love with Flowers" also spread rapidly in Jingdu, and Zhou Fan's talent became more and more prosperous.

Some literati even joked that although Zhou Juhua wrote very few poems, each of them is a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation. These three poems alone are enough to establish her position in the world of Wei poetry.

For a time, the name "Wednesday's first" was widely circulated.

"Wednesday's song is always better than Zhou Juhua." Zhou Fanqiang resisted the urge to cover his face and thought, fortunately, his poem has nothing to do with chrysanthemum, otherwise he would not be able to get rid of Zhou Juhua's name.

In fact, with the title of "missing", he also thought of a lyric work similar to Die Lianhua, that is, "Drunken Flowers" by Li Qingzhao.

It's just that when he thought of "the west wind with the curtain rolls, people are thinner than the yellow flowers", he immediately gave up.

After experiencing those relatively mediocre princes, today he wants to see the seventeen princes.

The seventeenth prince is also a prince mentioned by Chen Zheng.

And this prince is indeed very special, because he is the eldest son of the Queen of Great Wei, that is, the eldest son.

It's just that the Great Wei never seemed to have the primogeniture system between the two neighboring countries.

Moreover, the queen has been dead for more than ten years. If it were not for this, the other princes might not be able to compete with the seventeenth prince.

After the queen died of illness, the sage did not appoint any concubine as the queen, nor did he seem to have the intention of establishing a prince, otherwise the princes would not all be competing with each other.

No one knows why the sage did not establish a prince.

The seventeenth prince invited Zhou Fan to gather at the strange market.

As the name suggests, the quirky market is a place to buy and sell quirks.

Weird monsters are generally untamable and dangerous, but some powerful children are very interested in these dangerous monsters, and the culture of raising monsters has always flourished in Jingjing.

Of course, every monster sold in the monster market has to be registered. The children of the powerful need to be responsible for the monsters they bought. Once something happens to the monsters, these powerful children need to bear the responsibility Responsibility.

In fact, the monsters sold in the monster market also have level restrictions, and the highest level cannot be higher than the black and serious level, and even if it is a black and serious level, it must be a monster that cannot cause large-scale disasters even if it escapes. If they find that they do not comply with the regulations, the businessman will be fined and bankrupt, or he will be thrown into prison and become a prisoner.

Of course, even so, when the children of the powerful are willing to give up the money, there are often people who are willing to take the risk and traffic in dangerous and slanderous things that are higher than the black and serious level.

Zhou Fan walked into the strange market. There were not many people on the streets of the market, but they were all dressed in luxurious clothes. Such people were accompanied by several servants and warriors.

On both sides of the street, talismans or utensils are used to imprison all kinds of strange and strange things, eyeballs, black bones, a mass of yellow sand, black cats and even a little girl who looks like a human being, but the little girl has a mouth. , is the dark and fine fangs...

Only in a place like Jingdu would there be such a market... Zhou Fan felt a little skeptical, but on such a street, he was secretly on guard.

During this time, he was busy attending various banquets for the princes. In fact, he also had the intention of catching the Zhou family's mortal enemy assassin, but this kind of hope was slim, because the spread of the shadow beads would definitely change the Zhou family's mortal enemy. I have to be more cautious, and it is not so easy to get them to take action.

Qian Jingmeng did this, it really brought him a lot of trouble.

He soon arrived outside a manor called Jingfu.

Most of the Strange Markets are shops. This manor, called the Mansion, is located in a remote location and is quite famous. Even Zhou Fan, who has not been to the mirror for a long time, occasionally hears the name of the Mansion.

Rumor has it that the Jingfu sells all kinds of high-level monsters, and many of them are even beyond the scope stipulated by the official family.

Of course, it's just a rumor, at least the palace has not fallen, which shows that its background is profound.

Now that the seventeenth prince invited him here, could it be that the background of the palace is the seventeenth prince?

"But Lord Zhou Fan Zhou?" There were two young men standing in front of the residence's gate. Seeing Zhou Fan approaching, they hurriedly cupped their hands and asked.

"I am." Zhou Fan nodded slightly.

"Sir, please come in." The two young men said politely immediately.

Zhou Fan followed the two of them in. The manor was surrounded by rockeries and green water pavilions, and the environment was quiet.

But as he walked inward along the corridor, his expression became a little subtle. In order to avoid arousing suspicion, he did not turn on the eavesdropping, but he could also faintly hear all kinds of strange roars coming from the manor.

He followed the two and soon came to a vast courtyard, where a group of people were surrounding and whispering.

The onlookers were all dressed in luxurious and complicated clothes and looked young, and they should all be children of Jingdu's aristocratic families.

"Sir, please wait a moment." The two quickly squeezed into the crowd, and it didn't take long for the crowd to disperse, and a young man in a bright yellow shirt stepped out from the crowd.

The group of people were also looking at Zhou Fan and whispering.

"Zhou Fan." The young man said lukewarmly, "It's not easy to meet you."

"Your Highness, please forgive me." Zhou Fan realized that this young man was the seventeenth prince, he smiled and saluted.

But he was already a little unhappy in his heart. Those princes called him "Master Zhou" before, but these seventeen princes called him by his first name.

"Come and have a look, the palace has captured a parasitic green The seventeenth prince didn't mention it again, he turned around and walked away.

The crowd automatically parted ways.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, he followed, and saw a green tail that looked like a human arm was trapped by the dark mask.

This green tail doesn't look very good, but it's a black and serious monster.

The parasitic green tail, even if it is infuriating defense, is difficult to resist its parasitic, it is a kind of terrifying strangeness for warriors.

The parasitic green tail is constantly stroking the black mask with its tail, and the mask emits electric light, so that the parasitic green tail can't help the black mask.

"Where did we just say?" The Seventeenth Prince looked at Parasitic Green Tail and asked.

"Back to His Highness, His Highness said to let Parasitic Greentail submit to you, as long as it is willing to submit to His Highness and become His Highness's subordinate, then let it out." A son of a noble family replied.

"Very good, I remembered." The seventeenth prince looked at the parasitic green tail and asked, "Are you willing to surrender to me?"

Zhou Fan just looked at it calmly. Parasitic Green Tail was not wise at all. He couldn't even understand people's words, let alone understand people's words.

The parasitic green tail was whipping the pitch-black mask, ignoring the Seventeenth Prince at all.

"It seems that it is unwilling to surrender to me." The seventeenth prince said indifferently, "Whoever goes against me will die."

The pitch-black mask was removed, and the parasitic green tail turned into a green light and flew out. A white-haired old man shot, and he punched it. Before the parasitic green tail could get close to the crowd, it was blown away. A clump of blood.

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