Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1714: from overseas

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The painting is a humanoid object with no hair and dark red skin, and no gender, and it has a large round white head.

Its body is slender and long, but its head is very large. The round white head occupies almost all the horizontal paper surface. It seems that it is not enough to show the size of the head. It is in sharp contrast with its thin body like a bamboo pole.

The big white head does not have any eyes, ears, mouth and nose, but it is not smooth, but uneven.

About three feet high... This is a line of words written on the painting.

Three feet tall, such a tall and unique weirdness, if Zhou Fan has read it from any book, he will definitely remember it, he has never seen such a weirdness, "Half Liao said how it bit him in half? body?"

"Half Liao said he doesn't remember." The seventy-one prince shook his head. "In fact, he has some vague memories of how he escaped. He only remembers that after he woke up, he was slapped on a beach by the waves."

"Beach?" Zhou Fan looked strange. Da Wei was not near the sea. According to the geography he had read, Dongyue was close to the sea.

"He said he was not from the Great Wei, he came from the outer seas, and he met that strange man on an island. All of his companions died, but he was the only one who survived. Inexplicably, he went to Dongyue, and then went to our Great Wei. ." The seventy-one prince said everything he knew.

"Did he say how many years ago it happened?" Zhou Fan asked.

"He seems to have said that it has been almost ten years." The seventy-one prince thought for a while.

"Ten years..." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "It's been almost ten years, and it hasn't happened before, so is it just now?"

"He said so."

"How did you make him sober?" Zhou Fan asked. He had been eavesdropping since they were talking with Liao Banban, so he knew a lot.

"We gave him all the deceitful food we collected, and then he woke up." The seventy-first prince smiled bitterly: "It's just that we forgot to record it. I don't know what deceitful food caused such an effect."

"What's their strength?" Zhou Fan asked the most crucial question. If they weren't strong, he would just kill them. Anyway, the monks from the Land of Hundred Cranes are not good people, and they are not worth wasting here. too much time.

The seventy-one prince's eyes flickered.

"Think about it, and when you finish speaking, I will make you make a ghost oath to ensure that what you said did not deceive me." Zhou Fan added another sentence.

"Very strong." The seventy-one prince did not dare to hide: "Every half of Liao has the strength of a cultivator in the Yuanyuan realm."

The strength of the cultivators in the metamorphosis realm... Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, this is 10,000 cultivators in the metamorphosis realm.

At the beginning, half of Liao's strength was not weak at first, which means that half of Liao was divided into so many, and the strength did not decline too much.

10,000 cultivators in the Yuan Dynasty, such a lineup is enough to push any state city horizontally.

"And when we first discovered them, there was a conflict, killing some half of Liao, and later found that they were split again. They will maintain such a number, and if anyone is killed, they will continue to split." Seventy-one There was a look of fear on the prince's face. If they hadn't run away decisively, they would have already died.

Zhou Fan's face is dignified now, the number is damaged, and he will continue to split, "Is there an upper limit for this split?"

"This is not clear." The seventy-one prince shook his head and said, "We have tentatively asked it, but it is very cautious and unwilling to answer this question."

When Liao Banyan was awake, he was a ruthless cultivator in the Land of Baiqing, and of course he would not reveal too many secrets of himself.

But even if there is an upper limit to this regenerative and splitting ability, it is terrifying.

Xiaoxiao has the ability to split, but when she splits out Xiaoxiaoxiao, even if her strength declines drastically with the help of killing clothes, a single Xiaoxiao is far worse than half a single Liao.

"When will it wake up?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"At first it was once a day, then it was once every two days, and now it's once every three days." Prince Seventy-One said, "I'm not very sure, but every time it wakes up, it will contact us through the sound transmission jade talisman, let us go there. ."

The seventy-one prince gave the sound transmission jade talisman to Zhou Fan again.

Zhou Fan asked several more questions in detail. The seventy-one prince was very cooperative, but it was difficult to ask too valuable information.

"Did you lie to me just now?" Zhou Fan asked.

"No." The seventy-one prince hurriedly said: "I promise that everything I say is true."

Zhou Fan took out a ghost oath and threw it to the seventy-one prince: "Then make a ghost oath."

The seventy-one prince did not hesitate, and quickly made a ghost oath.

Zhou Fan was relieved when he saw the seventy-one prince make a ghost oath. He nodded and said, "You are very cooperative, and I am very satisfied."

"Master Zhou, it is the three families of Xiao Yewang who have hatred with you. I have never done anything against you." The seventy-one prince sighed: "Master Zhou, can you let me go?"

Zhou Fan glanced at the seventy-one prince and said, "No~ Seventy-one prince: "..."

After Zhou Fan finished speaking, his eyes immediately darkened. The seventy-one prince's eyes were a little dull, but golden flames quickly burst out of his body.

However, Zhou Fan's delusions of the king were stronger, and the consciousness of the seventy-first prince was completely suppressed at the moment when he regained consciousness, and he became sluggish again and completely lost consciousness.

Zhou Fan didn't want to use Wang Zhiwei to ask the 71st prince again. It is unnecessary to do so. After all, the 71st prince has made a ghost oath. He just doesn't want to listen to the 71st prince's nonsense.

Of course, you can't spare the seventy-first prince like this, but there is no need to kill him.

After thinking about it, he took out the sound transmission jade talisman and waited for a while, when the voice of the Great Wei Emperor came from there, "Zhou Qing's family, is there something wrong?"

"Sir, I found Wang Daozi and the others and fought with them. Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan have been killed by me." Zhou Fan said: "I even captured the seventy-one prince alive."

After Zhou Fan said this, he didn't speak any more, but waited for Emperor Wei to decide.

The seventy-first prince is different from the seventeenth prince. The seventeenth prince and the insect girl have an irreconcilable hatred and can only be killed. The seventy-one prince has no major hatred with him, and it is better for the emperor of Wei to decide.

Dawei Tianzi was silent for a while and said, "Tell him, I don't want to see him again."

After the Great Wei Tianzi said this, he disconnected the sound transmission jade talisman.

Zhou Fan was not surprised by the decision of the Great Wei Emperor. The Great Wei Emperor was never the kind of ruthless person. He lifted the illusion for the Seventy-One Prince.

"You can go." Zhou Fan said: "The sage said he didn't want to see you again."

As soon as the Seventy-One Prince heard this, he understood that it was Emperor Wei who spared his life, and he turned and left without saying a word.

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