Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1915: Back to the wild star realm

I'm afraid the weakest unknowable monsters are very reluctant to me... Zhou Fan said angrily: "Okay, stop talking."

Only then did Xiao Wan shut her mouth. She said it very happily and made you squeak...

Zhou Fan was hit by Xiao Qian, and his somewhat swollen state of mind returned to calm.

For the next nine days, in addition to stabilizing his realm, Zhou Fan was pondering the matter of the celestial phenomena and Dharmakaya.

Of course, the top cultivators of the Three Sects and Nine Sects in Drift City would occasionally invite Zhou Fan under various excuses, wanting to have a good relationship with Zhou Fan, and Zhou Fan would not refuse such invitations.

There are very few monks who are qualified to invite Zhou Fan from the three sects and nine factions, so the banquets are not too frequent.

During the banquet, Zhou Fan heard a major event related to him.

The secret pavilion and the God-making Sect fought because of the battle that took place on the outpost island.

In fact, the cultivators of the Meteor Realm seems to be in the North Sea, and they all vaguely know that the God-making Sect and the Secret Pavilion are cross-star forces.

Of course, if they choose, they will help the secret pavilion, and there is a lot of conflict with them.

Some forces in the Meteor World have already tested it, and the Secret Pavilion has refused any help, because this may affect the principle of the Secret Pavilion’s neutrality in buying and selling news. The Secret Pavilion is not friendly with any forces, and the Secret Pavilion does not think it will lose.

The top forces in the Meteor World simply chose to stand by and wait for the two to decide whether to win or lose. Even if the Secret Pavilion loses and the God-creation Sect wins, the God-creation Sect will suffer greatly. That is the best chance to get out.

They are waiting for a suitable opportunity to get down.

Zhou Fan didn't expect that these two forces would really fight for this. He didn't have much expectations for this. After all, as long as a little careful investigation, he could find a lot of clues.

He suspects that it is not only because of him, but that these two forces may have already been in conflict, otherwise how could it be possible to fight?

But this has nothing to do with him, just fight if you like.

The Astral Teleportation Array in Drift City has not encountered too many problems and has been repaired.

Once repaired, Zhou Fan entered the Star Realm Teleportation Array and left the Meteor Realm under the watch of the top cultivators from the Three Sects and Nine Sects.

When the feeling of spinning around the sky dissipated, Zhou Fan had already appeared in the Barbarian Star Realm Teleportation Array.

"Welcome back." Lin Wuya was standing on the side and said with a smile. He received a letter from Zhou Fan and knew that Zhou Fan would be back today, so he was waiting for Zhou Fan in this star realm teleportation array leading to the meteor realm.

Zhou Fan greeted Lin Wuya, his face was solemn, because even if the boat said Wuyan had left the Barbarian Star Realm, he was still a little uneasy in his heart, afraid that a gust of wind would come and turn into a wind god.

Lin Wuya also had this kind of worry. The two were silent for a while, only to find out that Fengshen did not appear in the sky, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The power of Fengshen impressed them too deeply, even though the power of Fengshen they saw was completely different.

The Star Realm Teleportation Array was originally in the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm. Zhou Fan and Lin Wuya wentssip for a while, and the two went to see other Jie Laohui in the Jie Laohui. Zhou Fan said that he was chased by the Fengshen, and that he was lucky to live after nine deaths. Star Realm, can only come back now.

He is already in the celestial realm. He wants to come to the barbarian star realm, and he can't find a monk stronger than him, so he has some words to say, and he is not afraid of what other people think. The idea of ​​forming an alliance is to let the elders of the Jie Laohui know the situation of other star realms.

After speaking, the elders of the entire Jie Laohui were shocked.

They have been paying attention to the barbarian star realm, and they have no idea about these things in the outside world.

"In that case, the catastrophe that the alien realm has encountered is more serious than we thought." Tang Lao said with a solemn expression: "Maybe our barbarian star realm will also encounter such a serious catastrophe."

"There is a possibility." Old Qin sighed lightly, "If there is a catastrophe like the Gray Star Realm, I'm afraid the Barbarian Star Realm won't be able to keep it."

The other world elders were slightly silent. Even if the catastrophe was serious in the past, at least some people would survive, especially the monks, whose chances of surviving were much higher than ordinary people.

"Other star realms are like this, the barbarian star realm may not be so serious. At least from the current point of view, the situation in the barbarian star realm is not so serious." Zi Xiaozi said.

Having said that, the worries in the hearts of the elders still exist, because the closure of the Xiazhu star realm and the transformation of the gray star realm may be an omen.

After a while of silence, the elders of the world started to discuss, what should they do if the catastrophe was so serious that it could not be avoided?

Among them, it is very important to form an alliance with Meteor World. Fortunately, Zhou Fan has already negotiated with Drift City, so there is no big problem.

Of course, it's not just the Meteor Realm, the Barbarian Star Realm also has a teleportation formation leading to the Xuanxing Realm. They also plan to try to contact the Xuanxing Realm, communicate this matter, and make preparations.

After the discussion was almost over, the elders from all circles got up and got busy, and the news that Zhou Fan brought back really scared them.

If it really comes to the point where the barbarian star world has to be This is the most serious situation, and there will be very few people who will survive, because the cost of astral transmission is too expensive.

The elders of the world have to start collecting the materials sent by the astral world. They have never made plans to escape to other astral worlds before.

After the meeting was over, Zhou Fan chatted with the well-connected monks like Zi Xiaozi and Tang Lao for a while, and talked about each other's views and plans.

Elders like Zi Xiaozi thought that they had made long-term preparations, and then they left in a hurry.

In this way, Zhou Fan and Lin Wuya are left.

"Lin Sheng, I plan to go back to Dawei." Zhou Fan said: "The long-distance teleportation technique I mastered before can no longer be used. I'm afraid it will take a long time to go back and forth."

Without the younger sister, he would not be able to travel freely between the realms. Generally, only cultivators at the Profound Opening Realm or above would be able to travel freely between the realms.

"It's better for you to go back, and let Da Wei be prepared to face a more severe catastrophe." Lin Wuya hummed.

"Lin Sheng, there is something I want to tell you." Zhou Fan thought about it and said with a serious face: "Someone told me that the Holy Master may know the secret of why Fengshen is chasing me?"

Lin Wuya was stunned for a moment, and he said sharply, "Who told you?"

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, "You don't know it, it is an elder of my division."

"It doesn't matter if I don't know it, the question is why does it say that? What else does it say?" Lin Wuya's voice became more and more rapid, and he stretched out his hand and pinched his fingers to count, but he couldn't count anything. , he subconsciously thought that this might be related to Zhou Fan's fate, so he did not continue to count.

"Tell me, this may be very important." Lin Wuya said again.

"It just left me a sentence like this, and didn't say anything extra." Zhou Fan shook his head.

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