Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 232: blood cell

The guide should do their duty to help the boarding people and go to the destination of the ship together.

But this is not the case. From the very first meeting, Mist has been taking Lifespan or Grey Worm out of his hands. Obviously, as Mist said, he is not a leader, but a former leader.

Why did the facilitator become the former facilitator?

Wu was silent for Zhou Fan's question. He looked up at the blood ball and said, "Before answering you, let's go up and take a look, and I'll explain it to you."

Zhou Fan looked up in amazement. Is it related to blood cells?

Zhou Fan's body became lighter. He floated up involuntarily.

The fog also floated upwards.

Zhou Fan can fly, naturally it is the hands and feet of the fog.

The bodies of the two continued to rise, and Zhou Fan didn't know how long he had been flying, it felt like a hundred thousand years had passed.

The blood cells that look very close are actually not as close as imagined, and are very far away.

But no matter how far they are, there are times when they approach, until the wooden boat under their feet becomes as small as an ant, and their bodies no longer float upwards.

Zhou Fan looked up at the blood cell that was close at hand, his pupils shrank, and what he saw was a dense blood-colored corpse.

The blood sphere was made up of countless corpses, and the lead-ash pits were vortexes of gray fog, each of which was as vast as a sea.

Zhou Fan, who was nearby, could only see part of the blood cells. The sticky corpses, their hands, feet, and heads were already tangled together and it was difficult to tell them apart.

He couldn't imagine how many corpses were needed to form such a large blood sphere, which would be in the hundreds of millions.

Zhou Fan could smell the strong **** aura coming from the blood cells, his stomach acid was surging, and he felt nauseous.

Zhou Fan looked at the fog hanging beside him, his face turned blue: "What is this..."

"These are the corpses of the boarding people. Except for the small number of boarding people who jumped into the river to feed the fish, all those who failed and died in the outside world are here." Wu said calmly.

Zhou Fan just felt creepy. He knew for a long time that there might be a lot of boarding people before him, but who would have thought that there would be so many boarding people...

He trembled in his heart, all the hundreds of millions of boarding people had failed, then he...

Zhou Fan felt a great fear enveloped him.

"Once I die, I will come back here and become a part of the blood cell. Before I became the guide, the blood cell was not so large, but it has become bigger and bigger over the years." With a hint of feeling, he forgot how many years had passed, "As far as I know, the blood cell is not just a corpse, there is something inside it."

"What?" Zhou Fan asked coldly.

"I don't know." Wu frowned slightly, "The things inside are one with the boat, and it provides the driving force for the boat to move forward."

"Won't the outside world know about the death of such a boarding person?" Zhou Fan couldn't help but ask, doesn't anyone outside know about the existence of the Grey River space?

There was a mocking look on the fog's face: "In front of the ship, neither you nor I are too small. Its power is beyond what you and I can guess."


"We guides don't know what it is, we can only call it a ship." Wu explained, "Back to your question, for those who board a ship, once death becomes a part of the blood cell, the outside world will All memory of him will be erased."

"You shouldn't have mentioned the existence of the Grey River space to the outside world, otherwise you would have been erased long ago."

Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly. Out of some caution, he did not dare to mention the existence of the Grey River space to anyone. He did not expect the ship to be so powerful, and all the memories of the outside world about the boarding people. All will be erased, and the boarding person seems to be non-existent in the world.

What the **** is this ship?

It's just this question, even the fog can't answer Zhou Fan.

"What is its purpose? If it is to reach the end, what will be waiting for us?" Zhou Fan looked at his feet, and what he could see under his feet was the boundless gray river with thin gray fog and no land. islands.

"I don't know, no guide will know." Wu asked with a sneer, "It just wants you boarding people to keep helping it move forward, and once it fails, it will return to the starting point, and it will start again and again, seemingly endlessly. ."

"It hasn't reached the end since I became a guide, and I don't think it has been before, so no one knows what the end of this ship will be, and what will be waiting for us when it's there?"

"Or there's no end at all, it's just a scam."

"What about the guide? You said that the blood cells existed before you became the guide, and the guide will continue to increase?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking, not knowing what to ask.

"The leader will also die..." Wu was silent for a while and said, "The old leader dies, and the new leader is born."

"However, the leader's death is not because the lifespan is exhausted. As long as the boat is there, the leader will not die. The lifespan of the leader is infinite, and they will die. They gave up on their own and chose to disembark. ."

"Why did you give up getting off the boat?" Zhou Fan asked in a daze.

A look of despair appeared on Wu's face, and he said a little tiredly: "I will disembark because there is no hope."

hopeless? Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, and he vaguely thought of the reason when he contacted the blood sphere composed of the corpse of the boarding person.

"When the guide appeared on the boat, he lost most of his memory, and only remembered a small part of the memory that did not have much meaning, such as remembering the martial arts and exercises he had learned, the swords he had used before, etc."

"But we don't even know who we are. We don't have the memory before boarding the ship. It confessed to us guides that we voluntarily boarded the ship, and we agreed to erase the memory." Wu sighed.

"The purpose of our boarding is to guide the boarders to the and it promises us that as long as we guides help the boarders to the destination, we will get what we want things, and let us disembark."

"Other than that, the only way for the leader to get off the boat is a dead end."

"What if it's lying to you?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking.

"The oath we made with it is the oath of heaven, and I have not seen any living being that can violate this oath." Wu said coldly.

"However, its power is indeed beyond my imagination. There is no way to avoid it, but you have to know... We can't leave this ship, so we have to believe it."

Zhou Fan was silent, Wu and the others really had to believe, otherwise they had to give up and disembark.

"But..." Wu looked up at the corpses of the blood cells, his face mocking, "Look at the corpses that failed, you know that we have failed countless times."

"I can't even remember how many times I failed, a new guide might be patient with the boarding people, but after too many failures, who would become impatient and unwilling to spend any more time Take your heart and soul to guide you boarding people."

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