Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1641: Cold North Army Abnormal

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"You don't need to worry about the support troops, there will be of course." Wrinkled Shen's voice echoed in the main account, "Now just execute the order to retreat."

Wrinkle Shenshen said so, the generals in the tent who did not know where the troops came from looked at each other, and quickly agreed to leave in unison.

In fact, in the case of the disparity of troops, there is no need to confront the enemy, and of course everyone will not have an opinion.

After all, such a head-to-head fight is just a death sentence, so no one will raise any objections to the strategic retreat.

The Hanbei Army, with less than 100,000 remaining, did not delay, but they did not retreat to Muhua County, but went to Xishi County.

When the Xiliang Army was eliminating the talisman trap, there were scouts from the Xiliang Army who risked great danger and rushed out of the talisman trap in order to detect the movements of the Hanbei Army.

Sometimes the battle is information, and the Lord will try to grasp the information of the opponent as much as possible.

So when the Hanbei Army went to Xishi County, the thirteen generals of the Xiliang Army were all puzzled.

"Continue to advance to Muhua County!" Luo Zhengtian ordered categorically.

The thirteen generals did not hesitate to execute the order. When they wanted to come to the Hanbei Army, they either gave up Muhua County, or wanted to harass them from the side.

They just need to let the scouts continue to monitor the movements of the Hanbei Army and see if the Hanbei Army intends to go directly to Xishi County, or to split up to execute guerrilla tactics.

It took only half a day for Xi Liang's army to get rid of the talisman trap, but it was already dark, and the whole army could only stay in place for the night.

Early the next morning, the Xiliang army set off.

The Hanbei Army has withdrawn to a safe enough distance.

The Xiliang Army did not intend to divide troops to pursue the Hanbei Army, but marched towards Muhua County at full speed. The route they advanced would pass through some villages or towns.

Of course, for an army of 1.3 million, such supplies are just a drop in the bucket.

Even at full speed, it would take half a month from the border defense line to Muhua County.

This is impossible, because the distance between the strange wilderness, the area of ​​this world is too large.

Even if such a strong army doesn't have to worry about strange attacks, the journey cannot be shortened.

As for the issue of supply, they don't need to worry about it. They eat pills such as Bigu Pill. One pill can last a day and it is easy to carry. They don't have to worry about the long front line and the local government cuts off the food and grass supply line and gets into trouble.

Of course, the cost of refining bigu pills is not low. Ordinary travelers are reluctant to use bigu pills, and more often they carry dry food or hunt wild beasts. Only such a large army can use bigu pills.

To supply so many bigu pills every day is a lot of consumption, and the essence of war is to burn money.

If it wasn't for Luo Zhengtian's insistence, Xiliang Kingdom would not have dispatched so many troops.

When the army stops to rest, it will try to replenish some food supplies to reduce consumption.

It's just that they have drawn a route, but the villages and towns along the way know that the Xi Liang army will come, they have already received the news in advance, and they have all moved out.

However, this was also expected. Xi Liang's army could not find any food, so they set fire to these villages and towns to vent their anger.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

During these five days, the senior officials of the Xiliang Army felt a little unusual.

Because the Hanbei Army did not leave and rush to Xishi County, the Hanbei Army still followed the Xiliang Army, peeping from the side, but did not use guerrilla tactics to harass the Xiliang Army.

They just followed the Xi Liang army silently, except that the two sides sent scouts to conduct a fierce confrontation on the snow, and the two sides kept a strange silence.

Luo Zhengtian had smelled an unusual smell the next day in the Xi Liang Army, but he didn't speak, just kept silent.

Because he also did not know the intentions of the Hanbei Army.

As the general of the 16th Battalion of Xiliang, he certainly does not only focus on the Hanbei Army and the Hanbei Road. His vision is very long-term. The news of Tiangong Road and Cangdong Road adjacent to Hanbei Road.

Because he knew that even if the 13th battalion was dispatched, it did not mean that the Xiliang Army would not lose.

He has always liked to consider defeat before winning, and he would not ignore all the factors that could affect the direction of the battle.

He knew that the Hanbei Daoist Zhou Fan, the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, had not come out of the Daoist Mansion for a long time, maybe he had already come, so he hid in the dark and watched Xi Liang Jun, wanting to kill him with a low cultivation realm General of Xiliang.

He knew that if the emperor of Jingdu regained control of the Tongtian Mirror, he only needed to make up his mind to use the Tongtian Mirror, then the battle would be dangerous.

He knew that both Tiangong Dao and Cangdong Dao might send troops to support Hanbei Dao, and the war might be dragged into the mud.

These are all factors that hinder the victory of the Xi Liang army.

But according to the news received now, Jingdu still maintains a weak balance, and there is no change, and there is no army from Tiangong Road and Cangdong Road to Hanbei Road.

The only thing to worry about is that Zhou Fan came and assassinated him with the power of the Primordial Spirit cultivator, but even if Zhou Fan really came, he had already prepared a countermeasure and was not very worried about this problem.

What is Han Beijun thinking?

The 13th Battalion General was summoned by Luo Zhengtian to discuss the abnormality of the Hanbei Army.

Most of the people sitting in the main tent are veterans with rich experience in the battlefield. They all understand that any abnormality on the battlefield may be a sign of changes in the battle situation, and such anomalies may become a fatal turning point.

The discussion of the Thirteen Battalion Generals was very intense. Luo Zhengtian just listened quietly. He has always been good at listening.

It's just that the debate of the 13th Battalion General did not come to a clear and clear result.

"General." A veteran general said, "Since the Hanbei Army is behaving abnormally, why don't we stop and station for a few days, and then the army will move forward after we find out the reason for the abnormality of the Hanbei Army."

"No." A young general said with a cold face, "If we delay a day, we will waste a lot of In fact, if they really have a back-up plan, they will not let us see their abnormality. Instead, they should disperse and execute guerrilla tactics.”

"It's obviously that the Hanbei Army is setting up an array of doubts, which makes us doubt and dare not move forward."

This statement has been recognized by several people.

"No." The veteran frowned and said, "They may have set up suspicions, but they may also have real back-ups. They don't spread out guerrilla tactics. That's because they don't want to consume their own military strength, because they know that even if we see them It is also impossible to retreat and leave.”

"Then you tell me, what are they going to do next?" Another general's face darkened slightly, "Our thirteenth battalion is here, even if Tiangong Dao and Cangdong Dao send support, we don't need to be afraid, why should they win us? "

"A proud soldier will be defeated!" the old general scolded.

"It's you old guys who are so timid. If you're afraid, why should you stop? Why don't you just go back to Xiliang."

The two sides quarreled again over whether to stay stationed.

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