Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1780: overbearing

Am I so unlucky... Zhou Fan murmured silently in his heart, of course he didn't want to go to the country, but there was nothing he could do if he was drawn.

Without further ado, Zhou Fan and Tang Lao immediately set off for Qianguo.

They were only separated from Shi Shixiong by half a day, and the gap was not too big.

And from the barbarian world Tiancheng to Qianguo, it only takes three days to use the teleportation formations of various cities to hurry on the way.

Zhou Fan and Tang Lao sat on a flying device that looked like a straw hat. In addition to the two of them, they also brought ten cultivators from the old world.

With such a lineup and the people Shi Shixiong took away before, it has to be said that Mr. Jie has attached great importance to this matter.

Even if everyone understands in their hearts that if the catastrophe begins, even if they can kill the mutated wind-hunting monster in Qianguo, many people will still die in the end.

But no matter whether the catastrophe begins or not, the Jie Laohui can't just sit still and obey the destiny.

As for how many people will survive in the end, this is not something they can estimate.

At night, Zhou Fan appeared on the boat and told the Emperor of the Kingdom of what happened in the country.

The King of Nations said, "It's a little strange."

"What's so strange?" Zhou Fan hurriedly asked, it was about his safety.

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Nations pondered for a while and said, "I can't tell, but it is difficult for the Hunting Wind to mutate so much that it can destroy so many creatures in a country overnight."

"What would it be if it weren't for the hunting wind monster?" Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment and said, the information sent back by Xuanshengmen today shows more and more signs that this is the hunting wind monster.

"I don't know." The King of Nations shook his head and said, "Hunting Fengxue has nothing to do with that kind of red fruit, right?"

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed. Indeed, the biggest question now is what is the relationship between the red fruit that spreads all over the country and the hunting scorpion?

The information of the wind-hunting monster has already been sorted out for the first time, but there is no information that mentions that the wind-hunting monster will produce the kind of red fruit that is remembered by people.

Jie Laohui and Xuanshengmen temporarily attributed it to the mutation of the hunter.

But will the mutation of the wind-hunting monster really lead to the emergence of this kind of memory red fruit?

"Generally, there is a limit to the mutation of strange things." The King of Nations said: "This mutation is an extension of its shape or ability, and there are occasions when new abilities are added for no reason, but it is rare."

"Will there be a second weirdness?" Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, "That weirdness led to the mutation of the Hunting Fengxing and wiped out the country of Qian."

"This guess is not impossible." The King of Nations said: "But it is also possible that we are all wrong. The mutation of this wind-hunting monster is beyond imagination. After all, the place you are in is in a state of catastrophe."

Zhou Fan was slightly silent, the entire barbarian star world might be in a catastrophe, and what was impossible.

He once discussed the catastrophe of the barbarian star world with the Emperor of All Nations, but the Emperor of All Nations couldn't tell what happened outside, but he believed that the catastrophe was just a catastrophe in the place where Zhou Fan was, not a real disaster. The catastrophe of all worlds.

"If the catastrophe really comes, the ship will tell me. If the ship didn't say it, it means that it didn't come." The Emperor of All Nations said that at the time, and he was based on this reason to judge whether the catastrophe he said really came.

Zhou Fan can only sigh in his heart, this is probably the leader who believes in the ship the most.

Three days passed in a flash.

During these three days, two more expedition teams have disappeared, and the exploration teams sent by Xuanshengmen have successively discovered more traces of hunting wind monsters.

Xuanshengmen and Jie Laohui basically confirmed that this is a mutated wind-hunting monster.

But there are also many doubts that are difficult to explain clearly.

Why did the wind-hunting monster stay in the dry country area that has been wiped out?

Since the hunter can destroy a country, why not just kill all the expedition teams in the territory, but only three expedition teams suffered misfortune?

The relationship between the dark red fruit and the wind-hunting monster is still unclear.

In the past three days, Xuanshengmen still has not found the second surviving village.

It seems that only one village survived.

The expedition team carefully searched the village and questioned the people of the village, but found nothing.

This is an ordinary village, and I also tried to find the household registration information to confirm that the village is real, the number of people in the village is correct, and there are no outsiders. According to the interrogation records, before and after the destruction of Qianguo, there were no outsiders in the village. anything unusual.

Xuanshengmen can't figure it out, why did that village survive?

Xuanshengmen was very cautious and did not let the village relocate, but sent an exploration team to monitor the village.

After Zhou Fan and the others arrived in the Qianguo area, they immediately came to the temporary base camp set up by Xuanshengmen, and met Shi Shixiong who had arrived some time earlier.

"Zhou Daoyou, Tang Lao." Shi Shixiong bowed his hands.

"How is the situation now?" Mr. Tang asked.

"It's not yet possible to determine the exact location of the wind-hunting monster..." Shi Shixiong pointed to the northwest corner of the map of Qianguo in the tent, "but we suspect that it should be in the northwest area of ​​Qianguo at present."

They don't have to rush over there, because there is a teleportation formation in the base camp, as long as they find a hunting monster, they can immediately feel the nearby support through the teleportation formation.

After all, it is only suspected that it is in the northwest corner of the country, but even the northwest area of ​​the country is terrifyingly It takes too much time for a single person to search for it.

After everyone discussed some countermeasures, Mr. Tang asked, "Has Daoist fellow in yellow come?"

Shi Shixiong's face shook, "He didn't contact me, and I don't know if he's here."

Zhou Fan was curious, some elders from Jie Laohui were very afraid of Huang Yixia.

What did the man in yellow do to them? That makes them so afraid?

"Then I think he's far away and hasn't arrived yet." Tang Lao stroked his goatee and smiled.

Shi Shixiong did not say much with a straight face.

Shi Shixiong is the master of the Xuanshengmen. In the base camp, apart from the outbound monks of the Jie Laohui, he is also a member of the Xuanshengmen. Some things need to be decided by Shi Shixiong himself.

Shi Shixiong was busy dealing with things soon, but Zhou Fan and Tang Lao had nothing to do and just had to wait patiently.

"Mr. Tang, why did Daoyou Shi and the others have such an attitude towards that fellow Daoist in yellow?" Zhou Fan took the opportunity to ask.

Tang Lao took a sip of tea from the teacup, and then said slowly: "The origin of Daoist Huang Yi is unknown. He came to the door and said he wanted to become Jie Lao."

"The Jie Laohui has always been a referral system. Without the introduction of Jie Lao, you cannot become a Jie Lao."

"Daoist Fellow Yellow Clothes did one thing. He defeated seven fellow Daoists Shi and Fellow Daoist Zi who were on duty in the Jiedao Association at the time, and forced them to be his introducers."

"The seven fellow Daoists agreed reluctantly and became his introducers."

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