Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 266: faceless

The hand on her shoulder was like a block of ice, and her left shoulder was numb from the cold.

Wei Zhenzhen's face was full of horror, she stared straight ahead with round eyes, and kept saying in her heart not to look back.

She raised her foot and wanted to walk forward, to get rid of the weirdness behind her that was likely to be a follower.

But her body froze, and her feet were unable to take a step.

The Tianliang Avenue in the dark night was silent, and time seemed to be frozen.

If it weren't for the coldness that the hand on her shoulder was still emitting, she would have thought it was all fake.

She couldn't move forward, she was deadlocked for a while, her neck began to turn like a ghost, she turned her head and looked over.

The owner of that hand was wearing a white loose-fitting gown, and had a smooth face without eyebrows, eyes, ears, nose, nose, or facial features.

"After that... I fainted... When I woke up, I appeared in the yamen." Wei Zhenzhen finished talking about it intermittently, she gasped as she recalled.

"It was the patrol team who found her lying in a corner of the city when it was almost dawn and brought her back." Liu Zhaotou explained, "I just woke up not long ago, so I asked you to come and have a look."

This incident happened at night, and it should be the fighter who was on duty at night, but Wei Zhen really woke up during the day, and temporarily handed it over to Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue.

"Miss Wei Zhenzhen, can I see your face?" Zhou Fan thought for a while.

Wei Zhenzhen's face was covered with white gauze, her pupils shrank, and she lowered her head.

After waiting for a while, she silently reached out to undo the layers of white gauze covering her face.

The white gauze was taken apart, and her face was stripped from her forehead to her chin. It was full of pink flesh. Even her nose was cut off, as if she had been tortured. Now she is relying on her own mouth. breathe.

When she was speaking just now, she took a deep breath, not just because she was afraid, but because she needed to breathe through her own mouth.

Surprisingly, there was no blood on Wei Zhenzhen's face, nor was there any blood on the gauze.

Li Jiuyue couldn't bear to look away.

Wei Zhenzhen burst into tears, she became a monster.

Li Jiuyue hurried over to comfort her softly, and wrapped her face with white gauze for her.

"Her injury..." After a while of silence, Zhou Fan looked at Liu Zhaotou.

"This is also something we don't understand. When we brought her back, there was no blood on her face. It was as if the skin was peeled off, and it had no effect on her." Liu Zhaotou shook his head. " Zhou Lishi, can you see what the **** is this?"

"There are several kinds of monsters who like to peel off their faces, but they all look different." Zhou Fan frowned, "What she saw was a humanoid monster without a face... Brother Li, what do you think?"

Li Jiuyue was comforting Wei Zhenzhen, and he shook his head slightly, "I don't have any impression, we can go back and check or ask the talismans in the government office."

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue soon left Tianliang Liya, and they asked for advice from Master Wei Fu, who was still familiar with them.

After listening to the descriptions of the two of them, Master Wei Fu quickly turned serious, "It seems that the person registered in the Luoshui Township Office is faceless, it is marked as a blood-hatred monster, and it is said that its strength is infinitely close. White Li."

The higher the strangeness, the difference between each level is like a natural moat, which can be called an infinitely close to the Baili level of blood-cursed monsters, which makes the expressions of Zhou Fan and the two change slightly.

They can still deal with black grudges, but blood grudges are a bit reluctant.

"But something is wrong." Master Weifu shook his head, "The faceless Luoshui Township arrested it several times and let it escape. It likes to devour human faces, and it will dig out its eyes, ears, mouth, nose and eyebrows and eat it. , that the survivor still has a pair of eyes and mouth left, which is really strange, and from this point of view, it does not seem to be faceless."

While the three of them were talking, the clerk ran over again and said that Liu Zhaotou was looking for Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue.

The two were stunned for a moment, then said goodbye to Master Wei Fu, and walked out quickly to see Liu Zhaotou.

"Zhou Lishi, Li Lishi, Wei Zhenzhen just found out that a line of characters was engraved on her leg." Liu Zhaotou explained his intention, with a hint of astonishment on his face.

"What word?" Zhou Fan asked.

"I'm here to take revenge for Eyeless, to take revenge for Yan's return. From today, if Yan's return is not dead, I will peel off a thousand faces and kill a thousand people until Yan's return." Liu Zhaotou said the line. When he came out, his face was solemn.

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue looked at each other, and they finally understood why Wei Zhenzhen could survive. It was probably faceless, and it was Wei Zhenzhen who sent it a message.

When such a big thing happened, Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue immediately reported it.

Hearing that it was a strange revenge, and that the object of revenge was the return of An Dong's envoy Yan, the Yiluan Secretary immediately took action and sent a message to notify Yan's return as soon as possible.

Today, the person guarding the Yiluan Sifu is the monk Yuanhui. After thinking about it, he transferred half of the patrol team back to the city, and sent out the catchers to inquire about the news.

No matter what, the faceless must be found.

The wind in Tianliang City was roaring for a while.

After all, this is a **** grievance that is close to the Bai Li level, and its strength is probably not much different from that of Wuyan. There are only three Si'an envoys in the Yiluan Sifu who can confidently resist it.

This kind of weirdness sneaked into Tianliang City, which inevitably caused waves of riots.

It's just that Tianliang City is not small, and it is not something that can be done in a short time to find a strange person in the vast crowd.

The people in the Yiluan government all guessed that Wu Mian is hiding now, it is probably trying to wait for the dark, and once it is dark, it will use the dark environment to kill.

It knew that it was not the opponent of Yan's return, so it wanted to use the killing of the people in the city to kill the An Dong envoy of the Yiluan Division.

At sunset Yan came back and rushed back.

He had a cold face, and he didn't expect to kill Bai Li-level Wuyan, and even jumped out of a Wuyan to avenge it.

Neither Luoshui Township nor Tianliangli's records mentioned the existence of a relationship between Eyeless and Faceless.

Faceless actually infiltrated Tianliang City in order to take revenge for Wuyan.

"Master Yan." The monk Yuanhui clasped his hands as a salute when he returned to Yan, "The city is under martial law, and if Faceless dares to jump out and kill, we can find its trace immediately."

Even monk Yuanhui did not dare to mention that God has the virtue of good life, and he was merciful, so Yan returned to commit suicide.

After all, if the monsters threaten the common people, they can only choose to commit suicide, then the Secretary of Yiluan will become a joke.

"What if it doesn't show up?" Yan returned with an ugly expression, "If it doesn't show up, we can't keep guarding like this forever. After a few days, the patrol team, the fast catchers, and the wrestlers will be exhausted. already."

"You have to figure it out!"

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