Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1671: no blood

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The warriors have blocked the ancestral houses of the three families of King Xiao Ye, and there are experts like Zhou Fan who can kill the Yuanshen realm, and the defense formation has been destroyed. .

"Lord Zhou, it's a pleasure meeting." Eunuch Ban smiled.

"This time, the father-in-law is so helpful." Zhou Fan smiled and cupped his hands.

If it weren't for the help of the father-in-law, he wanted to break the defense of the three ancestral houses, it would not be so easy, and it would take more time.

Therefore, to cooperate with the public performance of the play just now, to break the defensive formation, and easily take down the ancestral house, is what they have to do, that is, they are not used to playing eunuchs.

"Father-in-law," Someone looked at Father-in-law with grief and indignation, and they were all deceived by Father-in-law.

The father-in-law who made a ghost oath... The father-in-law who wants to become the chief executive... They didn't expect it to be a complete scam.

"Is it strange?" Mr. Ban said indifferently: "If the three of you hadn't committed troubles, how could my godfather die?"

"That's what Wang Daozi and the others did, what does it have to do with us?" Someone said angrily.

"It doesn't matter if you say it doesn't matter?" The father-in-law said disdainfully: "If you all opposed it at the beginning, how could the three-phase work?"

The faces of everyone froze. There are indeed many of them who support Sanxing to do so, and of course there are many who do not know.

"That's what the clan elders did to support Wang Daozi and the others." Someone was desperate and tried to justify.

"Whoever is guilty and who is not, it doesn't matter what you said." Zhou Fan said.

As soon as Zhou Fan opened his mouth, everyone in the three families looked at him silently. By now, the feud between the Zhou family and the three families has been known to everyone in the ancestral house.

Zhou Fan said lightly: "I said so many things just now, but I didn't lie to you. The sage asked me to come, and let me have full control over the affairs of Xiao Yewang's three families."

The hearts of the three families are sinking. The three families have been chasing and killing the Zhou family for three thousand years. Such hatred cannot be washed away without blood.

"But don't worry, I'm not a bloodthirsty person. Even if the three families are about to kill my Zhou family, I won't be able to slaughter you all." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "But some have committed numerous evil deeds. Yes, don't take chances."

As soon as the words fell, five figures in the ancestral house flew into the air.

The ancestral home is as big as a small town. In such a big place, the warriors who come can guard the ordinary people, but what about the monks?

They thought that if they ran separately, even Zhou Fan couldn't help them.

It's just that they just flew up, and the surrounded warriors noticed that they were shouting loudly. Even if the surrounded warriors didn't shout, they were also noticed by Zhou Fan's spiritual sense that spread over the whole town. Zhou Fan's expression turned cold. His knife was unsheathed.

The Star Frost Knife made a few strokes in the void.

The bodies of the five cultivators who flew up suddenly cracked, breaking into several pieces, and their flesh and blood spilled out in the air.

Everyone looked up at this scene in amazement. The five monks in their family died like this, and they didn't even know how Zhou Fan did it.

In fact, Zhou Fan just used the law of his own heart to move the Dao-style smashed by himself to the five monks. In the face of Zhou Fan in the later stage of the Spiritual Sense Realm, these realms are not high. The monk, of course, could not resist.

Zhou Fan put the knife back in its sheath, but said coldly: "I hate others to interrupt me the most, I hope no one will provoke us again."

The new rulers of the three families did not dare to breathe. Is this the means of powerful monks?

This kind of method made everyone in the three families dare not raise the thought of running for their lives.

"I said just now that some people who commit evil deeds are bound to die." Zhou Fan said slowly: "But there are no people who committed evil deeds, because you are members of Xiao Yewang's three families, so don't think that Nothing at all."

"Of course, as long as the three obedients do as we say, we will give the three innocent people a chance to be punished lightly. Are you willing to obey?"

"I don't know what the adults want us to do?" Someone asked aloud.

"The first one." Zhou Fan raised a finger, "Let the people of the Five Clan City give up their resistance, lift the defense, and let the people of Taoist Tang take over the clan city smoothly."

"If you want to take over the clan city peacefully, we also have the conditions..." A middle-aged man hurriedly asked for conditions.

It's just that before he finished speaking, Zhou Fan glanced at the middle-aged man, and his head burst open.

Countless blood mixed with meat dregs splattered on the people around him, making them all tremble.

"Do you still want to make conditions with me?" Zhou Fan asked indifferently: "There are no conditions to make, you just need to tell me, can you do it?"

"Yes, we will do it right away," one of the three in power shouted loudly.

Others also complied.

Whether it is for the family or for themselves, they have no choice now. If they are not obedient, then they are sure that Zhou Fan will not keep his hands.

They understand that they are indeed not qualified to make conditions with Zhou Fan. If Zhou Fan slaughtered everyone in the ancestral house, even if the five clan cities and other settlements resisted to the end, it would be meaningless to them.

The ancestral house had a very thorough control over the city of the Five Clans. The house of the ancestral house made the city of the Five Clans give up its resistance and lifted the defense, and the City of the Five Clans soon followed suit.

Zhou Fan and the others soon received the information that the Tianling Dao Yiluan Division had taken over the Five Clan City in Shenjiang Prefecture.

As a result, the entire Divine General State was taken over without a fight.

Zhou Fan glanced at the father-in-law again.

There were already ten people standing beside the general father-in-law, and those ten people all took out a scroll with long names written on it.

"Everyone who reads the name now has to I hope you will stand up bravely." Zhou Fan said again.

The list was drawn up by the people on the father-in-law's side. Not only the ancestral home, but also the five clan cities in Shenjiang Province have similar lists. Most of these people are the core members of the three clans of Xiao Yewang. Since they participated in this rebellion, they must be He also participated in the pursuit of the Zhou family.

The faces of the three families turned pale.

The name recitation has begun, and those who are recited must stand up within a certain period of time, otherwise his family will be affected by it.

In the process of reciting the name, people tried to break through and escape from time to time, but they were all killed by Zhou Fan who shot the knife at will, and gradually no one dared to escape. The clansmen caught it and pushed it out.

An individual was immediately decapitated after being pushed out for identification.

The corpses soon piled up, the blood pooled into a stream, and flies buzzed around the corpse.

The people of Xiao Yewang's three families felt numb from the initial discomfort. When they saw the last person whose name was being read out, they were dragged out and had their head cut off. For some reason, their hearts relaxed a lot, and it was finally over.

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