Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1662: recover

But even if they were worried, they could only take the risk and let the Holy Master take the Mirror again.

Because the Great Wei cannot do without the Sage, especially now when the signs of the great catastrophe appear.

I don't know when the catastrophe will come. Without the mirror, maybe Da Wei can't survive this catastrophe again.

This is also the reason why Duanmu Xiaohong and the others can only do this even if they are worried.

The Great Emperor Wei, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were indifferent and indifferent.

The blood characters on the sky mirror have been washed away, and become as blue as a blue lake again, and there are shallow ripples on the smooth mirror surface.



After Mu Qiujian flew out of the magnificent capital, a carriage was parked beside Chidao waiting for him.

Mu Qiujian fell to the ground, and a sturdy man stood beside the carriage, he hurriedly bowed to Mu Qiujian and saluted.

Mu Qiujian just nodded slightly to this sturdy man. This man was a martial artist with Qi Gang who had lost his hope in the Dao Realm. He was coerced and lured by him to make a ghost oath, promising to send him out of the Great Wei Realm.

Mu Qiujian didn't hesitate any longer. His hands were sealed, and his body curled and shrunk into a ball of colorful light. The six silver swords surrounded the ball of light and turned into a silver box.

The coachman quickly caught the flying silver box. He put the silver box on the carriage and activated the shielding talisman formation on the carriage. This shielding talisman formation was painstakingly arranged by Mu Qiujian.

After the coachman had done all this, he raised the whip in his hand and drove the carriage away.

From the center of the rippling ripples of the Babel, a blue light beam only **** wide flew out.

The blue light beam disappeared in front of the mirror in an instant, appeared above the carriage that was speeding on the footpath, and then fell.

The azure blue light enveloped the carriage and bloomed brightly. It evaporated the carriage, the coachman, and the silver box. Neither the coachman nor the silver box could even let out a miserable cry.

In a very distant place, Mu Qiujian opened his eyes and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his aura also shriveled, but before the anger completely appeared on his face, his face completely froze, because he His hands and feet are turning into azure blue light particles drifting away.

"How is this possible..." Mu Qiujian watched in horror and despair as his limbs dissipated into light particles, his limbs quickly dissipated into blue light particles, and his torso was also disintegrating.

He gritted his teeth, two primordial spirits flew out from the sea of ​​human souls, and he gave up his physical body.

It's just that his two primordial spirits are also turning into azure blue particles and dissipating, and now both of his primordial spirits shudder.

A burly man in a white robe appeared in front of Mu Qiujian.

"Sect Master, save me." Mu Qiujian's two primordial spirits screamed to the man for help.

The burly man just watched calmly, and Mu Qiujian's two primordial spirits quickly turned into azure blue particles and dispersed.

Only then did the burly man's face begin to change slightly, and a hint of fear appeared on his face. Those who knew him well would definitely be surprised by the fear on his face, because there were too many things that could make him feel afraid in the barbarian star realm. not enough.

However, the fear quickly faded, and the burly man lowered his head and said to himself, "The record is indeed true."

Mu Qiujian's primordial spirit would go to Dawei, which was achieved through his secret arrangement and seduction. The purpose was to do a test, and the result was as expected.

He shook his head again and said, "I can't blame me, I can only blame you for being too greedy. You don't even think about it. If it's so easy to take away, why would it be your turn to be a distracted cultivator?"

People who are too stupid have no value in life, no matter how strong they are.



Emperor Wei stood up, and he said softly, "Do you think you can fool me twice in the same way?"

When you enter the mirror palace, you will be remembered by him. As long as you are in Dawei, you can't hide it.

He said with some regret: "There are still too few stupid people."

The pavilion master clone of the secret pavilion has already escaped from the Great Wei, or he will die.

As for Xiao Hui, of course he already knew that Xiao Hui had stepped into the Primordial Spirit Realm, but he didn't care. After all, it was their business that the three-phase family had Primordial Spirit Realm and wanted to keep it a secret.

And the first of the Great Buddha Temple, he also did not take action.

These people are not worth the use of the sunglass.

The two words that Emperor Wei said were somewhat inexplicable, but everyone at the door had some guesses in their hearts.

"Come in." Da Wei Tianzi stepped on the steps of the Ziyu Building and said.

Zhou Fan and the others walked into the hall and bowed to the Emperor Wei who was sitting on the dark throne.

There was a moment of silence between the ruler and the minister. In fact, the situation was already known before the Great Wei Emperor lost his palm, so there was no need to repeat it again.

"I'm very pleased that the Qing family is loyal and patriotic." The Emperor of Wei said: "Everything is left to the Qing family, and the Wei family must be stabilized as soon as possible..."

Everyone listened to the Sage's words, and stood up from time to time to answer a few words. They were all relieved in their hearts. The Sage didn't seem to be affected by this.

Since Jingdu had just quelled the rebellion, there were still a lot of things going on, so everyone quickly retired and went back to work.

They have too many things to do at the moment, whether it is to restore the defense of Jingdu, or to inform the entire Great Wei that the chaos has been put in order, and the Shengshang re-hands the Tongtian Jingjing to appease people, these things are enough to keep them busy.

The surviving eunuchs and maids in the palace are also busy, and the nobles who survived the palace change are still To a certain extent, they can be regarded as betraying the saint.

It's just that the Emperor Wei didn't see anyone. He just went to bathe and change his clothes, drank the wine he hadn't tasted for a long time, and ate the food he hadn't eaten for a long time.

Eunuch Goe appeared in front of him and saluted softly, "Your Highness."

"The old man is here." Emperor Wei's face was gentle, he put down his chopsticks, and Eunuch Go had his permission to come to see him.

"What does the sage plan to do next?" Eunuch Goose asked.

"What is the old man trying to ask?" Emperor Wei asked in return.

"The nobles in the palace, the eunuchs and the maids are also in a state of fear..." Eunuch Goose said.

"They are also helpless. The investigation makes it clear that as long as the period of time is not too much, they will let go of the past, and there will be a great reward for the credit." Dawei Tianzi said: "There is not much left in the palace, so I will trouble the old man to do it himself. "

"Yes." Eunuch Go agreed, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Where are the rebels?"

The Great Wei Tianzi said calmly: "I have said this before before I re-handed the mirror."

Eunuch Goe didn't persuade him. In his opinion, the rebels deserved what they deserved. "What about the princes who claim to be emperors from all over the world?"

The Emperor of Wei was silent for a while and said, "The heinous crimes are punished according to the law. If the small crimes are willing to surrender and give up the title of emperor, I can pretend that nothing happened."

Eunuch Goe didn't ask any more questions. He asked these things at the risk of making the sage unhappy, just to make sure of one thing.

"The old man is worried that my temperament will change greatly after this incident, right?" Emperor Wei suddenly asked.

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