Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1562: ask directly


The Great Wei Emperor is indifferent to everything in the world?

"Wrong." Duanmu Xiaohong shook his head and said, "The Sage is not such a person. If this were the case, the Great Wei would have been in chaos long ago. There are a lot of unknowable troubles that the Sage resolved."

"That may be my mistake." Zhou Fan said, it's not surprising that he felt wrong. After all, he has only met the Great Wei Tianzi once, and no one can see through a person in such a short period of time.

Chen Zheng didn't say anything, but showed a look of thought, "The sage's attitude has always been easy-going and lazy. He invites you to dinner, walks and chats, and doesn't ask about Hanbei Dao. There is no big problem."

"Even if he doesn't care what the prince said about inviting you, he's not joking. He really doesn't care."

"But that involves the struggle for the throne..." Zhou Fan was stunned and said, in his opinion, an emperor might not care about the struggle between princes for the throne, and even the selection of the heir to the throne can be screened by a cruel method like raising a gu.

But it's impossible not to care about the princes' challenge to his imperial power, but the words of the emperor of Wei sounded like he didn't care about the forces of all parties, and the ministers with powerful powers supported the prince to covet his throne.

Even if you don't care in your heart, you should pretend to care on the surface. Otherwise, wouldn't this condone the princes' rebellion?

"That's because the princes dared to compete for the position of the heir to the throne, but they never dared to provoke the Sage." Chen Zheng said with a complicated expression: "As long as the Sage sits in that position, no one can affect him, not the teacher, the one from the Great Buddha Temple. Not even the old boss, let alone the princes."

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes twitched. He thought of the light from Jingdu. Emperor Wei's strength was stronger than he thought. Even the sage of the academy and the head of the Great Buddha Temple couldn't shake his position.

"But I don't understand, why did he ask about the leader of the Class A class?" Chen Zheng showed a puzzled look on his face.

"Fifth Junior Brother, I know, but this matter involves Zhou Fan, so I can't tell you." Duanmu Xiaohong said calmly.

"Senior brother, I understand, then I'll avoid it first." Chen Zheng stood up with a smile and stepped out.

In the room, only Duanmu Xiaohong and Zhou Fan were left in an instant.

Duanmu Xiaohong believed that her junior brother would not eavesdrop.

Zhou Fan asked, "Mr. Da, what's going on?"

"The sage used to study under the teacher's door for a long time in the academy." Duanmu Xiaohong sighed: "But unfortunately the teacher and I don't know him. Instead, he knows us a lot. He probably guessed it."

"Guess what?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"This year's academy class A major exam is the responsibility of the teacher. All the exam questions are written by the teacher. The purpose is to select a candidate who the teacher thinks is good. This candidate will be selected from the leader of the class A class." Duanmu Xiaohong looked Zhou Fan said, "You are that candidate."

"What did you choose me for?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise.

"Train you so that you can help the academy and Dawei in the future." Duanmu Xiaohong said.

Zhou Fan understood, he had always been a little strange before, why the academy attached so much importance to him and spared no resources to train him.

"What are the test questions?" Zhou Fan asked with a strange look on his face. He still feels that the test questions are incomprehensible and weird.

Did the sage choose him from these exam questions?

Zhou Fan felt that it was a bit incredible.

"These are the exam questions." Duanmu Xiaohong said, "This is the teacher's unique screening method. If you want to come to the sage, you already know that it is you."

Duanmu Xiaohong didn't want to talk about the chance of life, because it was not suitable, and talking about it would only put pressure on Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan also heard that Mr. Da concealed some things from him, but nothing he said was false. He said solemnly, "The sage knows it's me, what effect does it have on me?"

If according to what Mr. Da said, the sage of the academy chose him only to let him help the academy and the Great Wei in the future, then the Great Wei Emperor should not deal with him.

But he had read the top ten news from the Secret Pavilion. The Secret Pavilion wanted to know the current relationship between the saint of the academy and the imperial family of Great Wei. This news explained some problems.

"It should have no effect." Duanmu Xiaohong hesitated: "Because of some things, the relationship between the teacher and the sage is very tense, but the sage still respects the teacher, otherwise he would not be so angry about the attack on the academy."

It shouldn't matter... Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, and he said bluntly, "What if the Sage wants to be against me? What should I do?"

"No." Duanmu Xiaohong shook his head and said, "With the teacher here, the sage knows that you are the one chosen by the teacher. If the sage wants to take action against you, he must also consider the thoughts of the teacher and the academy."

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He thought so too. Even if Emperor Wei was very powerful, he would not be reckless. Especially since the sage had taught him, there should be no problem with Duanmu Xiaohong's argument.

In fact, the safest way is for him to leave Jingdu, the place of right and wrong... No, this is not safe. If Emperor Wei wants to attack him, he will send out a light like destroying the little brain demon, and he can attack even if he is in Hanbei Road. get him.

From this point of view, whether it is possible to leave Jingdu, I am afraid it does not make much sense.

I don't know if his strongest defense is hiding in the old days, can he avoid that light?

Also, he may not be able to sense the arrival of the light in advance. UU reading When he sees the light, he does not know if there is enough time?

Zhou Fan calmed his mind, he thought for a while, and said with a solemn expression, "I still have something to ask Mr.

"But it doesn't matter." Duanmu Xiaohong picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

"Someone told me that my debriefing in the mirror was led by the aristocratic family, but the academy also contributed to the flames, so I went to the mirror to report to the saint." Zhou Fan said slowly.

He still decided to speak out, because he didn't necessarily believe in the academy, but he believed in Duanmu Xiaohong's behavior.

And he couldn't think of why the academy would do this. Blind suspicion will only make his relationship with the academy farther and farther away. It is better to say it generously and see how they will answer.

If the academy has bad intentions towards him, then with his current status, he can betray the academy.

But what he said just now made him feel that the academy might not do anything malicious to him.

Duanmu Xiaohong was stunned, he put down the tea cup, "This is impossible, why do we want you to come to Jingdu soon when you are the Daoist of Hanbei?"

"But that person said it for sure." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "As for who that person is, I can't tell Mr. Da for the time being. In fact, I don't understand. Did the academy actually do such a thing? But I believe Mr. Da. , if Mr. Big says no, then there is no."

Duanmu Xiaohong had a thoughtful look on her face. He pondered for a while and said, "I still think it's impossible. I'll ask Fifth Junior Brother to come over and ask him."

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