Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 249: Dissolve water

"You said it was six? Are you sure?" Rouge looked at the variable paper that was shrouded in gray fog. She didn't rush to touch the variable paper and stopped the variable paper.

She wanted to turn the variable paper around for a while. She felt that this matter was unspeakable. Even with her knowledge, she had never seen such a ridiculous thing before. How can one's luck be like this?

"Confirm." Zhou Fan's face was calm, and there was no joy in his eyes, as if he was talking about the most ordinary thing.

Rouge snorted coldly, she put her hand into the gray fog, and when her fingertips touched the back of the variable paper, she lightly touched the back with her hand.

By doing this, she can make the stopped number jump three places forward, she thought, she can't guess it like this.

Rouge was afraid that Zhou Fan would say she was cheating, so she retracted her hand as usual.

He waved his sleeves, the gray fog dissipated, and Rouge's beautiful eyes widened a little.

The number on the variable paper is still unsurprisingly the bright red number 'six'.

Rouge was a little dumbfounded, her silly look was unexpectedly cute.

Zhou Fan's face was still calm, without showing any joy.

"You won, why are you not happy at all?" Rouge quickly regained her composure.

"What's there to be happy about, isn't this a normal thing for the child of luck? It seems that I am the child of luck you said." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"Are you insulting my IQ?" Rouge's eyes were filled with anger, he must be cheating, the son of luck!

It was originally just a game of her own, but now she has lost!

"Anyway, I won, do you want to go back on it?" Zhou Fan said calmly.

Rouge made her chest tremble with anger, and she laughed angrily: "I've already made an oath, and of course I won't go back on it."

For some unknown reason, the ship is left to the guides, but the basic rules still have to be followed, unless you want to be like some guides and don't want to live...

"Are you going to fish now?" Rouge just glanced at the square table, the gray fog rolled, and seven fishing rods, hourglasses, and glass **** all appeared on the boat.

Zhou Fan looked at the glass ball. There were thirteen large gray worms and two small gray worms in the glass ball.

If there is anything he needs now, it is an elixir to break through the realm of the resistance stage.

It's just that there is definitely no such medicine on the river surface.

He has a lot of gray worms in storage now, and it's time to consume some.

"Let the boat go forward twenty meters first." Zhou Fan looked at Rouge and said.

Rouge beckoned to the glass ball, and the glass ball floated towards her. She took out a large gray worm from it. It takes four small gray worms, which is one large gray worm, to advance twenty meters.

The big gray worm turned into a gray light group and sank into the deck.

As before, the black-iron masts were raised, and the grey mist-turned sails were blown open by the sudden wind.

The boat jumped twenty meters before landing on a river.

Rouge sat at the table, she sighed in boredom.

Zhou Fan ignored this outrageously beautiful woman and picked up the light purple fishing rod.

The light purple fishing rod is the drug fishing rod. He came to the railing and flicked the fishing rod, and the light purple fishing line was hanging on the river.

Soon the fishing line was taut, and when he lifted the fishing rod, the end of the fishing line pulled up a black pot in the shape of eight claws.

The black pot has no luster, the body of the pot is the size of two fists, and the mouth of the pot is narrowed to only the size of one fist.

Holds almost no weight in hand.

Zhou Fan observed the black pot in his hand. He lifted the lid of the pot, and it was dark inside. When shaking, he saw the viscous liquid swaying slightly.

He frowned, this was obviously not the elixir he wanted.

The glass ball floating in the air has been deducted from four large gray worms, and he now has eight large gray worms and two small gray worms.

Fishing here requires four large grey worms for one bait.

Zhou Fan did not continue to fish, he needed to identify what was in the black pot first.

Now a small gray worm is nothing to Zhou Fan. He walked back with the black pot and fishing rod, and handed the black pot to Rouge, "Please help me identify it."

Rouge took the black pot, she lifted the lid of the pot and glanced at it, she put the lid on again and said, "This is the water that melts."

"If ordinary people drink the devious water, it will turn into a strange delusion if he dies." Rouge handed the black pot back.

Zhou Fan took the black pot. He was stunned. Could it be that he caught venom this time?

"You mean ordinary people?" Zhou Fan keenly caught the words in Rouge's words, "What will happen to the warriors after drinking?"

"Warriors are also ordinary people." Rouge glanced at Zhou Fan, "The transformation water has its purpose. It is for you swindlers. Only the swindlers take the transformation water to be safe and sound."

"Drinking the transforming water can maximize the ability of the deceitful person in a short period of time, reaching an unimaginable level." Rouge did not intend to hide, and dutifully explained the role of the transforming water.

"To what extent is it maximized?" Zhou Fan asked seriously.

"This depends on what kind of cheating person is taking it. Your cheating ability is very good. If you take it, you will almost have the ability to be immortal. As long as the other party doesn't damage your heart or chop off yours Head, I'm afraid it won't kill you." Rouge said slowly.

Zhou Fan's face became solemn. Even though he now has protective measures such as "Purple Gold Eight Armor" and Fujimu Armor, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not encounter particularly powerful warriors or strange people who can penetrate these protective measures. Breakdown, this transforming water can save his life at a critical moment.

Dissolving water is better than he imagined.

"Will there be any side effects?" Zhou Fan thought and asked again.

"The side effect is that after the ability to deceive people is maximized, your ability to deceive people will be temporarily unavailable, and this state will slowly recover after about a month." Rouge replied.

Zhou Fan asked several more questions about the water, and after confirming that there was no problem, he put away the water.

Zhou Fan looked at the gray worms wandering in the glass ball, he hesitated, now it is equivalent to having two fishing opportunities, should we continue?

However, Zhou Fan thought about it and decided to keep these two fishing opportunities, and then consider whether to continue after stepping into the middle of the fight.

"I used to be a gray worm with Mist. Three appraisal opportunities. If the appraisal opportunities are not used up, they can be exchanged for small questions. Do you know this?" Zhou Fan looked at Rouge and said.

"You ask, you know it's too valuable, I won't tell you." Rouge said indifferently.

"What's in the medicine bottle you gave me?" Zhou Fan wanted to figure out this issue first, the issue of paying the price, and he wasn't afraid that Rouge would lie.

"There are only a few gravel in it." Rouge said without hesitation.

"Gravel..." Zhou Fan was stunned.

"Don't you think it's some kind of explosive or poisonous gas?" Rouge sneered, "Don't you know that if you die, I will continue to sleep, I won't kill you, that medicine bottle Just teasing you."

"You will fall asleep when I die, of course I know, I just thought you didn't want to wake up." Zhou Fan shook his head and said.

"If you sleep too much, you will always be bored. I don't want to fall asleep so quickly, but you are right, some navigators are willing to sleep all the After all, it is even in a dream..." Rouge suddenly stopped He said, "Just ask the second question you want to ask."

"Do you dream when you are sleeping?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

"If this is the second question, the price you gave is too low." Rouge refused to answer with a cold face.

"You said that the fog lied to me, is it fake?" Zhou Fan finally asked the second question, and Rouge, who was too valuable, would not answer, he could only ask one casually.

"Fake, I lied to you. In fact, I don't know what you guys talked about."

After all this tossing, Zhou Fan was moved out of the Grey River space before he could practice the sword technique.

As soon as Zhou Fan left, Rouge's face turned cold. She looked down at the deck and stepped on the deck several times, making the boat board rattle. She said bitterly, "It must be you, you are cheating. Help him, or he won't be able to guess."

"Why don't you help such a beautiful and weak woman like me, help him?"

"You are a bunny!"

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