Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1849: watch the fun

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Zhou Fan looked at the two old men and the middle-aged man, his face slightly condensed, these three also gave him a very dangerous feeling.

The old man on crutches said solemnly, "It's not that my shielding technique is not good, but that his spiritual sense is very keen."

The other old man put his hands on his waist, he squinted and smiled and said, "So that's how it is."

The woman in Huahai sneered: "I told you a long time ago, just watch the fun, why is it so sneaky? Are you ashamed now?"

Zhou Fan looked at the woman in the bright green shirt, "I don't know the four of you, why are you blocking my way?"

"It's not right to say you don't know each other." The woman smiled and said, "Did you forget that I talked to you a few days ago?"

The woman's voice became hoarse.

Zhou Fan heard it all at once, "It turned out to be the owner of Yangdao, but why has your voice changed?"

The woman said: "I always have to maintain my dignity in front of my subordinates. The voice of a little girl is not good, so I made a disguise."

Don't you rely on your strength to intimidate the ghost repair of your subordinates? This is purely taking off. Pants and farting are superfluous... Zhou Fan thought silently, he turned and said, "It's not surprising that Yang Island Lord came to me, but why are the other three fellow Daoists?"

The Island Master of Blood Sea glanced at the three people and said, "The three of them are here to watch the fun, and of course they may also want to pick up bargains. You seem to have appeared out of nowhere. You don't know any of us old monsters. They Don't worry, just follow."

"Would you like to introduce yourself?"

The masculine middle-aged man in colorful floral clothes smiled and said, "I'm Huqianhua, from a Hu family from Huazi area. Daoist friends come to our Huazi area, of course I have to rush over to enjoy the master's friendship. "

The old man leaning on a cane took off a green leaf that grew from the tip of the cane and said lightly, "The veins of the leaves will meet Ye Natian."

Finally, the old man with a slightly curved back smiled kindly and said, "Lin Gaoshou has seen fellow Taoist."

"I've seen you fellow Daoists in Zhao Ba." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said that these people came uninvited and had bad intentions.

The Island Master of Blood Sea sneered: "The three of you are quite modest, I'm afraid this fellow Zhao Daoist like you doesn't understand, Huqianhua is the head of the Hu family, the Hu family is the overlord of the Huzi region, and old man Ye is the president of Yemai. , the most powerful leaf vein mathematician."

"Lin Gaoshou... He is from the Kingdom of the Divine Tree and is the son of Senior Lin." When the Blood Sea Island Master mentioned Senior Lin, there was a trace of fear in his eyes, "Of course, the most important thing is that the three of them are Taoist monks. , otherwise, how can I allow them to watch the fun?"

Zhou Fan took a deep look at Lin Gaoshou, the royal family of the Divine Tree Kingdom was surnamed Lin, and the senior Lin mentioned by the Blood Sea Island Master should be the ancestor of the Divine Tree Kingdom, a celestial cultivator!

When Lin Gaoshou saw Zhou Fan looking at him, he smiled and said: "I heard old man Ye say that Daoyou Zhao has been coming in this direction, but he didn't plan to stay in the Zhuangzi area. Could it be that he wants to come to our kingdom of God Tree to be a guest? ?"

Zhou Fan didn't answer. He understood something in his heart. These four people could block him here, relying on Ye Natian's leaf vein skills, but he was a lifeless person. What is the way to deduce his whereabouts?

"I told the three of them about Daoyou Zhao's location." Ye Natian said slowly, "Do you think it's strange, Daoyou Zhao, why your fate can't be deduced, but I can find your location?"

"I'm really curious." Zhou Fan chuckled lightly, "Can you tell me the reason, Fellow Daoist Ye?"

"It's actually very simple." Ye Natian said: "How did Gongsun Jiugong find Daoyou Zhao, how did I find Daoyou Zhao? I asked a member of the Yemai Society to find Gongsun Jiugong's tree of life..."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect this to be the reason.

"Daoyou Zhao knows how I found you Daoyou Zhao, but I also have some doubts in my heart, and I hope Daoyou Zhao can help me solve the puzzle." Ye Natian's voice became a little low, "I can't calculate the fate of Daoyou Zhao, and it was strange at first. , but now that I have seen Daoyou Zhao, I still can't see through Daoyou Zhao's fate, could it be that Daoyou Zhao is a lifeless person?"

The three of Lin Gaoshou were puzzled, and they had never heard of lifeless people.

"You said so, right?" Zhou Fan said with a smile.

Ye Natian's face became solemn, "If it is a lifeless person, how did Fellow Zhao Daoist live so long?"

He had read it in the classics, the lifeless people will suffer the unavoidable bad luck, even if they avoided the first time, it is difficult to avoid the second time, this person is already a Taoist monk, his age should not be Little, how many times have you experienced bad luck?

He felt his scalp go numb just thinking about it.

Zhou Fan glanced at Ye Natian strangely, he shook his head and said, "I don't think you came to chat with me, Lord Yang Island, are you really here to trouble me?"

The Island Master of Blood Sea said with a smile: "If you gave me what Gongsun Jiugong promised me before, why would I trouble you? But you refused to give it. Now that I am here, even if you are willing to give it, I don't plan to take it. "

Zhou Fan frowned slightly. He suspected that the Blood Sea Island Lord was relying on Lin Gaoshou and three people, and it was not difficult for four Taoist monks to surround and kill a Taoist monk.

"So the four of you are going to go together?" Zhou Fan asked calmly.

The Island Master of Blood Sea was stunned for a moment and smiled and leaned forward and backward, "Fellow Daoist Zhao is really interesting, of course not, my relationship with the three of them is not very good, how can they join forces with me? Maybe I am injured, they will swarm up. , take the opportunity to kill me."

"Didn't you listen to what I said just now? The three of them are just here to watch the fun, and they also want to wait for us to lose both in the fight, so that we can take advantage of it."

The three of Lin Gaoshou did not make a sound, which was regarded as acknowledging the statement of the island owner of the Blood Sea.

Zhou Fan was puzzled and said, "If this is the case, why does Yang Daozhu still take action against me?"

Should say why dare to shoot at me?

The Blood Sea Island Lord laughed until tears almost came Because I am strong enough, there are so many Taoist realms in the birth star realm, and no one is my opponent. You think you killed a Taoist like Gongsun Jiugong Divine cultivator, do you think that no one dares to shoot at you? "

In the sea of ​​​​flowers, blood-colored and sticky figures climbed up from the ground. They exuded a cold atmosphere and looked at Zhou Fan.

"I want to see how strong you are?" The Blood Sea Island Lord's smile faded and he became indifferent.

All the **** figures rushed towards Zhou Fan, this was her rune.

Zhou Fan's face was calm, and his body had powerful True Essence surging out, crushing the blood-colored figure who jumped in front of him first, and his body suddenly split into identical Zhou Fans.

These clones killed the **** figure.

The **** figures were killed one by one.

The Island Master of Blood Sea was still standing still, and **** and sticky figures on the ground continued to climb up and fight with countless Zhou Fan clones.

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