Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1859: 4 Flower House

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Qianhua hesitated for a while, he was not a fool, and now Lin Gaoshou and others were present, but they did not save him, but let the monster decide whether to let him or not, which shows that the power of the monster might be here It is very strong, so that the human side dare not do anything to the Mud God Race.

If that's the case, then he wants to win against the self-proclaimed Nisan, but he may not be able to win, and there may be danger.

"It seems that none of you want to challenge me." Ni San said calmly: "If you don't want to challenge..."

"Ni San, can I have a few words with fellow Daoists and the others?" Lin Gaoshou said.

Ni San glanced at Lin Gaoshou, "That's one sentence."

When Lin Gaoshou was allowed, he looked at Hua Qianhua and said, "Friend Daoist, we don't know how you were caught, but after you were caught, we have never fought against the Kingdom of Colored Mud."

After saying this, Lin Gaoshou closed his mouth.

Qi Qianhua's eyes flickered, he understood, the reason why Lin Gaoshou and the others did not dare to do anything to the Mud God Clan was because he was caught in the Taoist realm, so he was so jealous of the Mud God Clan.

But how was he caught?

He also didn't know that he was suddenly dragged into the body of the Pigment Disaster by the Yan Yao before, and he passed out. He just woke up not long ago and found that all his cultivation had been banned.

He wasn't caught by the Mud God Race, which means that the Mud God Race might not be as strong as they thought. He thought of this and looked at Ni San and asked, "Will you release the seal on me in this kind of competition?"

If the seal is not lifted, then he is just a useless waste. Once the seal is lifted, he is a powerful Taoist monk.

And he still has a bold idea in his heart. If his seal is lifted, even if he loses, but if he wants to escape back to the human side, who can stop him?

So no matter what, you can try it, at least remove the seal on your body first.

Ni San's brown mud eyeballs stared at Qi Qianhua and said, "Of course the competition will lift your seal, otherwise what's the point of the competition?"

"That's good." Qi Qianhua took a deep breath and said, "I will challenge you."

Ni San chuckled lightly, he stamped his feet, and a square ring like a yellow mud rose from the ground.

Qianhua found that her body was out of control and flew up with Ni San and landed in the mud-yellow square arena.

Everyone was looking at Ni San and Hu Qianhua on the ring.

As the king of the Mud God Clan, Ni San should be the most powerful monster of the Mud God Clan. There are very few things in the monster that are the same as humans, but one thing is the same. The strong are always respected.

From Ni San, it should be possible to know whether this group of monsters transformed from the plague of pigments is powerful or not.

"It's like your human rule, whoever leaves the ring will lose." Ni San announced the rule.

"I have no opinion." Hua Qianhua nodded.

The colorful mud ring on Huqianhua's neck slowly turned around and fell off automatically. It turned into a mud line and flew towards Ni San and merged into Ni San's body.

"Okay." Ni San said, "If there is no problem, then we can start."

Qi Qianhua felt that his body was surging with strength, and he regained his former strength. He smiled, this feeling of being sealed was really disgusting.

The recovery of his strength made him confident. When he saw that Ni San had no intention of making a move, his mind changed, and the indigo light spread out from his body, and soon spread, covering the entire ring.

The indigo light turned into a mansion, covering everything in the ring.

The four corners of the indigo mansion are growing with flowers of different colors of blue, yellow, blue and purple, absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth crazily.

"Weird is just weird, too ignorant." Lin Gaoshou laughed.

This Ni San dares to be shrouded in a thousand paintings of Taoism. The Taoist government can strengthen itself and weaken all enemies who fall into the Taoist government. Naturally, it also includes weirdness.

Strangely, there is no Taoist government, so it is impossible for the monks who have Taoism to fight each other, and Qianhua already has the advantage.

"My brother's Four Flowers Dao Mansion can absorb vitality to replenish his own body." Hu Boyi is also very happy, such Hu Qianhua is equivalent to having more than double the amount of real essence for him to use, and he can use some consumption. Great techniques and martial arts to deal with the enemy.

Zhou Fan watched calmly, but the Taoist mansion blocked the view, and they couldn't see the battle inside.

Just after three breaths of time, with a click, a huge mud hand lifted the roof of the Taoist mansion, and then swept across the four directions, completely demolishing the Taoist mansion.

Everyone was shocked, and a Taoist mansion in the realm of Taoism was demolished like this.

But what surprised them the most was not this. The huge mud hand came from Ni San. The left hand became bigger, and its right palm also became larger. It was not as exaggerated as the left hand, but its right palm was pinching the Taoist **** of the thousand paintings. .

Chihuahua's body fell to the ground.

Qi Qianhua's Taoist **** looked horrified, because the Taoist mansion was destroyed, and the indigo light emitted by the Taoist gods closely related to the Taoist mansion also dimmed, and he shouted: "I admit defeat."

Ni San's left hand was retracting to its original shape, and he turned his head slightly and said lightly, "You lost."

Its right hand suddenly exerted force, and with a bang, the Taoist **** of the thousand paintings was crushed.

"Brother." Hu Boyi muttered to himself in a lost voice. He never thought that he would see such an absurd scene. The elder brother of the Taoist realm was slaughtered as easily as a chicken.

Lin Gaoshou and Ye Natian both narrowed their pupils slowly.

Zhou Fan's face was dignified and strong. The strength of the three clays was beyond his imagination. He killed a Taoist monk in such a short period of time. This is a Taoist monk, and this strange delusion has wisdom comparable to human beings.

Huqianhua's remnants of Taoism turned into indigo rays of light scattered, his body floated up, and Nisan's mud mouth was torn into four swallowed Huqianhua's body, and the big mouth opened again. Completely restored.

"Who else wants to challenge me now?" Ni San asked after looking at the prisoners.

The prisoners looked away in horror. Even the Taoist monks were no match. They were just courting death.

Seeing that the prisoners didn't dare to challenge it again, Ni San waved his hand, and the clay figurine took all the prisoners down. Then he turned his head to look at the crowd and said, "Then our competition officially begins, which of you will come first?"

Lin Gaoshou, who originally said he was going to take the lead, changed his face slightly. Even if he was stronger than Huqianhua, he wasn't much stronger. How long could he last for this Nisan who could kill Huqianhua in a few breaths?

What is the significance of this going up?

Zhou Fan and the others all looked at Lin Gaoshou.

"We need to discuss it." Lin Gaoshou took a deep breath.

Ni San, who was standing on the ring, pondered and smiled and said, "Okay, then you can discuss it well, but remember that none of you is willing to come up, then you will lose, and don't forget the offering you promised."

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