Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1639: from the war

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"Brother Zhou." Li Jiuyue was speechless. Before she came, she was very worried that Zhou Fan would not be able to accept this fact, but now Zhou Fan said that she was very moved when she could accept it.

"Do you think I'm fine?" Zhou Fan asked with a smile.

"That's not it." Li Jiuyue calmed down, she pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "I'm a little disappointed, I thought you would say that even if I became a man, you would still like me as always, who knows that you actually said that if I were a man When you become a man, you have to separate from me."

"But I really can't like men." Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Please forgive me."

Li Jiuyue burst out laughing, and Zhou Fan also knew that she was joking, and laughed as well.

The two laughed for a while, and Li Jiuyue couldn't help but said, "Brother Zhou, I really want to hug you."

"No." Zhou Fan resisted rolling his eyes and said, "You are a man now, what's the matter with us hugging each other?"

"You despised me so soon." Li Jiuyue snorted.

"Who told you, you idiot, to use a man to see me?" Zhou Fan said angrily.

Li Jiuyue was also a little remorseful in her heart, but she quickly said shyly, "You are not allowed to think about that kind of thing all the time."

When you were in the dream, you were very bold... Zhou Fan held back when he wanted to blurt out, not only because the words were too explicit, but because Li Jiuyue, who is now a man, felt a little uncomfortable.

Sure enough, it's a little troublesome for the person he likes to have two male and female bodies... He thought a little melancholy.

Of course, he has broken bones, and it is not difficult to travel through the realm to meet the insect girl, but does this make him seem too impatient? Or slow down first.

"Concubine Yang... Is it your mother, what secret did she see? Did she really not tell you?" Zhou Fan asked a different topic.

"No." Li Jiuyue shook her head and said, "In order to protect me, she hid that secret in her heart and didn't tell me until she died. When the night mirror was in chaos, I once went to the palace to find my father and wanted to ask the secret, but I didn't. Thinking of him being able to use the Sky Mirror in the Ziyuan Palace..."

"It's too dangerous for you to do this." Zhou Fan said with a little fear after listening, "I know, that's why you told me that you will never see me again."

If the emperor of Wei had not been merciful at that time, I am afraid that both Zongniang and Jiuyue would have died.

"But my mother is dead, even if it's dangerous, I want to ask clearly, if not, I don't know that my mother died because I saw his secret through a dream." Li Jiuyue sighed.

After coming out of the Mirror Palace, she slowly figured out that she didn't need to put her whole life in because of the secret of the big Wei royal family. My mother didn't want her to do this, and it's probably impossible to find such an opportunity in the future. .

Emperor Wei didn't want to say, no one could do anything to him.

What is the secret guarded by the Great Wei Emperor?

Zhou Fan was also curious in his heart, but he quickly shook his head and stopped thinking about it.



On a June day, there was still light snow in the Heishui Duhufu.

The fine snowflakes fluttered like catkins like cotton silk.

This is not surprising in the Heishui Protectorate where it snows all year round.

The stagnant and tense atmosphere at the border has not eased because of this light snow, and the frictional struggle between the martial artist teams on both sides has become more and more intense in the past few days.

Just yesterday, a small, multi-squad battle broke out.

Wrinkled Shenshen, Wen Xiao, Hou Shisanjian, Thin Monkey, Xiong Feixiu, Zhang Lixiaohu and the others gathered in the main camp, listening to the staff arguing fiercely.

They all looked heavy.

Because of their spies' report, the 16th battalion of Xiliang has gathered eight battalions on the border.

Eighth Battalion is an army of 800,000, and the number of the army on the Hanbei Road is barely 100,000, and half of them are ordinary soldiers who are not even warriors.

Such a disparity in strength is simply too great.

What is especially terrifying is that Luo Zhengtian, who leads the army there, is still using soldiers like God.

In fact, during this period of time, the staff discussed countless times. In the case of the disparity of troops, whether or not Luo Zhengtian led the army, they had no chance of winning. In fact, the Hanbei Army could make preparations.

Now the staff members are discussing when the Xiliang army will start a war. Some say that it will not be so fast. Xiliang may continue to increase its troops. Some say that half of the Xiliang army has already arrived. Troops started.

Just as they were arguing, a voice that was almost shattering rang out.

They all rushed out of the main tent without hesitation.

What they saw was that the black and gray sky to the north was illuminated, and the dense mass of Mars was flying towards them.

That's hundreds of thousands of rockets.


The talisman array arranged on the border lit up a huge cyan light curtain, and the fire talisman arrow slammed on the cyan light curtain, and the cyan light curtain trembled faintly.

The Xiliang Army rode a war horse and attacked the Hanbei Army camp.

The people in the Hanbei military camp ran towards the border on horseback or directly. Everyone in the Hanbei Army understood that the Xiliang Army had finally launched a general attack.

Fire talismans shot round by round, as dense as a talisman array flying in the air.

The Xiliang army attacked the border arrangement again and again, and the talisman formation was torn apart occasionally, and a group of Xiliang troops would flood into it.

As soon as this group of Xiliang troops appeared, they would be swarmed by the Hanbei Army to fight together.

The offensive and defensive battle became very intense at the beginning of the war.

It's just that the Hanbei Army quickly felt the pressure. There were more Xiliang Army than expected.

The Hanbei Army was no longer able to close the gap in the talisman formation, there were people fighting everywhere, and the white snow was dyed red with blood.

Wrinkled Shenshen, they were also fighting hard, but in such a large-scale battlefield, the strength of the individual became a little slim, especially the Xiliang Army also had cultivators who were masters, and the masters of the cultivators caught and killed, and they couldn't care about it at all.

"No, no." After Zhang Li Xiaohu killed a cultivator with the help of Wushen Shen, he shouted, his handsome fox face twisted a little, "This is definitely not just eight military camps, ten I'm afraid all six barracks are here."

Wrinkle deeply looked at the talisman formation that was torn apart as if the air was leaking from all sides, and felt that Zhang Li Xiaohu had no problem with what he said. If there were only 800,000 soldiers and horses, the talisman formation they arranged would not be torn apart in a short period of time. It looks like withdraw! "Wrinkle said without hesitation.

They were already prepared to be unstoppable, and this border defense line was only intended to consume Xiliang's military as much as possible.

I just didn't expect that this strategic intention could not be achieved, and if they don't withdraw, I'm afraid they will all die here.

Before the defensive rune formation completely collapsed, they could only withdraw.

Wrinkles Shenshen is the one who can be responsible for ordering the retreat.

A ray of light rose in the sky, and when it reached the sky, it turned into a huge flame of ice-blue light.

This is an order to retreat.

The Hanbei Army, led by the generals of the battalions, began to retreat.

The Xiliang Army continued to chase and kill, but the Hanbei Army set up a trap array on the road.

The pursuit of the Xiliang Army had to stop, watching the Hanbei Army withdraw.

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