Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1685: Killer clothes

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"Trapped but trapped." Zhou Fan looked at the gray clothes in the salt water in the jade basin, and he was a little worried and couldn't last long.

After all, this is the first time he has used this kind of trapping this weird method, and he will inevitably be worried in his heart.

If you can kill it, you don't have to be so troublesome.

He can only wait patiently now and see if the blood suit will be able to escape from the salt water.

He sat down with his legs crossed, separated some of his spiritual thoughts on the salt water basin, and closed his eyes to rest.

He soon discovered that the concentration of salt water in the basin was decreasing. He was able to find out so quickly because his spiritual sense had originally been integrated with his six senses, which naturally also included tongue sense. It was not difficult to find that the concentration of salt water had dropped.

As the salt water concentration drops, the gray coat tends to turn bright red.

Zhou Fan hurriedly used the law of the heart, grabbed salt from the salty lake and added it in, only then did the gray clothes quieten down.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple. It can also dilute the salt concentration in the salt water, trying to use this method to get out of trouble." Zhou Fan thought silently, and could only continue to observe.

If it doesn't work, he will extract the salt from the entire lagoon and take it away, adding salt to this monster on the way... Don't have to be so troublesome. Can go back to the main residence of Hanbei Daoist.

It's just that I don't know what will happen to this blood coat. It is not suitable to bring it back to Hanbei Daocheng now, so as to avoid a major event.

Zhou Fan thought about it, but stayed on the shore of the salt water lake until the sun went down, and the little sister also found him and wagged her tail happily at him.

He smiled and touched the little girl's dog's head. The little girl was as fat as a hairy pig, but she could always find Zhou Fan in the wild, so there was no need for Zhou Fan to worry about her not being able to find it.

As for the danger, he doesn't have to worry about it. Generally speaking, it can't hurt the little sister.

Xiao Ling ran out and climbed onto the little girl, lying on the thick dog hair of the little girl, giggling and laughing.

Zhou Fan caught Xiao Ling and ordered, "If you don't want to eat dry food, go hunting."

"Why did I go?" Xiao Qian said aggrieved, "Isn't this kind of thing always done by you, Master?"

"You still know that I'm your master?" Zhou Fan turned black and pointed to the salt water basin, "I want to look at this thing, if I go, you look at it, if something goes wrong, you can handle it are you coming?"

Xiao Ling glanced at the gray clothes in the salt water basin, she showed fear, nodded quickly and agreed to go hunting, and then ran out.

Xiao Ling came back soon, followed by a group of Xiao Ling dragging a wild boar weighing several hundred pounds.

The little ones dressed in hunter clothes, carrying small bows and arrows or swords on their backs, shouting loudly, dragging wild boars weighing hundreds of pounds with their small hands.

Xiao Ling stood on the wild boar's head and laughed loudly with his hands on his hips, "Master, we will eat roast wild boar tonight, and the legs of the wild boar are all mine."

"Mother, we want to eat it too." The little ones drooled and said in unison.

"If you eat it, it means you eat it, it's useless for you to eat it." Xiao Qian coughed lightly.

The little 绻s all looked depressed, and soon they turned into strands of hair, which merged into Xiao 绻's long hair.

Zhou Fan felt that the salt concentration had been diluted again, so he added some salt to the basin, and then began to deal with the wild boar that Xiaoshuang had brought back. changes in grey.

Until late at night, Zhou Fan glanced at the jade basin again. During this time, only the concentration of salt water was diluted and changed, and this strange thing could no longer do much.

There is still no way to kill the murderer's clothes at the Taoist Mansion, so he can't try again.

Just in case, he placed dozens of talisman formations around the jade basin, so that even if the blood robe broke free, there were so many talisman formations, and after he fell asleep, it would also give him more time to react.

He also extracted a lot of white salt from the lake water, and he said to Xiaoshou: "Separate the little scorpions, and let Xiaoxiaoshou add salt to the basin every half a column of incense."

Xiao Huang nodded, and separated out a dozen or so little ones, and the little ones surrounded the jade basin.

"If there is a situation, wake me up quickly." Zhou Fan said with a solemn expression.

"Master, don't worry about my work." Xiao Qian patted her little chest and said.

I'm not at all worried about your work... Zhou Fan's eyes twitched, thinking so, but he was quite relieved about Xiao Xiaoxiao, and there was a little sister here, even if Xiaoxiao was unreliable, don't be afraid.

After Zhou Fan finished the arrangement, he went to sleep at ease.

When Zhou Fan appeared on the gray foggy boat, the three Xiaobai brothers also appeared.

"Dad, are you alright?" The three brothers Xiaobai asked in unison. They also knew that Zhou Fan had suffered a terrible and strange thing.

Zhou Fan reassured them that it was all right, and after chatting with his daughters for a while, he looked at the Emperor of All Nations sitting on the throne.

The little boy opened his eyes and asked lightly, "How do you think about your primordial spirit skills?"

"I made some attempts, but they all failed. UU reading" Zhou Fan said with a guilty conscience. In fact, he hadn't read the book yet.

The little boy said: "Failure is common. If you want to create a powerful Primordial Spirit Skill, you have to walk through all the roads leading to failure. When there is only one way left, then you can find your own way."

Zhou Fan laughed dryly, "But I'm more inclined to believe that as long as the road is right, I'm not afraid of the long road. No matter how far you go, it's just a waste of time."

"It's just that you don't know where the right way is, you can only keep trying and making mistakes." The little boy said: "You have to be brave to take the first step, don't say no or impossible for everything, don't do it at all, just imagine, it will not succeed. of."

"Thank you, I will try my best." Zhou Fan responded quickly, but he muttered in his heart that anyone can do it, and it is not so easy to do. He talked about the business, "Have you heard of killing clothes?"

"Killing clothes?" The little boy was a little surprised, "Have you met a murdering clothes?"

"I'm not sure." Zhou Fan said, "What color is the killing uniform? I heard it was dark green, but the one I encountered was bloody."

"It's a blood-colored killing suit." The surprise on the little boy's face converged. "You may not know that the killing's clothing will change color. When it changes from dark green to blood, it means that it has entered a mature stage."

"Mature murder clothes are very rare. In some classics, they are also called mutant murder clothes, but no matter what, the blood-colored murder clothes do exist."

Mature killing clothes are also called mutant killing clothes... This is the first time Zhou Fan has heard such a statement, "Is there a way to kill it?"

"Of course there is a way." The little boy said: "But why kill it? The blood-colored killing uniform is three times stronger than the dark green killing uniform, and it has barely stepped from the blood murderous level to the white disaster level. "

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, the white disaster level was comparable to the Primordial Spirit cultivator, even stronger than the Primordial Spirit cultivator.

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