Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1931: kill giant

Just when Lin Wuya and the others felt hopeless, Lin Wuya's sound transmission jade talisman lit up, Lin Wuya looked at the lit rune on the jade talisman, his face showed joy, "It's Zhou Fan."

Everyone was slightly startled, didn't it say that Zhou Fan went to the Meteor World?

Lin Wuya quickly activated the sound transmission jade talisman, "Zhou Fan, where are you?"

"I just came back from Meteor Realm." Zhou Fan said, "Do you want me to kill the giant and convert the giant puppet to its full form?"

"Yes, we have to try anyway, otherwise the Xilin Congress will be destroyed by it, and countless people will die. Are you sure?" Lin Wuya didn't ask Zhou Fan why he came back so soon. , because time is too tight.

"I'll try." After Zhou Fan asked where they were, "It should be too late, I'll be there as soon as possible."

Zhou Fan put away the sound transmission jade talisman. After he arrived at the Meteor Realm for a while, he felt that something was wrong, because he went too hastily. When he arrived at the Meteor Realm, what if the giant puppet soldier did not disappear because he arrived at the Meteor Realm?

He thought about it for a while and felt that he couldn't stay here like this. The purpose of sending him to the Meteor Realm has been achieved. If there is any change in the giant puppet soldier, it should have already appeared. He can go back now, instead of waiting. here.

He quickly asked Hua Liuzong to help with the teleportation array. After the teleportation array was arranged, he immediately teleported back. When he came back, he heard that Jie Laohui said that Lin Wuya and the others were looking for him to help kill the giant...

He thought with a serious expression on his face. He went to the Meteor Realm, and the giant puppet soldier had no intention of leaving, but it was still impossible to confirm that the giant puppet soldier was not aimed at him.

And even if it's not for him now, if he appears and attracts the attention of the giant puppet soldiers, it will be very troublesome for him.

He was slightly silent. Compared with the lives of all people in a country, this risk still had to be taken, and this was not only for Xilin Kingdom, but for the entire Barbarian Star Realm.

He couldn't allow him to think too much, he took out the small moving ball of heaven and earth, and soon bronze light radiated from the small moving ball of heaven and earth, turned into a big bronze hand, and tore a crack.

Zhou Fan walked into the crack and disappeared into the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm.

When he came out of the realm, he was in the wilderness between the Celadon Country and the Xilin Country. It was the first time he came to this place, and it was inevitable that there would be deviations. He flew to the sky and spread out his spiritual thoughts. Observed.

After quickly confirming his position, he flew quickly.

It didn't take much time for him to see a giant group of people running in the distance. The sound of running sounded like the sky was falling apart, and it was impossible for him not to notice.

Zhou Fan activated the sound transmission jade talisman and said to Lin Wuya, who was in an unknown position: "I'm here, I'll try to see if I can kill a giant, you guys be careful."

"Okay, we know." Lin Wuya said: "We tried just now, as long as we attack a giant, it will chase after us, and the other giants will not stop..."

The giant crowd was about to enter Xilin Country, so they couldn't gather together first.

Zhou Fan put away the sound transmission jade talisman, and he accelerated to fly. When he flew to the periphery of the giant crowd, his body exuded a golden shield of true essence, which resisted the power of the giant's curse. He was in the realm of celestial phenomena. Yuan contains the power of the laws of heaven and earth, and even if you don't need Taoism, you can resist the power of this curse.

He took out the German sword from the storage bag and slashed it out.

A huge gray sword light shot out and smashed into a giant's head. With a snort, a burst of white smoke erupted from the giant's head.

The giant shook his head and stopped, while the other giants continued to move forward.

Zhou Fan flew back and let the other giants go, so that he wouldn't get caught in a siege.

The giant who was hit by his knife chased after him, and there were countless blood lines on his body, and at the end of the blood lines, there were line puppets with different shapes.

Countless thread puppets danced towards Zhou Fan, who was flying back.

Zhou Fan no longer retreated, his body was transformed into a pitch-black light, turning into a miniature pitch-black Taoist mansion to shroud him.

He let these puppets attack his Cangmu Taoist mansion, and he controlled the Taoist mansion to rampage among the countless puppets.

It quickly flew close to the giant's head. Compared with the giant's head, the Cangmu Daofu seemed too small.

The giant didn't move, and the puppets were still frantically attacking the Cangmu Daofu, but the Cangmu Daofu was unscathed, and they couldn't help the Cangmu Daofu.

A mysterious syllable came from the Cangmu Dao Mansion, and golden ripples spread rapidly.

All the puppets' attack movements stopped.

Zhou Fan's Dao God flew out from the Cangmu Dao Mansion, and the range of the Dragon God's language did not cover the giant's body. After all, he did not use the celestial body.

If the giant wants to move at this time, it must be able to move, but the giant seems to follow a certain rule and does not move because Zhou Fan does not mean to escape. It seems that it does not notice that Zhou Fan has imprisoned all its puppets.

The giant's head was blurred and Zhou Fanfei couldn't see its appearance even as he approached it.

Zhou Fan didn't think about it any more, the Taoist God was constantly getting bigger, and when he stretched out his hand lightly, a seven-colored light saber with a length of three feet transformed into it.

Zhou Fan held the colorful light knife condensed by the power of the Taoist **** and stabbed into the neck of the giant, without any blood or the like being ejected from the neck of the giant.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows when he saw this. He didn't pull out the knife, but flew around the giant's neck with the knife, cutting the giant's neck in a circle.

The huge head fell off.

Zhou Fan instantly returned to the body of the Taoist mansion and flew out a hundred meters away.

The huge head was still falling. As Zhou Fan flew away, the time restraint of the puppets was lifted. All the puppets were falling down. They lost their vitality and dissipated as black particles of light.

Before the huge head fell to the ground, it turned into a puddle of blood.

The standing body of the giant was also cracking, and blood splashed out from the cracked body, as if a blood-colored flood had erupted.

The blood flowed into a blood-colored river on the ground.

Zhou Fan watched this scene from a distance, and he was still vigilant in his heart. This is a giant puppet soldier. It is not surprising that anything strange happens. Even if the giant is immediately resurrected, he will not feel so strange.

But the giant seems to be really killed.

Only blood was left on the ground flowing into a river, and after the blood splashed out of the giant that was killed, only a thick layer of skin was left, drifting along the river.

Zhou Fan watched silently, he raised his hand, and the fire energy in the heaven and earth gathered, turned into a fireball in the palm of his hand, and the Taoist realm could borrow the energy of heaven and earth, which was just a very common thing for him. Throw the fireball on the river.

The blood-colored river was on fire.

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