Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1630: combat readiness

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The world's aristocratic family is headed by King Xiao Ye, and almost all Buddhist temples in Hanbei Road are branch temples of the Great Buddha Temple.

But the family's most important interests are that they are in Hanbei Dao. If Hanbei Dao is completely occupied, it will definitely not be a good thing for the family in Hanbei Dao.

Similarly, the foundation of Buddhist temples lies in believers. If Buddhist temples in Hanbei Dao are unwilling to help Hanbei Dao defend against Xiliang, how do believers in Hanbei Dao view them?

"The reply from the Hanbei Dao family and the Buddhist temple is very clear. Of course, they will help defend against the invasion of Xiliang, but they do not admit that adults are the Hanbei Daoist anymore." Du Ni said, "They plan to organize their own team to enter the Heishui Duhufu to help."

Zhou Fan's face turned cold. The Hanbei Dao family and the Buddhist temple had a really good idea. In doing so, they didn't have to worry about offending their superiors or someone saying that they would not resist the invasion of Xiliang.

"Tell them that if they want to help defend against the Xiliang Army, they must obey the command of the Taoist Lord's Mansion." Zhou Fan said with a sullen face, "If they don't obey, let them go back where they came from."

"But if this is the case..." Ye Lai Tianxiang said hesitantly, "The situation on the side of the Heishui Protectorate will be even worse."

"If you don't obey the command, it's just a straggler, and how much can it play?" Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "If you don't obey the order, I'd rather not, let them choose, I'll see if they choose to protect their own interests or listen to Xiao. Ye Wang's three families and the Great Buddha Temple."

If they choose to watch...then he will take care of them when he drives the Xi Liang army back.

Zhou Fan's attitude was firm, and Du Ni and the others didn't say more, but they all looked worried.

"You don't have to worry, we may not lose." Zhou Fan thought about it and told his plan.

Du Ni and the others were stunned.

"Xiliang must have a strange phenomenon now. If this is the case, if only half of the sixteenth battalion of Xiliang came, we may all win." Hou Shisanjian said happily.

"We must also prepare for the arrival of the sixteenth battalion of Xiliang." Du Ni said, "But there is a sign of catastrophe. If they can't attack for a long time, they will definitely withdraw their troops."

Because of the omen of the catastrophe, the current situation of Dawei is not good, and the situation of Xiliang will not be good. Therefore, there is a consensus on the North Han Road. Xiliang will choose a quick battle. There is no other Dao and Jingdu in the North Han Road With support, it is impossible to win against Xi Liang. What they have to do is to defend and survive the fierce attack of Xi Liang.

Hanbei Dao has long been prepared to fortify the walls and clear the fields.

Zhou Fan discussed with Du Ni and the others, and after quickly confirming that there was no problem, he let Du Ni and the others busy.

After Du Ni and the others left, Zhou Fan thought.

This battle is too important to him.

If he loses, he will definitely lose the right to rule Hanbei Dao, and the plan of Grandpa Ao can no longer be implemented.

So he can't lose.

Only a few of Du Ni and the others knew about Zhou Fan's return. After he asked Du Ni and the others to come and bring back the three Xiaobai brothers and sisters for him, they stayed in his house and concentrated on practicing.

It seems like this kind of large-scale war, let alone that he has never seen it, even Du Ni and Yelaitianxiang have not experienced it, but fortunately the Taoist Mansion has experienced staff officers and some generals who have experienced wars. How to fight the specific execution? Just leave it to these people.

Du Ni and the others were more responsible for logistical work, confirming the smooth progress of combat readiness, and Zhou Fan did not show up from beginning to end.

The big and small forces in Hanbei Dao thought that the Daoist Lord was still on the way, and this Daoist Lord was abolished by the new monarch. If the Hanbei Daoist mansion had already been controlled by Zhou Fan, maybe the Hanbei Daoist mansion was already in the hands of Zhou Fan. messed up.

The strange things in the Hanbei Road can only be dealt with temporarily by the local government. The Hanbei Dao's main mansion is making all-out preparations for the war.

The atmosphere of the Black Water Protectorate was like the dark clouds in the sky, and no one knew when the blizzard would come.

The spies of the Heishui Duhufu had already seen Xiliang's barracks appearing on the border, and only six barracks had been detected.

The sixteenth battalion of Xiliang, the six battalion has 600,000 soldiers and horses, of course not all of them are warriors, but such a number is enough to make any force despair.

The Xiliang Barracks appeared, but did not immediately launch an attack.

The Heishui Duhufu has set up a long line of defense on the border, but this line of defense was arranged in a hurry and is not perfect. The Xiliang Army did not launch an attack when it was most needed. For the Blackwater Dufufu, it was very Good thing.

"What are they waiting for?" Zhou Fan asked Du Ni and the others after knowing the situation.

"They may be waiting for other military camps to come over, and then defeat our defense line at one time." Du Ni explained the analysis of the staff.

According to the analysis of the staff members, the 16th battalion of Xiliang is scattered in every corner of Xiliang country. It takes time to gather the army. The Xiliang army has to wait for the number of people to overwhelm Hanbei Road. This can avoid There is too much damage.

"It may also be waiting for Luo Zhengtian to go back." Xiong Feixiu said.

When it came to Luo Zhengtian, the meeting room was silent for a while. Luo Zhengtian, the general of Xiliang, was very weak, but he was a military genius.

Da Wei couldn't even find a military genius who could rival Luo Zhengtian.

"They won't be waiting for Luo Zhengtian." Zhou Fan said, "Even if Luo Zhengtian doesn't go back, he can command the army to attack through the sound transmission jade talisman."

"Then we can only wait for more military camps to be assembled." Yelaitianxiang sighed, "Some of the news sent by our Great Wei's spies in Xiliang fell into the hands of the Jingdu family, and only part of it can be obtained. I don't know Xiliang now. How many military camps are you going to put into this war?"

Now this situation can only make the Heishui Dufufu be careful.

Zhou Fan discussed the matter with everyone, and he asked, "Have you found Luo Zhengtian's whereabouts?"

He hid the news of his return just to deal with Luo Zhengtian and them.

If you want to choose to kill between Luo Zhengtian and the third in the he will choose to kill Luo Zhengtian without hesitation.

In such a large-scale war, Luo Zhengcai is the person who threatens the North Han Road the most.

Du Ni shook his head, Hanbei Dao Yiluan Division has not found Luo Zhengtian's whereabouts yet, and no one knows where they are now.

In a blink of an eye, another ten days passed. During these ten days, the atmosphere at the border of the Black Water Protectorate became more and more tense.

The good news is that the first batch of support from the Sanzhou Yiluan Division came to the Heishui Duhufu one after another. The number was not large, only more than 10,000 people, but the people who came were all warriors, which were considered elites.

Under the threat of the Xiliang army, the Sanzhou Yiluan Division finally did not dare to delay support, abandoning the prejudice of various factions, and more official warriors will participate in the follow-up.

As for the aristocratic families and Buddhist temples in Hanbei Dao, under the tough attitude of the main mansion of Hanbei Dao, their choices were different. Some families chose to send troops to support them. As for the branch temples of the Great Buddha Temple in Hanbei Dao, they kept silent.

Zhou Fan wrote them down one by one.

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