Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 271: fight high

There are many Buddhist temples in the world of Great Wei Dynasty. Originally, all Buddhist temples were under the jurisdiction of the Great Buddha Temple.

The Great Buddha Temple has a prominent reputation and is the state religion of the Great Wei Dynasty. It has a close relationship with the Great Wei Royal Family.

The monks from the past dynasties of the Great Buddha Temple will also be born to join the Yiluan Division to assist the royal family in stabilizing the strange and rampant world.

The Academy and the Great Buddha Temple are known as the left arm and right arm of the Great Wei Royal Family.

But all this has undergone subtle changes until the appearance of the Little Buddha Temple.

The idea of ​​the Great Buddha Temple has always been to save him by himself. It not only insists on cultivating the Buddha, but also wants to save all sentient beings, while the Small Buddha Temple is the opposite.

This concept is diametrically opposed to the Big Buddha Temple.

Therefore, when the Little Buddha Temple first started to promote its own Buddhism, it was refuted by the Big Buddha Temple as a Buddhist heresy.

The battle between the two temples has been going on since the appearance of the Little Buddhist Temple.

"The Great Buddha Temple is the state religion of this dynasty. Isn't it easy for it to suppress the Small Buddha Temple?" Zhou Fan was a little surprised when he heard this.

Looking at the appearance of the monk Yuanhui, it seemed that he could not stop the teaching of the Little Buddha Temple.

"Theoretically speaking, this is what it says." Li Jiuyue paused for a moment with a strange expression on his face, "The reason why the Big Buddha Temple was unable to suppress the Little Buddha Temple is said to be because the first one of the Little Buddha Temple is quite good at flattering Dang Jinzi, Dang Jinzi because of his ability to flatter. , and often Longyan is very happy, so the imperial decree allows the existence of the small Buddhist temple."

The two had already returned to the side hall at this time, Zhou Fan heard Li Jiuyue say this, he looked up again and saw no one, he glared at Li Jiuyue and said: "Brother Li, be careful, you are talking about Dawei like this. Emperor, do you want to beheaded?"

Li Jiuyue laughed, "Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou, we don't live in Xiliang, our big Wei will not be punished for our words, especially the emperor of Wei..."

Li Jiuyue paused when he said this, "Some of his behaviors are often severely criticized by the scholars in the academy, and no scholar has been beheaded because of this?"

Zhou Fan was slightly startled, he really didn't know about this, but he quickly said: "But even so, I don't think today is because the first one in the Little Buddha Temple is good at flattering the little Buddha Temple, he should be to avoid it. The big Buddhist temple is the only one that does it.”

After all, the way of balance is the usual trick of the emperor.

Li Jiuyue rolled his eyes, with a smile in his eyes, he did not argue with Zhou Fan, "The specific reason may be as you said, anyway, this is how this little Buddhist temple has been officially recognized, but neither is the Great Buddha Temple. Good stubble, they put pressure on the emperor."

"In the end, the emperor could only issue another decree to allow the existence of the small Buddhist temple, but there are many restrictions on the teaching of the small Buddhist temple, such as the Buddhist teaching of only one incense stick in a city one day a month, and so on."

"The Big Buddha Temple saw that the Small Buddha Temple couldn't be strong, so they opened their eyes and closed their eyes and endured the alien in their eyes, but the battle between the two temples has never stopped."

"The Little Buddhist Temple is weak, and if it wants to promote its ideas under so many restrictions, it can only find another way and use some strange and strange techniques to attract the attention of the public. Because of these strange techniques, many people in the world say that this temple comes out. It's a demon monk."

"However, they also absorbed a group of believers and gave them a foundation of faith."

"Brother Li, why is it okay for monk Jingyun to cut off his head?" Zhou Fan was not very interested in the Buddhist dispute between the two temples. He was more interested in how Jingyun did it.

Even if Yan returned, they would be fine even if they had their head cut off.

This is not like the scene magic of the previous life. The scene magic will use tools such as light, smoke, and prop boxes to achieve its own purpose.

But Zhou Fan clearly saw that Jingyun didn't borrow anything, he just cut off his head with a knife, and that head still recites scriptures, which is really incredible.

"How would I know this?" Li Jiuyue showed a helpless look on her face, "Don't say it's me, I'm afraid few people in the world know that this is a unique technique of the Little Buddhist Temple. They can not only cut off their heads, but also cut off their hands and feet. In the end, he was able to take it back safe and sound.”

"If it's so easy to be debunked, they can't rely on this method to spread the Buddhadharma."

"Some people said that they used illusions, and they may have used some magic charms to distort the light, which made us hallucinations in the audience."

"Some people also said that the monks who preached the Dharma in these small Buddhist temples were the first adopted swindlers, and it was normal for some physical abnormalities... In short, there are all kinds of speculations."

Zhou Fan didn't know Li Jiuyue when he saw him, so he could only give up.

In the next two days, because this was the task assigned by the monk Yuanhui, Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue would occasionally inquire about the arrest of Jingyun's master and apprentice.

After all, this is the rule of the imperial court, and the small Buddhist temple is not allowed to teach the Dharma in private, and no one can say that Yuanhui is a fake for the public and private.

But the catchers all said that Jingyun's master and apprentice have been hiding in the room of the Chengdong Inn and rarely go out.

Zhou Fan felt a little strange in their hearts. They didn't understand what was the significance of Jingyun and his disciples staying in Tianliang City?

But after all, there is no weird thing about this matter. The two turned around and busy dealing with the weird things that appeared in the city, and put this matter behind them.


Zhou Fan stayed in the house to practice quietly, the blood gold purple spirit golden dragon turned into the last smoke and was inhaled by him.

The epidermis on his body gradually turned into a purple-gold luster, and the purple-gold light shrouded his body, appearing and disappearing.

When the various visions completely dissipated, the purple-gold lustre on the skin has also subsided.

With the help of the second Blood Dragon Pill tonight, Zhou Fan finally successfully stepped into the high stage of fighting.

Zhou Fan took out a dagger, as before, he slashed his arm hard, the dagger made a screeching sound, but no traces were left on his skin.

Zhou Fan's face lit up with joy. This is the advantage of having a solid foundation. His blood energy is already strong in the burst stage, which makes his resistance stage stronger than that of ordinary warriors.

Now ordinary weapons, I am afraid it is difficult to pierce his skin.

This is just the most He also has the vine armor, the armor condensed by the purple and gold eight armors and other means. It can be said that whether he is facing a warrior or a monster, if he wants to kill him, he will become a an extremely difficult thing.

The only people who can pose a threat to him are the masters like returning to Yan, or the very powerful monsters.

The fight against the high segment has been completed, and now it is time to prepare for the impact speed segment.

After all, he still has a Blood Dragon Pill, and after taking this Blood Dragon Pill for a while, he can easily reach the limit of fighting against the high rank.

What's interesting is that so far, the pills caught by the fishing rod have almost no side effects...

Zhou Fan's eyes are bright, and it can be said that what he lacks most now is the movement speed of the speed segment.

If the speed is too slow, he can only stand and be beaten as if he had dealt with faceless before.

In Tianliangli Yiluan's House of Books, there are three kinds of speed-level exercises that can be exchanged.

It's just that Zhou Fan's eyes have been raised by the gray river space, and he has some disdain for the three speed section exercises in the library.

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