Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1619: pavilion master

If you can tell me, I am willing to pay any price.

Anyone who is familiar with the secret pavilion would be shocked by this, because the pavilion master's words are too heavy, so heavy that it is almost impossible to refuse.

The emperor of Great Wei knew something about the Secret Pavilion, and he also vaguely knew the power of the Secret Pavilion, otherwise the emperors of the Great Wei would not have allowed the Secret Pavilion to survive in Great Wei for so long.

In particular, the Secret Pavilion has been openly trying to spy on the secrets of the Wei royal family.

It's just that no matter how powerful the Secret Pavilion is, Emperor Wei still shook his head and said, "You can't afford what I want."

"If you don't tell me, how do you know that I can't afford it?" The pavilion master sat down cross-legged and said, "I can give you more than you think. Even if you want to be the overlord of the mainland, the secret pavilion can do its best for you. do it."

"Are you the strongest in the pavilion?" Emperor Wei asked.

"It is." The pavilion master said: "But there are two guest ministers in the pavilion, and their strength is comparable to mine."

"Come here with your real body, if you can beat me, I'll tell you the secret." Emperor Wei said, "If I can't beat me, what qualifications do you have to know this secret?"

The pavilion master was slightly silent, "I don't need to fight, I know that I can't win. Your royal father once killed a monk who was stronger than me."

The Great Wei Tianzi sighed: "Then there is no way."

"I want to know, is this a rule set by the Wei royal family or a rule you set up yourself?" the pavilion master asked.

"It's okay to tell you." The Emperor Wei said, "The rules set by Emperor Taizu."

The pavilion master asked again, "Why are there such rules?"

"This can't be said." Dawei Tianzi said: "I don't understand why you people are trying to spy on the secrets of the Dawei royal family, and even risk it."

"Because it's too mysterious." The pavilion master praised: "The tentacles of the secret pavilion have reached countless countries, but there has never been a country as mysterious as the Great Wei. There is no cultivation sect as the backing, and it has powerful treasures, but no one can take it away. ."

"During the period when the Great Wei Dynasty was established, your Taizu Emperor Li Ji killed many powerful monks. In the three thousand years after the founding of the dynasty, the emperors of successive dynasties beheaded countless monks and strong men, until later, few people dared to dare. Coveted the Tongtian Mirror of the Great Wei."

"Up to now, apart from those strong people, the people outside Dawei have not even heard of the existence of the Heavenly Mirror."

"Great Wei is the country in the Barbarian Star Realm that has buried the most powerful monks."

The Great Wei Tianzi said lightly: "I am afraid that I am the one who killed the fewest powerful monks among the emperors of all dynasties, and because of this, I have lost the vigilance that I should have. It seems that I can only be imprisoned in a hall now. The pavilion master is really a good plan. "

"There is actually a lot of luck in this matter." The pavilion master said with some feeling: "If it wasn't for your carelessness, and the people below have different opinions, even if I have the method of ban, I can't do it. to such an extent.”

"Where did you find the ban method?" The Emperor Wei asked, even he didn't know that the Tongtian Mirror had such shortcomings.

"Even if you are willing to exchange that secret, I can't tell you, but I made an oath." The pavilion master thought about it and said, "Some monks said that the secrets kept by the emperors of the Wei Dynasty are about stepping into the highest realm of monks. Yes, there are also monks who say that the secrets kept by the emperors of the Wei Dynasty are about strange things..."

"The secret that only the emperors of the Great Wei Dynasty can know, what kind of secret is it?"

Dawei Tianzi smiled lightly, "There is no need to use words to test, no matter what the secret is, I will not tell you."

"Are you unwilling to tell me or can't tell?" The pavilion master's eyes flickered.

"Whatever you think." Emperor Wei closed his eyes. "If you want to know, you can try to enter the hall. As long as you win me, I can't even think about it."

"Even if I am certain, I would not dare to enter the hall. If I lose, you will definitely kill me." The pavilion master stood up and patted his clothes. In the aristocratic family, the Great Wei Emperor must have hated him to the core.

"Of course you have to pay the price if you lose." Emperor Wei smiled and said, "You don't dare to come in, and you should understand in your heart that I won't tell you that secret.

"I also know that there is little hope, but I always have to try to ask." The pavilion master said: "The secret is dug up after repeated attempts. I will definitely try to know the secret kept by the emperor Wei."

The pavilion master's body dissipated on the spot, and the formation deployed by the three-phase aristocratic family could not isolate a big man like him.

As soon as the pavilion master left, the Great Wei Emperor lowered his head and thought, and soon his face showed mockery. Those outsiders either coveted the Tongtian Mirror or the secret passed down from generation to generation by the Great Wei Emperor, but they would never get one of them. .

He looked at the pitch-black throne on the steps of the Ziyu Building again, and sighed softly, "Is it really worth giving up everything in the first place?"

This question has always puzzled the kings of the Great Wei Dynasty, and no one knows why he gave up everything?

What he gave up was too precious.



"Eunuch Tong was killed by his godfather, but Eunuch Tong's comrades haven't died yet."

"They didn't die, and the godfather's revenge was not avenged!"

Eunuch Ao looked at the three remaining righteous brothers and said, "But they are powerful now. You are not sorry for your godfather. Even if you give up revenge for your godfather and live the life you want, it is not impossible."

Eunuch Ding looked at each other, Eunuch Ding asked, "Brother Ao, what about you? What are your thoughts?"

"I'm different from you." Ao Gonggong said: "I and my godfather have always depended on each other for life. Without my godfather, there would be no me. Of course, I will avenge the godfather's revenge for him."

Ding Gonggong three all looked at each other, and then nodded slightly.

Ding Gonggong said with a smile: "Brother Ao, our relationship with godfather is not as good as yours with godfather, but godfather recognizes us as his adopted son and has never treated us in the slightest. Since we are his adopted son, how can godfather be Killing, not avenging for him."

"Have you really made up your mind?" Eunuch Ao asked, "This may be How could Eunuch Long's adopted son spare his life?" Eunuch Xu said with a stern face.

It's fair and fair: "That's right, Big Brother Ao is going to be long-winded."

Grandpa Ao just nodded lightly. After his godfather died, his whole person became much more stable.

The four discussed, and now that the godfather is dead, the contacts of the godfather who are scattered all over the place must be gathered together, and they may be dispersed later.

Revenge is impossible without power.

Ding Gonggong, Xu Gonggong, and Pan Gonggong announced their resignation with Ao Gong and set off to go to work.

After Eunuch Ding and the three of them left, Eunuch Ao sat under the eaves.

The academy accommodated them, but now the mirror has formed a deadlock. They want to take revenge, and it cannot be done in a moment. It takes time.

He wasn't thinking about revenge, he was thinking about godfather.

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