Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1952: Is the difference big?

Even he is not sure that Tongtianjing can win now. Similarly, a cultivator of Tongxuanjing can't be Tongtianjing's opponent.

"It's really strong." Lin Wuya said with a complicated expression, but in this way, Da Wei was still solid, and Zhou Fan was still there.

In this way, even if the Jie Laohui cannot withstand the pressure brought by those foreign forces in the future, it will not have much impact on Da Wei.

At present, the biggest advantage of the local forces is that if the foreign forces are sent through the star realm, it is destined that the number of people will not be too large, but the people who come here must be elites, which can also give the local power in the barbarian star realm a headache.

Lin Wuya decided to stay in the old world, but Zhou Fan didn't need to stay here. He could travel between the realms and he thought it wouldn't take much time to come to the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm.

If any cultivator really came over and wanted to quickly take down the old Jiehui who was defended by a large formation... Unless it was the Dao-Hai Dao Great Master named Yue Shan, no other cultivator in the Profound Opening Realm would be able to do it.

The night Zhou Fan returned to Jingdu, he called out the bronze book and asked, "How far do you think I am from the Harmony Realm?"

Yue Shan does not allow other star realms to close the star realm teleportation array, it should be to leave a retreat for the Xiazhu star realm, which means that in the future, after the Xiazhu star realm has an unmanageable catastrophe, Yue Shan may bring his people to other star realms. Come, this star realm may also be a barbarian star realm.

"Jointing Dao Realm?" Bronze Book said with some surprise: "How many cultivators can there be in the Xiazhu star realm where you are located? Have you encountered Daoing Realm?"

"No, I just want to ask." Zhou Fan said.

The silver pen drew a smile on the bronze book, "You should know that the higher the realm, the harder it is to fight at the higher level. It is almost impossible for you to defeat the Tongxuan realm in the sky-like realm. It can only be done in a special astronomical realm, and if you meet a monk in the realm of the realm and have a conflict with him, then I have only one suggestion for you."

"Escape, escape as soon as possible, escape slowly, and maybe even lose your life."

Is the gap that big... Zhou Fan's face condensed slightly, "What if I enter the Profound Opening Realm?"

"It's hard to say." Bronze Book said, "Your foundation is the most solid one I've ever seen, and this should be the basis for you to fight all the time, but a Daoist cultivator is barely qualified to stand on the mountain. At the top, if you want to win the Xuantong battle and join the Dao, it is only possible if the cultivator of the Dao is weaker.”

"In more cases, it should be a draw. In a few cases, you may lose, but even if you lose, you should not die with your ability."

Zhou Fan was not too disappointed, the Profound Profound Realm was able to protect himself in front of the cultivators of the Harmony Realm, which was already something to be proud of.

"What if you met a cultivator?" Zhou Fan asked tentatively.

"Me?" Yinbi drew a squinting smile, "Cultivator Hedao should call me senior."

Zhou Fan: "..."

"Don't bother me with such boring things in the future." The bronze book disappeared after speaking.

Ever since he knew that he would wait for his mother to take him away, the bronze book had completely become a salted fish. It became more and more impatient with Zhou Fan. If he hadn't thought about letting Zhou Fan push the boat forward to see if he could reach the so-called other shore, It may be too lazy to talk to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan touched his chin and pondered what the bronze book said. Cultivators often value their strength rather than their age. Of course, to a certain extent, being able to live for a long time is also a symbol of strength, but it is more about realm as a measure.

Will be called a senior, the meaning of the bronze book should be that its realm is higher, and the realm of the Tao dare not do it.

The strength of other guides is no less than that of the Bronze Book, which means that the strength of the guides is higher than that of the Dao Realm.

Zhou Fan thought about it for a while, then stopped thinking about it and went to practice.

Early the next morning, after confirming that there was nothing important to deal with for the time being, Zhou Fan retreated again. Ten days passed in the blink of an eye. When he came out, the celestial realm was already complete.

The Celestial Phenomenon is complete, if he encounters Feng Hongyan again, it will be much easier than the last time.

During his retreat, the barbarian star world could not be said to be peaceful and quiet. After all, the signs of the catastrophe had already appeared, and all the strange things in the barbarian star world were rioting, and some places became very dangerous, but all the forces were actively responding. Nothing major happened.

After the giant puppet soldier was killed, it seemed that the catastrophe had passed, but some cultivators in the Barbarian Star Realm knew that the catastrophe never passed, something terrible was brewing, and even the air seemed to become anxious.

After Zhou Fan left the customs, he contacted Lin Wuya again and confirmed that no one from the three astral teleportation formations, especially Xiazhu Xingjie, was teleported again.

No one should know that Feng Hongyan is dead, otherwise, there might be other monks in the Xiazhu star realm to test the strength of the barbarian star realm. After all, Feng Hongyan is not the only cultivator in the Xiazhu star realm.

Even if Feng Hongyan died, the cultivators at the Profound Realm did not dare to come over rashly, and they might send someone to test it.

But no one came. This may be because he didn't know that Feng Hongyan was After Zhou Fan realized that there was no major problem, he also felt relieved. After chatting with his children on the boat that night, he put the The bronze book was summoned.

It took several calls for the bronze book to come out.

The silver pen drew an unhappy expression on the bronze book, "You'd better call me on something important."

"I have completed the Celestial Phenomenon Realm." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

"So what?" Bronze Book said, "Could it be that you still want me to congratulate you?"

"That's not necessary." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "I want to ask you something about the Profound Opening Realm."

For a realm like the Tongxuan Realm, the entire Barbarian Star Realm did not have much records about it, so he could only consult the Bronze Book.

He got Feng Hongyan's storage bag, which indeed contained a lot of precious things, but he did not find any books on the Profound Opening Realm, nor did he have any exercises.

"Why should I tell you?" Yinbi drew a smile, "I'll tell you unless you make the boat go ten thousand feet."

The corners of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched, and the number of big gray worms he fished would be doubled if he advanced ten thousand feet. He couldn't do such a stupid thing unless it was necessary.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Then I'll go to other places to think of a way. This may waste some time, but it's not impossible. It's good for you."

"What's the benefit?" Bronze Book asked in confusion.

"I know the cultivation knowledge of the Tong Xuan realm, so maybe I need to use your help to enter the Tong Xuan realm. Even if you refuse to help me, I may continue to push the ship forward as I did last time." Zhou Fanlan Slow down.

"If you don't say it, I wasted time, and you wasted time, which will not benefit you or me."

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