Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1704: 10 coffins

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The shadow became smaller and smaller, and was finally torn into pieces by the sword without a blade, which could never be recovered.

The sword-blade storm dissipated, and Jian Wu-blade put away the magic weapon of his life. Wearing a long white coat, his eyebrows and hair were silver-white.

The disciples of the sword sect all showed admiration, and their sect master was definitely the strongest sword cultivator in Great Wei.

Zhou Fan also smiled lightly, although he felt a little regretful in his heart, after all, this shadow monster can give a lot of big gray worms, but it can only be like this, Jian Wu Blade can solve this shadow, and he can leave Tiangong Dao with confidence. , rushed to Tiannan Road.

Zhou Fan walked over and said a few words with Jian Wuren, and wanted to leave, but before he could say anything, the sound transmission jade talisman lit up.

It was the Tiangong Taoist Palace who was contacting him, and he quickly activated the sound transmission jade talisman.

"Sir, there is news from Qingyan Township that the nine coffins are showing signs of opening." There was a hurried voice from the governor over there.

Qingyan Township has always been guarded by martial cultivators from Yiluan Division at the high point to observe.

Now hearing this, Zhou Fan and Jian Wuren's expressions changed greatly.

The strength of the shadow that came out of the coffin was comparable to that of the Primordial Spirit Realm. If all the shadows with similar strength came out of the nine coffins, it would be too terrifying.

Of course, maybe before the shadow came out, the strength was not so powerful, but it became like this after swallowing half of the soil frog town, but this is just speculation, who knows how strong it was originally?

The ten coffins, Tiangong Daoyi Luan Division had tried to attack, but no attack could damage them in the slightest.

Jian Wuren's face was dignified. He killed the shadow with a lightning strike just now, but he also knew in his heart that the shadow's strength was not weak. If nine similar shadows had such strength when they first came out, then No matter how strong he is, he will not be an opponent.

"Don't let the things that came out of the coffin go to other villages, please come to help Daoist Zhou as well." Jian Wuren glanced at Zhou Fan, and took the disciples of Jianzong to take a step first.

"You guys also come to help." Zhou Fan looked at the people in Yiluan Division and said.

The people of Yiluan Division agreed in unison and rushed to the direction of Qingyan Township.

Zhou Fan has broken bones, he must be faster than everyone, he first took out the sound transmission jade talisman and told the situation to Mr. Da.

"I will tell the saint." Duanmu Xiaohong just said a simple sentence.

This is also the reason why Zhou Fan told Duanmu Xiaohong that if it is impossible to do anything, then the only way is to ask the Emperor Wei to use the Tongtian Mirror.

Of course, there is no need to worry now, you can wait and see first, the Tongtian Mirror is too important to Da Wei, if the matter is too serious to solve, it cannot be easily used.

Zhou Fan shuttled out of the interspace. He had already reached the Qingyan Township area. When he looked up, he could see the pitch-black huge plate not far away.

A ray of light seeped out from the gaps in the plates.

Zhou Fan felt a little shocked by this, it was completely impossible to see that it was ten coffins.

The area of ​​Qingyan Township has been cursed, and there are only mummified corpses in it. Zhou Fan asked himself to go in, not afraid of the erosion of this curse, but it didn't make any sense for him to enter.

With his little sister, he turned and floated towards Pantian Mountain.

Pantian Mountain is on the edge of Qingyan Township. When he shuttled over, he chose to be near Pantian Mountain.

The reason why I chose this place is because Pantian Mountain is the highest mountain in the vicinity, with a peak of 4000 feet, which is higher than the Qianhuan Snow Mountain in Gaoxiang County.

Thinking of Qianhuan Snow Mountain, Zhou Fan was silent for a while. He got the news that the area around Qianhuan Snow Mountain had become a dead place, and the scope of the dead place was still spreading, and the whole Tiannan Road felt anxious about it.

There are nightmares spreading in Qianhuan Snow Mountain. People die in the sleep of nightmares, and very few people can escape from nightmares.

This is likely to be the legendary Horror Dream Officer...

Zhou Fan sighed, the sign of the catastrophe had begun, and the great Wei was already precarious, and there may be more of this kind of thing in the future.

He quickly arrived at Pantian Mountain. Pantian Mountain was not considered a dangerous place, and was cleaned up by the Yiluan Division Martial Artist again, and there were even fewer strange things. He flew into the sky and landed on the top of the mountain.

The warrior monks of the Yiluan Division quickly surrounded him with vigilance, Zhou Fan showed the token, and everyone saluted.

Zhou Fan waved his hand and let them get busy on their own. Standing on the top of the mountain, he could see the whole picture of the ten dark coffins floating in the air in the distance.

It is too huge to describe. If it is not standing on the top of the mountain and the distance is far enough, I am afraid it is difficult to see that this is a coffin.

Among the ten sets of coffins, nine sets of coffins had their lids slightly removed, but one of them was completely closed.

A monk pointed to the sealed coffin and explained, "Sir, the shadow of the coffin came out of that coffin."

"After the shadow of the coffin came out, the coffin was closed again."

Coffin Shadow is the name that the official family just set for that shadow.

"How long did the coffin lid last like this last time before it was completely opened?" Zhou Fan asked.

"A stick of incense," the cultivator replied, "Half a stick of incense has passed."

Zhou Fan's face darkened slightly, if this is the case Jian Wu Blade may not be able to catch up.

"We try to arrange cultivators to guard them with warriors in every direction, but Qingyan Township is too big, and it may not be able to block them." The cultivator said worriedly.

This is just one of the problems, there are many more that are difficult to solve.

If the coffin shadow that came out of the coffin is as strong as the coffin shadow just now, if it is so, I am afraid that it will cause damage if it can't be stopped.

Or will it be a similar coffin shadow or other more exotic monsters coming out of the coffin?

There are unknowns in these issues.

These ten coffins have never been related to similar records, no one knows their origins, and the new and strange signs of catastrophe appear.

He also asked the Emperor of Ten Thousand Nations, and the Emperor of Ten Thousand Nations also said that he had never seen anything similar.

Whether the Great Wei Tianzi will make a move has his own judgment.

Zhou Fan's urging was useless, he could only restrain his mood and patiently observe the changes of the ten coffins.

"My lord, my lord, something is close to the ten coffins." Some observers who used telescopic equipment shouted loudly.

Yiluan Division has done a test. The closer you get to the ten coffins, the stronger the curse of the mummified corpse. Even powerful monks can't resist this erosion, which is why they can only watch from a distance.

Zhou Fan's eyes were slightly condensed. His eyesight was many times stronger than that of ordinary cultivators. He didn't even need a telescopic device to see a small black spot flying from the eastern sky.

At first, the black spot was too far away to see clearly, but it was only when it flew close to Zhou Fan and the others that they could see clearly.

It was a six-hoofed black beast with three scythes and curved horns, dragging a black iron horse sledge and walking in the sky. Next to the mahogany coffin on the sledge sat a woman gray shadow and two children gray shadow, and three small black shadow beasts sat On the mahogany coffin.

Zhou Fan's pupils slowly shrank, it was a ghost burial coffin, how did it appear here?

Is it for him?

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