Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 291: coursing

Li Jiuyue looked helplessly at Zhou Fan's destruction: "Brother Zhou, are you being too cautious?"

"Be careful sailing the ten thousand year ship, I don't want to see him again in the future." Zhou Fan smiled and lifted the talisman on the knife and put the knife into the sheath.

The two walked towards the main entrance of the villa, Li Jiuyue looked up and saw the blood mist surrounding the villa dissipated, he was a little surprised: "It seems that Brother Zhou is the last person to come out of the blood mist, then Meng Gu should have gone back. , the curse is lifted."

Zhou Fan knew that Mengou didn't go back, but was taken to Grey River space by him.

"Brother Li, how long have you been out of the nightmare? Why did you appear here alone?" Zhou Fan asked.

Li Jiuyue looked ahead, his eyes blinked slightly and said: "I met the masked man when I came out, and you came out before I fought with him for a while. Of course, I was the same as you, and was moved here by the dream puppet. of."

"Then have you seen anyone else in Si Li?" Zhou Fan looked around vigilantly, but he didn't notice the subtle expression on Li Jiuyue's face.

"Uh, no, they said I met you as soon as I came out." Li Jiuyue shook his head.

While the two were talking, they arrived at the main entrance of the villa, but they didn't see Yan returning to them.

The surroundings were quiet, as if there were only the two of them near the villa.

"Master Yan, he once said that if no one is at the main entrance of the villa, then go to the hillside where we stayed before and gather. We will go over now to see if we can find them." Zhou Fan thought for a while.

Li Jiuyue naturally has no objection to this.

The two did not stop at Bihu Villa, but ran towards the original hillside.

The hillside was not far from Bihu Villa, and they soon saw the hillside.

As soon as he saw the hillside, Zhou Fan asked Li Jiuyue to slow down, and both of them were vigilant and pulled out their weapons.

After all, no one knew whether there would be hidden enemies under the hillside ambushing them both.

But they soon relaxed, and it was Yan returning to them under the hillside.

In addition to Yan's return, Grandpa Ao also escaped from the nightmare, and there are also two silver seal fighters in the speed segment, one fighting Duan Lux, three talismans, and a detective.

When they saw Zhou Fan coming back, they were all happy.

Zhou Fan and Yan Guilai met as soon as they met, and they learned that after Yan Guilai came out of the seven lucky ones who did not enter the nightmare, they did not meet their opponents. They were all moved to the left side of the villa and swept around, but they did not meet. No enemy found.

Since the blood mist was still spreading, they were afraid of being implicated again, and the villa was too big, so it was easy to get separated, so they simply went to the meeting point on the hillside to wait for Zhou Fan and the others who entered the nightmare.

It didn't take long for Eunuch Ao and the others to come here one after another.

Now that Zhou Fan and the two have joined, a total of eleven people have survived.

Yan Huilai and Eunuch Ao heard Zhou Fan say that the blood mist dissipated, and many people's faces showed sadness, and the four who entered the nightmare were probably dead.

Zhou Fan is more clear about this. He spent three nightmares in it. For such a length of time, all dreams should have passed, and the dream puppets were captured by him, which means that the nightmare formation was destroyed. It was cracked, but the four still did not come out, so there was only one possibility.

The four of them were swallowed up by the nightmare before Zhou Fan captured the dream puppet.

He sighed lightly.

"Wait a little longer." Yan returned with a sullen face.

After waiting for half a column of incense in silence, no one came back, so now there is no need to wait any longer.

Seventeen people came out of the Yiluan Division this time, but six people died. Such a loss can not be described as heavy.

"Let's go, let's go back first." Yan Guilai walked in the direction of Chidao with a cold face.

Eunuch Ao was the first to follow, and he also had an ugly face, and he discussed with Yan Huilai in a low voice.

Zhou Fan and the others followed.

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue walked at the back of the people, Li Jiuyue said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Are you really not going to tell me about your killing of Lin Jie?"

Zhou Fan told Li Jiuyue before he came back, so Li Jiuyue didn't mention it either.

Zhou Fan just shook his head slightly. After all, Lin Jie was a master of physical strength, and he didn't want to make trouble.

Li Jiuyue just nodded lightly and didn't mention it again.

After walking for a while, the danger was basically eliminated, Zhou Fan remembered another thing, he glanced at Li Jiuyue beside him with a strange expression, and then looked away.

He suspects that Li Jiuyue is a woman...

Because when he fell on Li Jiuyue, he found that his chest was a little soft, and there was a faint fragrance on his body.

When he usually gets along, he feels that Li Jiuyue's chest muscles are more bulging than ordinary men's. Now that I think about it, it shouldn't be the chest muscles...

However, there are not many men with big chest muscles in the martial artist world, so Zhou Fan has never been suspicious.

But this hug and the fact that Li Jiuyue boasted about going to Meixiangyuan is false...

The more Zhou Fan thought about it, the more he felt that Li Jiuyue was definitely a woman.

Hey, he didn't expect his partner to be a girl. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little joy in his heart for some reason.

He was stunned for a while, but he quickly reacted and felt that it was a normal state of mind for him to feel hilarious. If he found out that Li Jiuyue was a woman, and then felt that it was boring, then it would be over.

Just something is still wrong.

Even if he is a woman, why are you so happy?

Looking at Li Jiuyue's sallow face, it may be disguised with some kind of paint, but her face shape, thick eyebrows and big eyes, can't it be fake?

That is to say, even if she changed into women's clothes, she would definitely not be a beautiful woman. Compared with the rouge girl in the Grey River space, she was probably a hundred and eighty thousand miles away.

Do you feel so happy?

Shouldn't he be in love with her?

But grandma said that seeing a girl is good or not, you should look at her character... Hey wait, have you started to make excuses for her unbeauty now?

For the first time in history, Zhou Fan encountered such a strange state of mind. The more he thought about it, the more confused he felt, and he couldn't help but look at Li Jiuyue a few more times.

Li Jiuyue rolled his eyes at him, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"No, you looked at me, otherwise how would you know that I looked at you?" Zhou Fan said with a wink.

"You is all false." Li Jiuyue rolled his eyes at him.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, could such a rude person really be a woman?

"Can you not be so rude?" Zhou Fan couldn't help but persuade.

"Brother Zhou, what's wrong with you? I've always been so rude." Li Jiuyue stretched out her little finger and picked her nostrils.

Zhou Fan couldn't bear to look directly and turned his eyes away. He comforted himself in his heart, thinking that this must be a deliberate disguise made by Li Jiuyue, and she would not do this as a girl.

Just in case she is such a rude girl, what should I do...

Zhou Fan thought sadly.

"Brother Li, I feel a rancid odor emanating from my body."

"What's the matter, I must be sweating on such a hot day."

"It's not stinky sweat."


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