Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1739: No Exit

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This is a dream, why should I bother with this kind of thing, even if it is illogical, it is normal... Zhou Fan laughed dumbly, he did not ask about the storage bag of the rotten person again, "What is the name of that unknowable monster? Is it called Baby God?"

He wanted to know how the unknowable monster would be choreographed in the nightmare. The nightmare brought by the red vine talisman was completely unfamiliar to him. I don't know where it came from?

"I don't know either." The rotten one shook his head and said, "But that's what the followers of the Infant God call it. Before I came in, the Infant God Sect was getting stronger and stronger."

Zhou Fan's expression was a little subtle. If it were in reality, he would suspect that this was not an unknowable monster at all, but a cultivator disguised as an unknowable monster, and he did so because of the path the cultivator took. It is a Shinto-style school, and the Infant Shenzong was established, and it is also somewhat similar to his Little Silk Daxian Sect and the Buddhist sect of the Buddha.

Of course this is just speculation.

"In other words, you haven't seen the Infant God, and more of the sayings are from the Infant God Sect, right?" Zhou Fan thought about it and asked.

"I've never seen that so-called baby god." The rotten one glanced at Zhou Fan and asked, "You suspect that the baby **** doesn't exist, right?"

"I do have such doubts." Zhou Fan said: "I wonder if you have heard of Shinto flow?"

"Needless to say, I know what you mean. You mean to say that behind the Infant Shenzong is a Shinto monk." The rotten one immediately understood Zhou Fan's thoughts, he just sneered: "You are not the first one. People who doubt like this, but things have been confirmed later, this is simply impossible."

"Why?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking.

"If it's a human monk, what's the matter with this curse?" The rotten said solemnly: "Even if I'm not good enough, I can see that this curse of rot is not a curse technique."

"You asked so many things about baby gods, just want to see if there is a way to break through from this aspect?"

"You can say that." Zhou Fan nodded and admitted.

"It's not as simple as you think." The rotten one sighed: "I know that there are not many things about the Infant God. The Infant God Sect has never disclosed too much information about the Infant God. You don't have to think of a way in this direction. It just doesn't work."

Zhou Fan could only give up when he saw this. He looked up at the painting on the wall and asked, "Apart from the bones in the White Bone Temple, there is only this painting. What is the origin of this painting?"

The Decayer looked up at the painting and said, "I don't know, this painting was here when I came in. I spent a lot of time studying it and found that I can enter the world in the painting, but other than that, You won't find much of value anymore."

"Hiding in the world of the painting won't do anything, until you come out of the painting, the painting is just a tool that doesn't have any effect."

Zhou Fan approached and carefully observed the painting, "I can draw it from the painting, which has already proved the fact that this painting is a door."

"It can be said that, but this door will never find an exit." The rotten one retracted his gaze and said, "We have discussed this issue just now, and it is equally meaningless."

"You have been here for so long, you have studied everything, and everything is meaningless to you." Zhou Fan said with a serious face: "Because of this, your thinking will affect me finding the real exit."

The rotten one looked down at his rotten palm and said, "Do you really think there will be an exit? Actually, we all know that when the Infant God Sect built the White Bone Shrine, they would not leave any exit at all. Going to let anyone get out of here alive."

"Maybe this painting is just a useless tool left behind by some monk who was imprisoned here."

"Those people from the Infant Shenzong really have no reason to leave the exit." Zhou Fan is still staring at the painting carefully, "But we can't just give up like this. Giving up is equal to death. Can I take down this painting?"

"As you wish," said the rotten one, "but don't destroy it, looking at this painting has become my only pleasure when I have nothing to do, and if it is destroyed, I can only see these bones, and I remind you that you have A lot of time wasted."

Zhou Fan took the painting down. He had seen the front of the painting many times. He turned it over and looked at the back of the painting, but there was nothing on the back of the painting.

"This painting should be a tool, but why can't you see any runes on the surface?" Zhou Fan expressed the doubts in his heart.

"It's not on the surface, it's on the inner layer of the paper. It's not uncommon to make utensils like this." The rotten said naturally.

This statement makes sense. Zhou Fan just frowned at the painting. He spent time studying the painting because he was unwilling. If he could enter the White Bone Ancestral Hall from the painting, he would definitely be able to use the painting to leave the White Bone Ancestral Hall.

However, the rotten said that no exit was found, this may be a one-way teleportation...

Zhou Fan pondered hard, time passed by little by little, an hour passed quickly, the medicinal pills given to him by the rotten disappeared, and the decay of his body began to speed up again.

"It seems that you can't do anything about it." The rotten one sneered: "Why should I hold such hope? After all, you are just an ordinary person who doesn't even have true essence."

Zhou Fan put down the painting, but he also gave up. He couldn't find a way out of the painting at all. His time was running out, and he was not allowed to continue his research. He coughed, and there was a black blood cough at the corner of his rotten mouth Come out, "Can you give me another pill? Give me some more time."

The rotten one shook his head indifferently and said, "Do you think it's possible? If my true essence can't hold it then the medicine pill is my only reliance, it can make me live longer, even if there is no hope Go out, and I don't want to die too soon."

Zhou Fan didn't ask any more questions, the rotten ones said so, even if he said anything, he couldn't get the medicine pill from the rotten ones.

"If you feel pain, I can send you on your way." The Decay looked at Zhou Fandao.

"No, I won't give up until the last moment." Zhou Fan shook his head.

"You said so, don't ask me to help you end your pain later." The rotten one didn't speak any more, he closed his eyes.

The rotten flesh on Zhou Fan's body kept falling off or turned into blood-colored blisters. He clenched his teeth to support it. This kind of pain was indeed torture, but he couldn't scream in pain. If he disturbed the rotten person, the rotten person might feel Displeased kills him immediately.

Why isn't the nightmare over yet?

There is no sign of activating the dream break spell?

Pieces of flesh fell off the top of his brain, and Sen Bai's skull could be seen, and the two eyeballs were loose and rolled to the ground because of the rotting flesh.

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