Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 818: enemy in the dark

Is something following us?

When Chen Pepi said this, Zhou Fan was beside him, and Chen Pepi didn't hide from Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was startled, his face remained calm, and he resisted not turning his head to look around, because it might be detected by something staring in the dark, and it would be difficult to deal with it then.

Zhou Fan didn't doubt what Chen Bopi said. Chen Bopi's strength is much stronger than him, and it is normal to detect some problems that he can't find in advance.

The smile on Li Chungniang's face did not diminish, and she asked softly, "Aunt Peeling, where are they? Are they human or weird?"

"I don't know for the time being. It doesn't seem to be weird. I just felt the gaze from the dark. If it wasn't for my special practice, I wouldn't have been able to detect this gaze." Chen Pepi said slowly: "Young master, don't worry. , leave this to me."

Li Chungniang didn't say much, but asked Liu Sanhuo to set up a defensive rune for the night.

Chen Peipi sat down cross-legged, she took out the tablecloth from the vegetable basket and started to prepare dinner.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang chatted softly.

Everything is as if nothing had happened.

"Big Brother Zhou, if the people in the dark are not weirdos but people...and it's not a team of candidates waiting for an opportunity to attack, but some unfamiliar and powerful enemies, then it would be better if they came at you or Xiao Xiuxiu, if they were aimed at me Yes, that would be troublesome." Li Chungniang said calmly.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly. Li Chungniang was accompanied by two such powerful entourages. If they really came for Chungniang, those who came would definitely be many times stronger than those who targeted him or Xiong Feixiu.

Zhou Fan admits that he has not offended anyone who is too powerful, but it is hard to say whether there will be candidates with deep backgrounds looking for killers through message symbols to hunt him, the temporary number one.

As for Xiong Feixiu and Li Chungniang coming from an aristocratic family, there are no shortage of enemies in a family that are both secret and secret.

So that kind of situation can happen, but the most dangerous situation is for the bug girl.

"If it comes against me, if there is a fight later, Big Brother Zhou should not interfere, it's too dangerous, it's best to stay away as much as possible." Li Chungniang smiled, she was pretending to be chatting with Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, thought for a moment, and said, "I'll figure it out."

Even if he encounters a cultivator above the Dao Realm, as long as he is not too strong, Zhou Fan is confident that he will have the power to protect himself.

Just as the two of them were talking, Chen Peipi, who had been preparing dinner, suddenly disappeared in place like a bubble.

Such a scene caught the attention of Xiong Feixiu and the two old men. Their faces were blank, but they quickly became vigilant.

"Big sister..." Xiong Feixiu looked at Li Chungniang.

"It's okay." Li Chungniang shook her head.

Liu Sanhuo looked around, his eyes occasionally fell on Xiong Feixiu and the three of them. In his opinion, the three of them might also have problems.

Zhou Fan put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, and he looked at a wood not far from the side, because this wood was the most likely place to hide nearby.

Everyone's thoughts were different, and they waited for a while.

Chen Peipi did not come out of the woods, but jumped down from a big tree in the west where the two of them embraced each other.

Zhou Fan frowned slightly, because no enemy jumped down from the tree, and Chen Peipi was no different from when he left suddenly.

"Aunt Peipi." Li Chungniang greeted him, looking at Chen Pepi with inquiring eyes.

Chen Peipi's eyes also showed a puzzled look. She flicked her sleeve robe, and three groups of black things like fists rolled down from her sleeve robe.

As if it had been burned by something, the original appearance could no longer be seen.

"Young Master, these three little things are watching us." Chen Peipi said, "They look like birds. As soon as I approached them, they immediately burned. Obviously they were manipulated by something."

"Can you recognize what this is?" Li Chungniang asked.

The three of Xiong Feixiu also came over. After listening to Chen Bopi's words, they suddenly realized that they were being targeted.

Chen Peipi shook his head and said, "It doesn't look like the method a monk would use, so I can't recognize it."

If it was a cultivator's method, she would definitely be able to identify it, but if it was a strange surveillance method, it would be difficult to identify, after all, the number of strange things was too huge.

Zhou Fan squatted down and looked at the three groups of charred objects, but he couldn't recognize them.

"Something dares to stare at us? It's tired and crooked." Xiong Feixiu snorted: "Eldest sister, if it dares to come forward, let me shoot it to death with a slingshot..."

Before Xiong Feixiu finished speaking, Chen Pepi looked at him, so scared that Xiong Feixiu's neck suddenly shrank, and he didn't dare to speak.

"Young Master, I'm 90% sure that this is a trick, but it's also possible that the cultivator used it to try to deceive us and interfere with our thinking." Chen Peipi said softly.

"It's possible, there are very few weird things that can be tamed in the world, but it's not that there are none, Aunt Peeling, what should we do?" Li Chungniang asked.

"Tonight we can only be more careful and beware of the other party's surprise attack." Chen Peipi frowned and said, she was a little annoyed, because she didn't get any credit for her action just now, but was shocked by the grass.

In this situation, they can only be careful. After all, the wilderness is too big and the sky is dark. They can't rush their way at night because of the enemy in the dark. It will be more dangerous to do so.

After a few discussions, everyone hurriedly ate something before the sky darkened.

Because the enemy already knows that they have been discovered, if they want to make a move, perhaps tonight is the most suitable time.

So Zhou Fan also took the initiative to ask Ying for a vigil.

At this time, it is enough for two people to rotate two people, but there are so many of them that they can add one more person, and three people rotate three people.

Chen Peipi thought about it and agreed.

The night shift arrangement is also very The original arrangement was that Xiong Feixiu, Zhou Fan and Liu Sanhuo would be on duty in the first half of the night. Attack in the middle of the night.

But Li Chungniang, who was not assigned to be on duty at night, raised an objection. She sent Xiong Feixiu to sleep and took over Xiong Feixiu's night duty position.

Li Chungniang insisted on doing this, and Chen Bopi reluctantly agreed.

As for Xiong Feixiu's opinion, it doesn't matter.

After the arrangement, no one on duty in the first half of the night went to bed.

In an instant, Zhou Fan, Li Chungniang and Liu Sanhuo were left in the small camp who were on duty at night and did not sleep.

Liu Sanhuo walked over and stood guard, leaving Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang to guard the same direction.

In fact, it is not difficult to be at night, as long as you keep an eye on the direction around you, once the symbol formation changes, you can wake up the sleeping person.

"Brother Zhou, I have a secret to tell you." Li Chungniang blinked slyly.

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