Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1564: Linglong Restaurant

Because the sage of the academy couldn't calculate his fate, he thought he was the lifeline of the great robbery academy?

After listening to it, Zhou Fan felt a burst of surprise in his heart. Of course he knew what was going on. He was a lifeless person. Even the guides on the ship couldn't see his fate, and the saints of the academy couldn't see it. surprisingly.

"If..." Zhou Fan said to Mr. Da, "I mean, if the sage made a mistake, I'm not that chance of life? I might not be able to save the academy."

"If it's really wrong, there's nothing you can do." Duanmu Xiaohong sighed, "It's because we made a mistake and it has nothing to do with you, so you don't have to put too much pressure."

Zhou Fan understood that this was a big gamble, which made his heart even more heavy. It seemed that the sage of the academy had a very pessimistic view of the catastrophe.

What will the scene be like when the catastrophe comes?

It's just this catastrophe, the guides seem to know nothing... It can't be said that they don't know anything, the emperor of all nations on the ship who looks completely crazy thinks that a catastrophe is coming, because of the catastrophe, he will Imprisoned on a boat.

Claiming to cooperate with the ship to prepare for the catastrophe... But the catastrophe mentioned by the emperor of the kingdoms should not be the same as the catastrophe of the great Wei. After all, the catastrophe of the great Wei is once every thousand years, and the emperor of the kingdoms is on the boat. How long it has been, I can't tell.

I was actually thinking about what a lunatic said, am I crazy... Zhou Fan woke up and felt a little funny, he said a few more words to Mr. Da and left.

The sage of the academy tricked him once, but Zhou Fan still believed what Mr. Da said, so let this matter be put aside for the time being.



Jingdu couldn't leave for the time being, so Zhou Fan started to invite the princes again. He planned to go over the banquet of these princes, and then stay for ten days. If the emperor of Wei didn't want to summon him, he would find an excuse to ask back Hanbei Dao, see if the Emperor Wei will allow him to leave.

Even after he left Hanbei Dao for so long, he still knew exactly what happened in Hanbei Dao. Whether it was the news from the main residence of Hanbei Dao or receiving prayers from believers with the help of the Great Immortal Xiaosu, he could know a lot of things.

It can be said that the foundation of his new Hanbei Daoist is more stable than everyone thinks. Hanbei Dao has always been firmly in his hands, and the other six Daoists may not have as much control over him as him.

He could go to two or three princes' banquets a day, and even the seventy-one princes he first met went to a banquet.

Among the more famous princes that Chen Zheng mentioned, forty-five princes have never been seen, but there are also eighty-six and one-hundred-one princes.

But this morning, Zhou Fan was going to the banquet of the eighty-six princes.

He appeared in Linglong Restaurant in Linglong Square.

The mirror is big and there are many restaurants. Linglong Restaurant is just one of them, and there is nothing special about it.

But the eighty-sixth prince asked him to come here to meet, and he came. The restaurant did not close because the eighty-sixth prince invited him to come over.

There were also many people dining in the restaurant in the early morning.

"My lord, please come with me, His Highness is waiting for you inside." A man dressed as a second child whispered after Zhou Fan came in.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, the eighty-six prince asked him to meet here, there should be no problem in terms of safety.

Zhou Fan followed the shop's second to the inside, but he entered the back kitchen of the restaurant.

There are several cooks in the back kitchen busy cooking.

One of the young people pointed at him.

"You've put too much oil."

"Not enough firepower."

"Idiot, there's a little more salt, I poured it out and fried it."

The young man's face was serious.

The shop assistant went to the young man and said, "Your Highness, Lord Zhou is here."

Zhou Fan's mood was a little subtle. He didn't expect that this young man in simple clothes was the eighty-six princes.

"Your Highness." Zhou Fan bowed his hands and said.

"Ha, Lord Zhou." The eighty-sixth prince smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I'll kill a chicken first, and we'll eat soy sauce chicken later."

"Your Highness is busy." Zhou Fan smiled.

The eighty-six princes caught a black-feathered chicken from a corner cage, cut its throat neatly and let it bleed.

Zhou Fan watched Prince Eighty-six busy and praised: "His Royal Highness is superb in cooking."

"There are few people in the world who can compare to me in cooking." The Eighty-sixth Prince smiled and said, "I just like these things, but I am not interested in studying and practicing. Among so many brothers, I am afraid that is my realm. It's the lowest, and now it's just the blood exchange stage."

"That's just what His Highness didn't want to do. If you want to, even if it's Qi Gang section, it's not difficult." Zhou Fan told the truth.

"I'm not interested in these fighting and killing." Prince Eighty-six shook his head.

With the help of the cooks, the eighty-sixth prince prepared a table of dishes.

The eighty-sixth prince greeted Zhou Fan to sit down. He was satisfied with the dishes with all the colors and flavors, and a happy smile appeared on his face: "Master Zhou, try it."

Zhou Fan just ate a piece of soy sauce chicken with a chopstick, he couldn't help but praised a few words, the cooking skills of the Eighty-six Princes really have nothing to say.

But the sense of weirdness in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. Could it be that Chen Zheng said that the 86th prince is famous because he cooked a good dish?

If this is the case, then the eighty-six princes will really sit on the throne in the future, and a story book about the 'Emperor Cook' can be published.

Zhou Fan was silently complaining in his heart. After eating and drinking with the eighty-six princes, they discussed topics such as 'how to make this dish more delicious'.

After the meal was Prince 86 still did not express or imply that Zhou Fan supported him.

Zhou Fan just waited patiently. Of course, the eighty-six princes might not mention this. After all, not all princes would mention this the first time they saw him.

"Thanks to His Royal Highness's hospitality, I have something to deal with. If Your Highness has nothing to do..." Zhou Fan said his farewell after feeling that it was almost the same.

"Master Zhou, in fact, I don't want to be an emperor at all." Prince Eighty-six suddenly interrupted Zhou Fan's farewell speech with a smile.

Zhou Fan: "..."

He doesn't believe this.

"Master Zhou may not believe it." Eighty-six princes said: "I am only suitable to be a cook, but I was born in the imperial family. My brothers are all dragons and phoenixes. If I say I want to be a cook, they will definitely not believe it. So I can only think of developing some forces to protect myself."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid that the cook will not be able to do it, and I will slaughter the chicken just now and make it into a soy sauce chicken."

"Only dead people won't fight for the throne with them, right, Lord Zhou?" The eighty-sixth prince showed a mocking look, and he saw that Zhou Fan was silent, and continued: "This kind of involuntary, only me and some The prince who also doesn't want to be an emperor has a deep understanding, and Lord Zhou may not understand."

I understand and I don't understand... Zhou Fan felt a little helpless, he comforted: "This is how things are in the world, how can everything be as expected?"

I still want to be as handsome as Senior Long, do you think this is possible... Zhou Fan silently added in his heart.

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