Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 831: possessed

Who wants to kill him?

Zhou Fan shook his head, this is hard to guess.

Because even the candidates of Class A have made a ghost oath not to try to interfere with other candidates in any form.

However, the ghost oath is not absolutely reliable. The forces behind those candidates can be concealed. If those candidates are not informed, they can bypass the ghost oath.

In this way, the scope is larger.

And it is not ruled out that some forces are trying to kill him to draw attention to the unfairness of the A-class exam rules.

Since he couldn't find out, Zhou Fan didn't continue to think about it. He is now number one in two things, attracting a lot of attention, and inevitably he has to endure some dangers.

Even if he returned to Gaoxiang City, Zhou Fan did not intend to continue living in the original inn, but instead found another place to live for the past two days.

Zhou Fan looked around, even though he had thrown away some people, he was still not sure that he was completely safe now.

If he was secretly monitoring those who were looking for an opportunity to kill him, it would not be easy for him to find out.

Zhou Fan let out a sneer, his body suddenly blurred and disappeared in place.

He used the teleportation-level movement technique again to run wildly.

Running wildly in the wild will inevitably encounter some dangers, but with Zhou Fan's current cultivation realm, these dangers are far inferior to those of the people who follow him.

When encountering a strange attack, he would avoid it if he could, or stop and kill him if he couldn't.

In this way, he kept changing directions, and ran for half an hour before stopping.

In half an hour, at his speed, he was far, far away from Gaoxiang City.

Zhou Fan believed that even if there were people watching him in the dark before, he was thrown away now.

He doesn't believe that those people have a teleportation-level movement technique like him.

Even if there is a teleportation-level movement technique, he may not have such a strong infuriating qi and the ability to continuously restore his infuriating energy. Without this ability, the teleportation-level movement technique cannot last.

So the probability of being able to keep up with his speed is almost zero.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that there are warriors with peculiar ability to find people who can find him.

It's just that this possibility is too small, and Zhou Fan also knows that there will be no absolutely safe way.

He chose to go out of the city so hard to avoid Zhao Yazhu's possession and any impact on Gaoxiang City, which might lead to some of his secrets being exposed.

It is safer and more reliable to be possessed in the wild.

He glanced around and fled into a dilute miscellaneous forest.

As soon as he entered the Zalin, Zhou Fan went around the Zalin and killed all the monsters in the Zalin, and then he laid down layers of talisman formations in the Zalin.

"Xiao Ling, watch around for me, I want to sleep for a while." Zhou Fan lay down after saying this.

Xiaoxiao jumped off Zhou Fan, and Xiaoxiao kept splitting, jumping, and scattering. Some even climbed up the branches of the tree and looked around.

Zhou Fan knew that the time was short and that someone might catch up, but he still adjusted his breathing in an orderly manner, and after a while, he fell asleep.

As soon as Zhou Fan appeared on the boat, Zhao Yazhu and Qifu looked over.

"What are you doing? Enter here in broad daylight." Chifu glared at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that if he appeared on the boat, Qifu would inevitably fall asleep outside and be dragged into this space.

If Eclipse is fighting with a monster or a person outside and suddenly falls asleep, that would be a very dangerous thing.

So the anger of Chifu is understandable.

Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "I forgot about it for a while, but we'll be able to go out soon."

As he spoke, Zhou Fan looked at Zhao Yazhu and said, "You can be possessed later, I will call your name three times, and you will let the boat allow you to go out and attach yourself to me."

"Remember, don't forget the oath you made to me, don't mess around."

Zhao Yazhu said calmly, "I understand."

"Send me out now." Zhou Fan demanded again.

He must resolve the possession as soon as possible.

Zhao Yazhu flicked his fingers, and the gray mist floated in the air.

Going around Zhou Fan, he quickly took Zhou Fan off the boat.

"How is the outside world? Are you still with Zhou Fan?" Zhao Yazhu asked Qifu anxiously.

"No, he's very cunning, and he used a quick movement technique to throw me away. I couldn't keep up with him, but I knew his general direction and was chasing him in that direction, and whoever knew it would be dragged in by him. ' Qifu said angrily.

"Then can you still catch up?" Zhao Yazhu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I can't guarantee it." Chifu shook her head.

"I'll take you out first. If he calls me, I can only possess myself. Come here as soon as possible. Where are you, I'll go find you." Zhao Yazhu said slowly.

Chifu thought about it and said, "He's to the east of me."

"Okay, I understand." Zhao Yazhu flicked her fingers and used the same method to send Chifu out.

When Zhou Fan woke up, he immediately looked at Xiao Ling and asked, "How long have I slept?"

The speed of time in the space of the Grey River is erratic, and even if it is just a few words, it may take a long time.

Xiao Huang thought about it and said, "It should be no more than one stick of incense."

Under Zhou Fan's teaching, Xiao Su still has a specific concept of time.

A stick of incense is no more than half an hour, Zhou Fan nodded slightly, and he said solemnly, "Xiao Su, come back to me and let Xiao Xiao hide. If there is any problem later, you can listen to me."

Even if his body is controlled, he can still communicate with Xiao Ling.

He did not have many preparations, and Xiao Su was one of them.

Xiao Ling obediently turned her hair into strands and burrowed into Zhou Fan's head.

Zhou Fan stood He pondered for a while, no longer hesitated, and recited Zhao Yazhu three times in his heart, he found that his human soul was drifting backwards, and he could see that he was in the sea of ​​souls. Standing indifferently.

Apparently Zhao Yazhu has taken over his body.

Zhao Yazhu's fat face trembled, she looked up at the blue sky, and then looked down at the man's hands.

She burst out laughing wildly and stepped out, but she touched the talisman formation arranged by Zhou Fan. She was too lazy to remove the talisman formation. She just glanced at the layers of the talisman formation laid out by Zhou Fan.

Then she teleported towards the west, and Zhao Yazhu performed the teleportation-level movement technique to the extreme.

Moreover, her means of urging teleportation-level movement techniques are "You Four Seasons", as if she was born with it, and she uses it to the limit than Zhou Fan.

Perhaps, no matter what kind of martial skill of Zhao Yazhu's level, it can be used by analogy.

Zhou Fan wasn't too concerned about this, he was more concerned about where Zhao Yazhu was going?

"Miss Zhao, where are you going?" Zhou Fan asked cautiously.

The little silk that he arranged outside the talisman formation was considered useless.

"This has nothing to do with you." Zhao Yazhu said coldly.

Her speed is still very fast, terrifyingly fast.

Zhou Fan, who was hiding in the sea of ​​souls, looked slightly gloomy, Zhao Yazhu was floating.


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