Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1558: 4 Girls' Square

Not all princes would keep sending out invitations. Some princes found out that Zhou Fan was purely eating and drinking. After rejecting many princes, these princes simply gave up and stopped trying to win over Zhou Fan.

Of course, there are also princes who are full of self-confidence and did not give up.

As for those who gave up, of course Zhou Fan would not waste time going to the banquet. He paid attention to the list of princes who gave up and found that forty-five princes among the famous princes mentioned by Chen Zheng had already given up.

This made him feel a little regretful. Originally, he thought that he had already gone to see the prince. It would be interesting to see the princes mentioned by Chen Zheng, and by the way, observe which of them is most likely to win.

Of course, even if he observed it, he did not intend to participate in the battle for the throne.

With his strength and potential, he maintains an attitude of not helping each other, so no matter which prince becomes the emperor, he will not treat him badly... Of course, the seventeenth prince should be excluded now.


In Siguniangfang, every morning when the sky was still gray, countless people came out of the streets and alleys to go to work in various places in Jingdu. There were only a few fields near Jingdu, and most people could only do things by themselves. make a living or be a servant of a merchant.

Siguniangfang is one of the poorer's squares, so it is even more so.

In the early morning, countless people poured out like an appointment, forming an interesting crowd, bustling.

At a breakfast stall, he would always show up on time, buy some food, and then sit there watching the crowd.

The owner of the breakfast stall has long been used to it. In his opinion, this middle-aged man is a strange person. He bought food, but didn't touch the water, as if he wanted to find someone in the crowd.

It's just that there are so many people coming out of it every day that it's not easy to find one person from so many people.

And the shop owner felt that the middle-aged man didn't seem to be looking for someone, but laughed while watching it for a year.

The shop owner felt scared at first, and secretly reported to the patrolling Chakuai to know. Later, the Chakuai said that there was no problem with the identity of the person, and he felt at ease.

Every time the crowd completely dissipated, the middle-aged man would stand up to check out and leave.

Today is no exception, he left without saying a word.

But today there is a special place. This middle-aged man actually entered the Siguniang Square. In the past, he always left.

The shop owner felt strange when he saw this, but he quickly got busy again and didn't want to look at the weird man again.

The strange person in the eyes of the shopkeeper, the middle-aged man's spotless white boots stepped on the dirty and damp street, and soon became stained with water stains and black spots, he just smiled and didn't care.

In the early morning, Siguniang Square, where the crowds dispersed, is rarely peaceful.

This peaceful Siguniang Square will only last for a short time. After a while, it will become noisy again. The man goes out to work, but there are old women and children running the house in the square market, as well as walking around the streets. small traders.

"Your Highness." There was a short, fat man beside the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded. He was in a good mood. He was the forty-fifth prince, and he was known as the most sympathetic prince in the court.

"Ye Si." The forty-fifth prince said, "Those idiots in the court, seeing that I often come to the poor house, say that I love the people like a son. Are they right?"

"Your Highness, you call them idiots, of course they are wrong." Ye Si replied.

"Yeah, how do they know what I'm thinking?" The forty-fifth prince sighed, "I'm here because I just want to come, why do I need to be so pretentious?"

"If they don't come, they will never be seen. In fact, they are no different from these poor people who work hard day and night for three meals of food and clothing. They are all human beings, and they are all struggling to survive in the mud."

"It's just some poor worms." His voice was full of compassion.

"They don't know that His Highness can save them from water and fire. If they don't take the initiative to kneel in front of His Highness and beg His Highness to save them, then they can only be pitiful creatures and are not qualified to be protected by His Highness." Ye Si also showed sympathy on his face. .

"I'm not fraternity, I only save people I think are worth saving." Prince Forty-five said.

"Isn't Your Highness going to give that Zhou Fan a chance?" Ye Si asked.

"Ye Si, it's not that I didn't give him a chance, but that he gave up." The forty-fifth prince shook his head and said, "Since the first time I invited him, if he doesn't come, then he won't have a chance."

"If that's the case, why does His Highness send him invitations one after another?" Ye Si asked in confusion.

"You forgot again." The forty-fifth prince smiled and said, "I don't often tell you that we want to be a treasure that does not shine in the dark, and wait for the moment when the light is released to dispel the darkness. Before that, we must hide in Undetectable in the dark."

"My brothers all sent him invitations, and of course I have to have them send them to him. Now that some people don't send them, I will stop sending them."

"That Zhou Fan is now the eye of the storm. If you get close, it will only attract more attention, and it will not do any good. Don't say that he didn't catch it when I gave it a chance. Even if he catches it, I have to weigh the pros and cons. ."

"I see." Ye Si said, "What if Zhou Fan took the initiative to visit His Highness?"

"Of course he refused his visit." The forty-fifth prince crossed a pothole on the road and smiled: "My brothers are too stupid, they can only see the immediate benefits, but everyone knows that Zhou Fan is probably just a bait~www I haven't seen Zhou Fan for a long time, just want to see if we princes have the ambition to usurp the throne."

"His Royal Highness." Ye Si hesitated and said, "Didn't you say that the sage has always been disdainful of such small actions?"

The forty-fifth prince stopped. He looked in the direction of Jinggong and said silently for a while, "He has never done such a test, but that doesn't mean he won't do it."

"If you do it, it's a trap, and you have to pay a lot of money. Why should you jump into it in a hurry to attract an immortal Zhou Fan?"

"Your Highness is right." Ye Si slightly lowered his head and said.

The forty-fifth prince turned his head and said, "I never thought that my opponents were just my brothers. My biggest opponent will always be the royal father who can never leave the palace. I hope you also understand."

Ye Si said in a trembling voice, "Yes, follow His Highness's teachings."

The forty-fifth prince ignored Ye Si, he just whispered to himself: "It's just that no one ever knew what he was thinking, and what he was going to do, the sage of the academy couldn't see it, and neither did the old head of the Great Buddha Temple. I understand, I don't understand either."

"This is what makes him scary. The Sacred Heart is unpredictable."

The two have reached the end of the street, and they seem to be talking about this kind of thing on the street, but in fact, no one can even see them walking down the street, let alone hear them talking. .

They seem to be lurking in the shadows.

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