Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 277: bee killer

The hum came from above the pear trees, and I could even see the pears swaying slightly.

Now everyone has been able to confirm that it is correct, this is honey.

Zhou Fan and the others retreated and left the courtyard. Even though Zhang Fushi said that there was no danger, it was a **** grievance level after all, and they still needed to be cautious.

"How is this possible...why does Honey Pear appear here?" Zhang Fushi muttered to himself a little absently.

"It doesn't matter, someone must have transplanted it." Li Jiuyue looked at the pear tree in the courtyard and said.

Zhang Fushi looked at Li Jiuyue with the eyes of an idiot: "Do you think this is a tree? It's weird, even if it looks like a tree, it can't be transplanted at all. Worm fruit will be with you forever."

"That must be someone who got its seeds and planted it in the courtyard." Li Jiuyue said with some dissatisfaction.

Master Zhang Fu's face showed impatience, "It is said that this is not a tree, at least this pear has no seeds."

"You old man..." Li Jiuyue glared at Master Zhang Fu, "Then why do you think it appeared in this yard?"

Zhang Fushi's face froze, he shook his head and said in distress: "I don't know, it shouldn't appear here... Honey pears have never appeared in popular places."

Zhou Fan listened to the debate between the two, he thought deeply, and then said, "Let's not talk about this first, the key is how should we deal with this honey pear?"

Zhou Fan looked at Zhang Fushi. Zhang Fushi recognized Honey Pear, so he might know how to deal with Honey Pear.

It's just that Master Zhang Fu shook his head with a serious face: "I don't have a good way. Honey pears only appeared in the wild before, and few people encountered it. Even if they did, they would take the initiative to avoid it."

Zhou Fan fell silent. They couldn't let the pears continue to grow. Once the pears were ripe, they would spread out and wreak havoc on the ground as Zhang Fushi said.

In a densely populated city like Tianliang City, how many people will die by then?

"You can't chop, let's throw a talisman such as the explosive flame talisman from a distance and burn it!" Li Jiuyue said with an idea.

"No." Zhang Fushi's face was shocked, "Let's not say whether this pear tree can be burned to death, once it is burned, these quiet honey pears will definitely turn into countless flying insects and madly attack everyone in Tianliang City. ."

Li Jiuyue's face changed slightly, and he looked at Zhou Fan beside him.

"What if I trap the surroundings with a talisman and then burn it?" Zhou Fan thought about it and asked.

"It's a good idea, just use a barrier or the like to create a barrier around it. It's not difficult to do." Li Jiuyue's eyes brightened slightly.

"This method..." Zhang Fushi's face showed hesitation, "but we can't confirm that the boundary talisman can block those flying insects, and the pear tree is burned, what should we do with these honey pear flying insects?"

"When pear trees are dead, they can survive for a long time. If they are not handled properly, it will be very troublesome."

When Zhang Fushi said this, he glanced at the skeletons in the courtyard again, and he smiled bitterly: "If the pear tree is not dead, even if you pick the pears off, they will not have any response in a short time. I guess that family. Just pick the pear and eat it, the flesh and blood in the body activates the flying insects of the pear, and it devours the flesh and blood to die."

"The fruit can be picked..." Zhou Fan's face showed a strange look, "If we design a completely sealed and sturdy box and pick and seal the pears, wouldn't the problem be solved?"

"But what if I can't hold a letter?" Zhang Fushi asked in a daze, "That would be the same disaster as arranging the enchantment to burn the tree."

"We can pick one to try first, so many pears are a bit difficult to deal with, one shouldn't be difficult, right?" Li Jiuyue smiled proudly.

"I think so too. We can try it next to the pear tree. Even if the pear escapes, it will only fly back to the tree immediately. Does the boss think it is feasible?" Zhou Fan asked again.

Master Zhang Fu pondered, "It should be feasible, but what kind of box is suitable for the question?"

This kind of question is not something that Zhou Fan and the others can answer, and Zhang Fushi did not pin his hopes on Zhou Fan and the others.

There are so many talisman craftsmen and precious materials in Yiluan's mansion, it shouldn't be difficult to make a box that seals the pears.

In order to avoid accidents, the arresters invited the nearby people away. Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue were fine for a while, and they also stayed here.

After all, no one knows when this pear will ripen. If it ripens suddenly, it will be dangerous.

Soon the box was built, it was a black iron box densely covered with runes.

Not only did several talismans come to the courtyard, but even Yan returned who happened to be guarding Tianliang City.

He looked at the pear tree in the courtyard with a sullen face, and did not speak for a while.

Master Fu opened the black iron box, then returned by Yan and carefully picked a pear.

Even if a pear really broke out, it wouldn't help a master like Yan Huihui.

The pears were put into the box, which was completely locked.

"It's sealed like this, how do we know when this honey pear will turn into a flying insect form?" Li Jiuyue said after thinking about it.

Zhou Fan didn't answer, but he thought that this kind of question, the Master Fu had already thought about it.

After the box was sealed, the talismans began to paste a talisman.

The rune of the talisman spread toward the box, and the box turned red, as if it was burned by charcoal fire.

This talisman is a fire talisman, commonly used in blacksmith shops.

The masters still have a certain degree of understanding of honey, and they know that heat can catalyze the flying insect form of honey.

Even across the iron box, they heard a humming sound coming from the iron box.

Everyone took a few steps back and looked at the iron box vigilantly.

The iron box trembled slightly, and the group of catalyzed flying insects could not fly out of the box with the runes Everyone waited patiently for a while before a talisman smiled: "No problem, as long as they If they can't fly out for a while, we can abandon them in the wild, and even if they can fly out in the future, they won't survive long without the pear tree, and they won't be able to fly back."

Yan returned to his face a little slower. Honey Pear might not be a big threat to Duan Martial Artist, but the people in the city would suffer.

It would be better if it could be solved like this.

Yan returned to hand over the matter to the masters, and asked them to observe patiently for a while, and to build enough boxes to pick all the pears, and then burn the pear tree.

After explaining the work in detail, Yan returned to Zhou Fan and waved to them, asking them to come with him.

Zhou Fan and the others followed Yan Gui back to the house where Yan Gui returned to work in the Yiluan Sifu.

Yan Gui glanced at Li Jiuyue and said, "Zhou Fan and I have something to say, you go out first."

Li Jiuyue was neither humble nor arrogant, and then withdrew.

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