Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1878: deceive

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In the room where the blue light appeared, Zhou Fan glanced at the dark shadow. Of course he had 10,000 catties of Jin Lingsha, but it was not a small sum of money. He came to the Gray Star Realm for a short time, if he hadn't killed Zhu Wuhen , I'm afraid he won't be able to get 10,000 catties of golden sand, and he can only use some rare materials on his body to exchange it.

Just is it worth it?

Zhou Fan's thoughts changed, and he quickly said: "But I also know a way to get rid of it. I don't know if the way to get rid of the Secret Pavilion is the same as what I know?"

"It's very easy to verify." The dark shadow chuckled and said, "The guest tells him how to get rid of it. If it is the same, I will tell the guest truthfully, so that the guest can save a fortune."

"If it's not the same, you'll know one more piece of valuable news, right?" Zhou Fan said, "Your Secret Pavilion is the most profitable force I've ever seen."

"If the guests have such concerns, they can just buy our news for verification without saying anything. Of course, they can leave without asking anything." The dark shadow said in a casual tone.

Zhou Fan said: "The way I know is that as long as you leave the Gray Star Realm, Xing Xia Sha will not be able to keep up."

This method is just his guess, even if he tells the Secret Pavilion it is fine, just to verify whether this method is reliable from the Secret Pavilion!

The dark shadow was silent for a while: "This is our way of getting rid of it, congratulations to the guest for saving a fortune."

The corner of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched, this secret pavilion can really make money, how dare you accept 10,000 catties of golden sand?

However, he soon felt that something was amiss. This method of getting rid of it couldn't be so expensive. He tentatively asked: "Since the method of getting rid of is the same, how much does it cost for the news about slaughtering sand?"

"Nine thousand catties of golden sand." The dark shadow quoted the price.

Zhou Fan's pupils shrank slightly, "You mean that the way to get rid of stalking the sand is not valuable, the news of it is valuable, but it is too expensive."

"Its value is already so high." The dark shadow said: "There are very few people who know this secret at present, and the guests' understanding of it is probably still at a very early stage."

"In any case, its value is evaluated by our Secret Pavilion, and guests can disagree or choose not to buy this news."

Zhou Fan pondered. Judging from this person's tone, it seems that stalking sand is not just as simple as an ordinary freshman. If he is not targeted by stalking sand, of course he can ignore it, but now...

Even if he knew that he could get rid of stalking sand by leaving the gray star realm, he could not confirm what unknown danger would stalking sand to him before leaving the grey star realm.

It would be good for him to know more about stalking the sand.

Zhou Fan no longer hesitated when he thought of this, whether the money should be paid or not, he took out nine exchange tickets totaling nine thousand catties of golden spirit sand from his storage bag and put them on the table.

The dark shadow knocked on the table, and the nine exchange tickets were in his hands. After confirming that there were no problems with the exchange tickets, he said, "The following secrets are very important, but the guests have paid the fees, and the Secret Pavilion cannot ask the guests to keep them. It's a secret, but I personally advise guests that it's best not to say such secrets easily."

Zhou Fan was surprised for a while, and he asked, "Why can't the secret of stalking the sand be easily revealed?"

"Guests don't need to worry, you will understand after listening to me." The dark shadow said: "Tangling Sha is not an ordinary joke, and even our Secret Pavilion doesn't know whether it should be called a strange joke, but since it has a form, It is not wrong to say that it is strange, its appearance means that the catastrophe of the Gray Star Realm has begun."

The catastrophe of the Grey Star Realm has begun... Zhou Fan's face was stunned. He came to the Grey Star Realm, and he didn't even see the signs of the catastrophe. He stayed in Wujin City for a few days and also asked the deputy city lord Jiang Dayi to come and ask about this. I learned that there will also be a catastrophe in the Gray Star Realm, and we are preparing for the catastrophe, but it seems that the sign of the catastrophe has not yet appeared, so the catastrophe should be early.

The top big powers in the gray star realm like Wujincheng said this, so he thought that the situation in the gray star realm should not be as serious as the birth star realm and the barbarian star realm.

"Why do you say that?" Zhou Fan said solemnly: "What basis is there, the signs of the catastrophe did not appear, why did the catastrophe begin, and the appearance of stalking sand can indicate that the catastrophe has really come?"

"The guest is wrong. The once-in-a-thousand-year catastrophe sometimes does not have a sign of catastrophe, but comes directly." The dark shadow said coldly: "If the guest knows enough about the catastrophe, he will know."

Zhou Fan frowned. He quickly recalled the information about the catastrophe he had read. He remembered that in the Barbarian Star Realm, there really seemed to be a catastrophe that came without any warning.

"The environment of the gray star realm is worse than other star realms. This is the formation of the last catastrophe, which may also cause it to come without any warning and special this catastrophe." The dark shadow said: "From stalking the sand. It was discovered at first, but it was only a short period of time, we paid attention to it from the beginning, and later found that the situation was getting more and more serious, only then did we confirm that the stalking sand was part of the catastrophe in the gray star world."

"We went all the way from the stalking sand to the bottom and found an amazing fact."

Zhou Fan saw the dark shadow stop, he looked over.

The dark shadow was silent for a while before continuing to slowly say: "The entire gray star world is deceiving, and the speed of its deception is very slow, so slow that if it hadn't used special means, it would have been impossible to find it deceiving."

Zhou Fan's face was shocked, "You mean that the gray star world is turning into a deceitful place?"

"It could also be a grotesque with consciousness." The dark shadow corrected.

Zhou Fan's heart trembled a little. Whether it turned into a deceitful or a strange delusion, it was too terrifying. If the gray star realm really completed the deception, after this catastrophe, the gray star realm may no longer exist, then All beings living on this astral world...

"Isn't it possible to stop it from deceiving?" Zhou Fan asked in a low voice, "How many people in the Gray Star Realm know about this news?"

"It's hard to stop it from The dark shadow slowly said: "We have studied it in the Secret Pavilion, and this is an almost irreversible fact. As for how many people know this news? We only confirmed this five days ago, and very few people know about it now, but more and more people will know about it soon. Of course, compared to the entire Gray Star Realm, the number of people who can finally know about it is still a small number. "

"I think you will understand the truth."

Zhou Fan's face was gloomy and uncertain. Of course, he understood that if the gray star realm could not be stopped, the only way to survive would be to leave through the star realm teleportation array. Ordinary monks can't afford it.

What about the warriors?

What about ordinary mortals?

These people simply cannot afford the materials sent by the astral world.

If the news spreads, I am afraid that the gray star realm has not completely completed the deception, and the order of the entire gray star realm will collapse!

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