Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1587: to make purpose

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"The sage and the envoys from the two countries did not tell us what they wanted to discuss." Wang Daozi replied to Zhou Fan's doubts in their hearts, "The sage asked us to receive them well."

Even the three people don't know what the Holy One wants to talk to them about?

Everyone was silent for a while. If the saint didn't want to say it, I'm afraid no one would know, but this did not prevent them from having all kinds of guesses in their hearts.

"Do you know who it is?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked with a serious face.

Although Xiliang and Dongyue are far inferior to Dawei, they are not without masters. If the top cultivators come, in this situation when his teacher is not in Jingdu, putting those monks in the mirror will be all the same. A very dangerous thing.

"We asked them to send people below the Dao Realm." Ye Gaoshan explained, "They agreed, but we have to check them carefully before they enter the mirror capital, so don't be deceived by them."

"On the contrary, it is those people who I wish to come." Dongmen piped a flute and sneered, "If it is them, then don't want to leave when you come."

It's not that Dongmen is playing the flute blindly and arrogantly. Jingdu has the most powerful guardian formation in the entire Wei Dynasty. The two countries really dare to send those top monks into Jingdu. Once the big formation is activated, it will be difficult to escape.

What Duanmu Xiaohong was worried about was that the fight in Jingdu would only hurt innocent people.

Therefore, the two countries should not have the courage to send such a master into Jingdu.

"It's better to be careful in everything, then it will be us, together with Eunuch Long in the palace, to welcome the envoys from the two countries." Xiao Hui said.

Of course the people in the hall would have no opinion.

After discussing how to welcome the envoys from the two countries, the crowd dispersed.

Zhou Fan, Duanmu Xiaohong, and Chen Zheng from the academy left in the same car.

After leaving the Mirror Palace, Chen Zheng said with a serious face, "Senior brother, what do you think the sage wants to talk about with Xiliang and Dongyue?"

"At this time..." Duanmu Xiaohong paused and said, "I'm afraid it's not that the sage wants to talk to them, but they want to talk to the sage."

Zhou Fan's face was a little subtle, he understood that the catastrophe was coming, and Xi Liang and Dong Yue couldn't sit still, so they came to discuss with Da Wei.

In the first two calamities, Xiliang and Dongyue were not called Liang and Yue countries, but almost became no-man’s land. After that, they slowly recovered and recovered. When the catastrophe came, life was wiped out, and the dynasty was destroyed. This is the crisis facing both countries.

Only Da Wei managed to survive the first two calamities. Even if less than 10% of the population died, the foundation was still there and the country was not destroyed. How could such things not be eye-catching?

Chen Zheng's thoughts were similar to those of Duanmu Xiaohong. He worriedly said, "There is no way to talk about this kind of thing. We are all too busy to help them."

Chen Zheng was stunned again, "Could it be that the sage still wants to promise them..."

"Impossible." Duanmu Xiaohong's face sank, "Even if the Holy Master agrees, the Great Buddha Temple, our academy, and the aristocratic family will not agree."

"Promise them what?" Zhou Fan felt a little baffled.

"The number of places to enter the palace." Chen Zheng didn't hide it. Zhou Fan's level is also qualified to know this kind of thing. No one told him before, just because he had just become the Hanbei Daoist, he had not come into contact with this aspect in a short time. Just things.

Palace quota? Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"More precisely, it is the number of places to enter the palace during the catastrophe." Chen Zheng said with a serious face, "When the catastrophe comes, the safest place for Dawei is Jingdu, and the safest place for Jingdu is Jinggong."

"The royal family is benevolent, and every time a catastrophe comes, people outside will be allowed to take refuge in the palace."

"It's just that no matter how big the Mirror Palace is, the number of people it can accommodate is limited. In addition to considering the consumption of food reserves, the Mirror Palace can accommodate up to one million people."

A million people?

Zhou Fan's mood immediately became heavy, which sounds like a lot, but Da Wei is really too big, even if it is a city of Jingdu, the population has reached 20 million!

"How long can one million people support in the palace?" Zhou Fan asked with a frown.

"As long as there is no problem with the Tongtian Mirror, as long as the population is balanced, there will be no problem for decades." Duanmu Xiaohong replied, "We have made a detailed plan. We can grow food in the palace, and we can be self-sufficient."

"How was the quota confirmed?" Zhou Fan asked his most concerned question with a solemn expression.

This Mirror Palace has become a temporary refuge when the catastrophe comes, and the chances of surviving by hiding in it are greater than before.

Duanmu Xiaohong was silent for a while and said, "The quota is set when it is confirmed that the catastrophe is coming. Every official recognized force will have a certain quota. In addition, talents in various fields are also You can enter the Mirror Palace's quota."

Of course, ordinary people cannot enter the Mirror Palace, and can only take refuge in other places outside the Mirror Palace. The chance of survival is not impossible, but it is very low.

It's just that there is no way to do this. In addition to those aristocratic families, talents, warriors, and monks in various fields are the foundation of the great Wei nation, and they are also the guarantee for the rapid rise of the great Wei after the catastrophe. They are the hope of the great Wei.

"Sometimes, we have to make cruel choices." Duanmu Xiaohong said, "Even a Buddhist school that advocates equality for all living beings has nothing to say about this kind of thing."

"Zhou Fan, as the Daoist Hanbei, you also have a certain number of places in your hand. You can send your relatives and friends to the Mirror Palace." Chen Zheng said.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly. It's not surprising that he has a quota, but it still made him feel heavy, "So, the envoys of the two countries entered the palace to face the holy this time, do they want a quota?"

"It should be." Chen Zheng said, "Besides the quota, I can't think of what they want to talk about when they come to see the saint."

"The sage will not give them places. Our places are not enough. How can we control their Xiliang and Dongyue?"

That said, but Chen Zheng didn't have enough confidence, because it was getting harder and harder to guess what the sage did.

The next morning, before dawn, Zhou Fan got up early, and took a talisman car to North 34 Gate with Duanmu Xiaohong and Chen Zheng.

The North Thirty-Four Doors are just spare doors, if nothing happens, they will not be opened.

The envoys from the two countries will come in through this door.

The talisman masters of the official family are checking the detection talisman of the North Thirty-Four Gates, and add other talismans according to the pre-arrangement.

Of course, these arrays are not The other party may have the means to fool them.

That's why Zhou Fan and the others came over in person to personally confirm the envoy's situation.

On both sides of the door stood the warriors of Yiluan Division.

Three-phase, two national teachers, Dongmen playing the flute, and Eunuch Long have all come.

The two national teachers from large and small Buddhist temples have always been taciturn.

Dongmen is also standing playing the flute, and no one pays attention. In this case, if he talks to San San, he will definitely offend the academy. If he talks to the people from the academy, he will definitely offend the family. Nobody cares.

As for Eunuch Long, he would not even pay attention to these people outside the palace, he just came to monitor.

For a while, no one spoke much except for the Fu Shi and martial artists who were in charge of the work and the big men at the city gate.

"Sir, the arrangement has been completed." A talisman came to the east gate and saluted.

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