Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 274: housewarming

"Are you teasing me?" Rouge asked back with a smile.

"Don't dare." Zhou Fan laughed dryly, "Can't we discuss it? If you change it to a gray worm, how many gray worms do you want, and ask for a price."

"There is no room for negotiation, or you can exchange it with your heart, or let it go, you can find a way to get the teleportation-level exercise." Rouge walked forward with a look of indifference.

The gray fog swirled rapidly, and the huge dressing mirror appeared. Rouge sat down and began to dress up.

Zhou Fan frowned slightly, seeing that Rouge refused to discuss, so he could only turn around to practice the sword technique.

Rouge wants him to exchange his heart, which is absolutely impossible.

Rouge said that he can't die without a heart, but without a heart it will definitely have a very bad effect...

But without a heart, he can't get the top-level "You Four Seasons" in the speed segment teleportation level exercises.

He has a very hot eye on You Four Seasons.

This is a little confusing.

Zhou Fan thought for a while, if it really doesn't work, he can only give up "You Four Seasons", work hard to earn gray worms, and use a fishing rod to catch teleportation-level exercises.

This rouge is not sticky, and it is difficult to make a deal with her.



"Father, mother, will we live in such a big house in the future?" The seven-year-old boy in Tsing Yi asked happily looking at the house in the courtyard.

The boy's surname is Jiao, and his name is Linlin.

The father and mother behind him were all happy, and his mother smiled and said, "In the future, we will always live here."

Their family moved from Dongfang, and taught Lin Lin's father to teach Datian to give up a stable job last year, and instead started a business with a group of people.

The wild is very dangerous, but the benefits that can be obtained are also very rich.

In just one year, their family bought this not-so-small Xifang courtyard.

It can be said that the leap of class has been completed.

One-year business income... In fact, it is usually difficult to buy a small and medium-sized house in Xifang.

The reason why this house can be bought at a low price is because the businessman's hometown of this house has an accident, and he doesn't want to stay in Tianliang City and sell the house in a hurry, so the price is so low.

These are what Jiao Datian heard from Yabao.

Most house sales go through these dental insurances.

Dental insurance not only insures the insurer, but the insurer is generally very reliable.

In fact, Jiao Datian has never met the merchant. Even though Yabao has always been reliable, but Jiao Datian has been a foot merchant for a year, and his temper has become more cautious.

He knew that there were no absolutely reliable people in the world, and he was a little worried at first about such a cheap house.

I am afraid that someone has died in the house, or that there may be strange things happening.

Just in case, he inquired around and confirmed that there was no problem, so he preemptively went bankrupt and bought it.

Why didn't others start?

This kind of small and medium-sized house and big businessmen are not interested, the poor can't afford it, only the middle class like him can afford it.

In this way, there will be a lot fewer competitors, and Jiao Tianyi believes that there is no problem, he makes up his mind faster than those who hesitate, so the house will be lucky to fall into his hands.

When Jiao Datian looked at the house, he was very proud. Even if he lived with such a house in the future, he could make a big profit by selling it.

Of course, for the time being, he won't take action. After all, he doesn't want to go back to a poor place like Dongfang.

"Father, open the door." Jiao Linlin shouted to his father.

He couldn't wait to see his big house.

Jiao Datian responded with a smile, then took out the key to the courtyard door, and after pushing the door open, Jiao Linlin ran in cheering.

Jiao Datian and his wife also stepped in with their moving luggage.

A new life is about to begin.

At first, his wife always persuaded him not to be a foot dealer, but now he is smiling and sincerely feels that his husband has chosen the right path.

If it weren't for taking the risk of being a travel trader, where would there be such a large house?

This was something she could never hope for in her life.

"Father and mother, pears, pears." Jiao Linlin pointed to the pear tree planted on the left side of the door.

Between the tender green branches and leaves of the pear tree hung a pale yellow pear.

"There are really pears." The woman looked at the fruit on the tree in surprise, but she smiled quickly. It was the end of summer, and it was indeed the season for pears to ripen.

Jiao Datian had visited with Yabao once before, and of course he knew that there was a pear tree planted here, but he did not say that he wanted to surprise his son.

"Mother and father, pick pears." Jiao Linlin looked at the pears on the tree with some greedy eyes, he swallowed and wanted to climb the tree to pick pears by himself.

"Lin Lin, you are not allowed to climb trees." The wife said with a stern face. She was worried that her son would fall while climbing a tree on the housewarming day, which would be too unlucky.

Jiao Linlin pursed his lips.

"Lin Lin, don't worry, when we finish sorting, Dad will pick them for you, and you will definitely be able to eat pears later." Jiao Datian showed a kind smile on his face.

Jiao Linlin cheered again.

The door of the house was opened again, and because the house was facing, the sunlight could not come in, and it seemed very dark inside.

The wife stood a little cowardly.

It seems that there is some unknown monster hidden in the house. When their family comes in, it is equivalent to running to the mouth of the monster. Then the monster will open a big mouth like a dustpan, which is full of sharp fangs. All three were swallowed in the stomach.

"Go in." Jiao Datian pushed his wife, "This house is a little darker without the windows open, otherwise it wouldn't be so cheap, but it's better in a quiet environment."

The wife put away those potential fears, and she stepped into a dark room.

The husband stood right behind her and put the luggage on the ground with a thud.

He walked over and opened the wooden windows on both sides, and the room instantly became brighter.

The wife looked at the wide house with a satisfied smile on her face, and she secretly complained that she had just been thinking wildly.

Jiao Linlin also rushed in and looked at his house with curious eyes. After being excited, he went out again. What he liked more was the pears on the pear tree.

The wife called out and told Jiao Linlin not to climb trees.

Teach Lin Lin answered outside, and his wife was relieved, and taught Lin Lin to be naughty, but he didn't dare to climb a tree without listening to his own words.

The husband and wife began to organize their and put the things they brought one by one.

The wife suddenly let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Jiao Datian asked without raising his head.

"There's nothing to clean up in this house." The wife looked at the somewhat empty house, and she thought she would throw away a lot of clutter.

It was as if no one had lived in it for a long time.

"It should be that the merchant cleaned up once before he left." Jiao Datian said indifferently.

The wife just nodded and put away her doubts.

The buzzing sound sounded, like some flying insect flapping its wings.

"Where are the flies flying around?" Jiao Datian raised his head and looked around, but he didn't see it.

The wife heard it too, but she didn't see where the fly was and could only shake her head.

After a while the humming subsided.

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