Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 803: step in

The first time Zhou Fan woke up, was to check his physical condition. After one night, his dragon blood and violent feather spirit basically recovered.

Yesterday's trauma was still a little painful, but it was no longer a serious problem.

After confirming that his body was back to normal, Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He took over the control of his body from Xiaoxuan, and the thick infuriating qi formed a protective shield against the cold air.

The recovery of the Dragon God's blood allowed him to quickly recover his true qi, and it was not a big deal to resist the erosion of the cold air.

Zhou Fan stood up to dry the snow-soaked cotton-padded clothes, looking at the gray sky, it seemed that the weather was really bad today.

He remembered the dream last night, and his face was slightly condensed. The idea of ​​his depositing the Divine Origin Pearl last night was to kill everyone who appeared in his field of vision.

Because of Wang Shiba, Zhou Fan suspected that he would meet Wang Shiba's brothers before he fell asleep. Those brothers are hunters who are stronger than ordinary people. Even if there is a corpse, as long as they hit the key point, they can still kill.

That's why Zhou Fan had such thoughts, but last night's dream surprised him. He didn't expect that all seventeen brothers of Wang Shiba would appear.

If it weren't for the silver-gray rune that suddenly appeared, he might have died in that nightmare.

As for the origin of the silver-gray rune, he remembered the outline of the fat figure he saw last, and frowned slightly.

He had some guesses in his heart, he didn't continue to think about it, but was busy removing all the talisman formations he had set up last night.

After eating some dry food to fill his stomach, Zhou Fan finally looked at the bright red snow world on Shanping.

The off-road test is coming to an end today.

How many feet can climb up depends on today's.

And my current score is 2,700 meters... Zhou Fan took out the black wooden square box and took out the light green long needles as thin as hair.

Zhou Fan crossed the line and stepped into the bright red snow when he was ready.

As soon as he entered the bright red snow world, because there was no cold erosion, he simply released the protection of his infuriating energy. He did not worry too much, but moved forward step by step.

Because the bright red snow world is not only evil, but also strange.

The Ice Ape Man had rushed out of the bright red snow field at the beginning. If he ran and was attacked by strange things, he might not be able to respond in time.

Moreover, he had already learned from Zhao Yazhu that as they entered the realm of evil illusions, the living beings would be eroded by evil illusions. The duration of the evil illusions varied, but as long as they survived the evil illusions once, they could get a long period of time. A short respite.

And as long as you don't go deeper and stand in place, the next time you encounter the evil illusion is almost the same as the last time, but as long as you continue to move in the direction of the source, the evil illusion will continue to intensify.

It is also because the duration of the evil illusions is different, so the dry sand cats waited for a long time to be eroded, and Zhou Fan entered the evil illusion domain for the first time, and it was not long before it was eroded.

Zhou Fan took another look at the place where the Ice Ape Man had died, and the body of the Ice Ape Man had disappeared without a trace overnight.

Zhou Fan didn't find it strange at all, this is a world where monsters are rampant, and the corpse of the ice ape may be taken away by those who like to eat monsters' corpses.

He walked to the cliff of Shanping and climbed up like a spirit ape.

When climbing, Zhou Fan was also highly focused and alerted to any unexpected situations.

Bright red snow fell from the sky.

When he climbed the ten-foot-high cliff and climbed a rock, his vision blurred.

He saw countless bright red shadows shaking in front of him, and the cold and rotten breath eroded into his body, making him feel cold, and his body seemed to be constantly decaying.

The blood of the Dragon God was about to boil.

Zhou Fan contained the boiling dragon blood, and he took out a long pale green needle and stabbed it into the Tanzhong acupoint in his heart.

The sharp pain of the needle piercing the heart spread, causing Zhou Fan to grin. He didn't expect the first needle to be so painful.

The bright red shadow disappeared, and the cold and decadent aura also exited his body.

When Zhou Fan saw the bright red shadow disappear, he pulled out the long pale green needle, put it into his shirt, and continued to climb up.

And Zhou Fan was followed by a ghost burial coffin.

Evil illusion has no effect on other ghosts, and obviously it will not work on ghost burial coffins either.

And because the ghost burial coffin was right behind him, he was more cautious.

The Ice Ape Man, Nightmare, and Ghost Burial Coffin didn't mean to leave, then his crisis was not lifted, and he wasn't sure what was waiting for him in front of him.

It's just that Zhou Fan must continue to go up if he wants to get good grades in the cross-country test, but if there is really a big danger that he can't handle, he will turn around and run away without hesitation.

It's not that Zhou Fan is holding on to luck, but that he has a lot of trump cards in his hand, and he has the confidence to escape.



In the academy square, the three chief examiners of Zhong Tian had already come down from the white jade platform. They looked at the bright spot on the Xuanguang jade wall that was 2,700 meters above the snow-capped mountain.

It can be seen that when the sky lit up, eleven light spots set off one after another and climbed forward.

The off-road test results are due today.

The three chief examiners of Zhongtian couldn't sit still, and came directly to the Xuanguang Jade Wall to observe.

If you want to see the climbing pictures of the eleven candidates, it will consume precious jade. If you are not aware of the abnormality of the candidates, you will not watch the climbing pictures of the candidates.

What is abnormal?

For example, if a candidate suddenly stops moving forward, or if the Profound Light Jade Talisman is broken, all signs are abnormal, and the instructors on the side are responsible for observing this kind of thing.

Now it seems that the points of light are in no particular order, and it is difficult to see who has the advantage.

Everyone present knew that the last three hundred feet of the climb up was the hardest path to take in Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

The three chief examiners looked at The bright red snow was still fluttering finely, like red catkins.

In the bright red snow-capped world, the monk in white looked solemn and climbed up, his body exuding a faint golden light.

Stepping into the realm of evil, the only girl in red among the eleven candidates had no entourage to follow. She hummed a soft folk song and walked up the mountain.

Wrinkled Shenshen's face is always as cold as ice, but even if Zhou Fan is here now, he may not be able to recognize him. At this moment, Wrinkled Shenshen's face is withered, as if it has lost weight overnight, and his pupils are like never going out. candlelight.

"People live for money and birds for food. As long as you enter Class A, you can get countless resources. Those are money, money, money..." Zhang Li Xiaohu gritted his teeth and climbed, "Who You can't steal my money!"

When Zhang Li Xiaohu babbled, fiery red hairs drilled out of his body, making him look like a weird man with long red hair.

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