Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 799: Phantom 9 pins

"Go to the source of evil..." Zhao Yazhu mocked and said, "Go to die?"

"Do you know what the Evil Illusion Origin Stream has?"

Zhou Fan was slightly startled and said, "What? Is it a strange and unpredictable thing?"

"The evil illusion is not something that radiates out, it is a dangerous evolution, its source is like a huge vortex, emitting a strong evil illusion to swallow all living beings." Zhao Yazhu frowned slightly, "If it's okay, I advise you not to It’s good to be close to there, because your humble realm will be swallowed up if you’re not careful.”

"If I can, of course I don't want to approach, I just want to know if you have a way to protect me from the erosion of evil?" Zhou Fan said silently.

Zhao Yazhu did not speak, her body stood upside down for a while, and after a while, she said: "With your current situation, what I can provide you is the illusory nine-needle secret technique, which is a secret technique suitable for warriors to use to defend against evil illusions. ."

"Only this secret method can guarantee that you will not be swallowed when you approach the source, but you have to remember that there are still dangers, and it is best not to get close."

Zhou Fan's face was happy, and he quickly asked: "Will there be any sequelae of this illusory nine-needle secret method?"

If there are no sequelae, then he will use it.

"There are no sequelae." Zhao Yazhu glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "But there is a problem with the Nine Needles Secret Technique of Illusion and Illusion. The idea of ​​it can resist evil illusions is to suppress illusions with pain, so it is very painful to use the Secret Technique of Nine Needles of Illusory Illusions. With the needle, the pain will double, and at the ninth needle, it will even sting the soul."

"There is no shortage of warriors who use the nine needles of illusion and the pain to death, especially the ninth needle, which is likely to cause the soul to collapse, so when using the ninth needle, be very careful, but after the nine needles are pulled out, right There are no sequelae."

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, this is obviously a very painful and dangerous secret technique.

"But this is the most suitable method I can provide you. Considering that it can only be used to deal with evil illusions and the pain when using it, I will accept you five thousand big gray worms." Zhao Yazhu thought for a while and said, "You want ?"

"Yes." Zhou Fan said without hesitation.

In this way, this matter is more secure. Even if he has the blood of the dragon god, he doesn't want to consume the blood of the dragon **** until the emergency. The dragon **** language of the dragon **** blood is used to save lives. It just happens to be able to replace the Dragon God's blood for him to resist evil illusions.

As for the side effects of pain, it's not a problem as long as you are careful.

Zhao Yazhu just hummed, she turned from an inverted state to standing upright, and the sweat on her body evaporated immediately. She took out 5,000 large gray worms from Zhou Fan's glass ball, and then caught a wisp of gray mist. The gray mist turned into a black wooden box the size of a palm.

Zhao Yazhu handed the black wooden square box to Zhou Fan. After Zhou Fan took the black wooden square box, he opened it and glanced at it. There were nine long needles of different sizes inside.

The long needles are light green throughout.

"This is a needle used in conjunction with the Magic Nine Needles Secret Technique." Zhao Yazhu explained, her fingertips overflowed with a blue light.

With a flick of her finger, the blue light flew away and entered from Zhou Fan's Yintang.

Zhou Fan's mind instantly came up with the method of using the magic nine-needle secret method. The magic and virtual nine-needle secret method is very simple. The key is the set of needles. If there is no needle to replace with ordinary silver needles, it will not have any effect. .

Such a secret method does not even take time to learn, which makes Zhou Fan relieved.

At this time, the gray fog had already covered his neck.

Zhou Fan's work on the ship tonight was successfully completed, and he was soon shrouded in gray fog and completely disappeared on the ship.

Zhao Yazhu looked at Qifu who had been closing her eyes and said, "Little guy, have you found him?"

Chefu was pondering her martial skills, she opened her eyes and said, "The location has been confirmed, but the place is too big, it's not easy to find him."

"Then we have to speed up the time. After he emerges from the dangerous land, I will use up the opportunity to possess himself. If the time drags on for a long time, he will doubt it." Zhao Yazhu nodded lightly and said, "Also, he is tonight. Another piece of news was revealed, that dangerous place not only has the Ring of Horror, but also evil illusions, are you sure you are not looking in the wrong place?"

If you look in the wrong place, it's all in vain.

"I haven't heard of any evil delusions, but the place is too big, and it's not surprising that anything appears. I confirm that it's that location because many people have appeared in that dangerous place recently, and he may be in it. ' Qifu frowned.

"Very good, then it can't be wrong, but unfortunately I can't help you, otherwise you can easily find Zhou Fan." Zhao Yazhu smiled.

"I'll find him as soon as possible." Chofu didn't want to talk about it in detail, but closed his eyes and pondered on things like martial arts and martial arts.

The advantage she has is her powerful talent for deceiving people, but her realm is too far from Zhou Fan's.

It is impossible to beat Zhou Fan only by virtue of her deceitful talent. She has to think of how to quickly improve her realm and martial arts.

Zhou Fan woke up from the dream. He first looked around to confirm that everything was normal, then he took back control of his body, first put away the set of needles given by Zhao Yazhu, and then lay down.

Tomorrow will be the last day, to face evil delusions, not in a good state of mind.

Even if he went back to sleep to face nightmares, he didn't have any choice.

A groggy feeling hits.

Zhou Fan was a little dazed. He stood on the bright red snow and glanced around. He was dazed for only a short while, and he ran quickly.

As he ran, he was in high spirits and paid attention to the situation around him.

Zhou Fan quickly climbed up a tree that wasn't too tall. He grabbed the branch and jumped down. With a click, the thick branch of his arm was torn off by his weight.

He tore off tiny branches and leaves and made a stick.

He waved the wooden stick in his hand, UU Reading nodded in satisfaction and ran again.

"Where is the person?" Zhou Fan searched as he walked.

Soon he saw a wooden house.

Zhou Fan's eyes became cold and severe: "There must be someone in the house."

He didn't break in directly, but ran quickly and silently around the wooden house to prevent anyone from looking out of the window and seeing him.

He quickly circled to the back of the wooden house, leaned against the wall, and walked to the front door of the wooden house step by step.

Zhou Fan leaned on the left side of the door, he knocked on the door lightly with a wooden stick, and then raised the wooden stick high.

After waiting for a while, a man with a shawl and a beard opened the door. He didn't see anyone, and then went out to take a look.

Just this probe, the wooden stick knocked on his head.

With a thud, blood spurted out from the bearded man's head. His eyes widened in vain as he looked at Zhou Fan, a little puzzled: Why did this man knock me as soon as they met?

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