Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 833: unexpected failure

"What on earth are you going to do?" Chofu shouted coldly again, looking at the talisman emitting a faint black light.

It's just that Zhao Yazhu didn't answer, she had already stretched out her right hand, and placed her middle fingers together on the eyebrows.

Zhou Fan could sense that Zhao Yazhu was pulling out her soul power and gathered it at the tips of his two fingers.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was not surprised by this, because if these guides wanted to escape, they generally needed to make a fuss about the stray soul that possessed him.

Even if it was just a shred of soul, it was extremely powerful, and the fingertips that touched the eyebrows overflowed with strands of golden lines.

The lines floated around, causing all kinds of different visions to appear around.

The grass withered and yellowed under my feet is rapidly recovering because of the arrival of winter, pulling out new green shoots.

The fingertips were shrouded in a circle of rich golden light.

'Zhou Fan''s pupils became a little dull.

"Fighting the stars and moving the soul!" Zhao Yazhu pointed at the pitch-black talisman.

The pitch-black talisman was quickly dyed gold by soul power.

A gust of wind spread out from the golden talisman, blowing the clothes of Zhou Fan and Chefu.

Zhou Fan in the soul sea watched nervously, but he wanted to see if Zhao Yazhu could escape from the boat?

"Go." Zhao Yazhu waved her right hand, she said weakly.

The golden talisman shrank rapidly, as big as a thumb, but the light was still bright, and it fell into the center of Qifu's eyebrows.

"This is..." Zhou Fan was a little surprised, and he had a terrifying guess in his heart.

Zhao Yazhu's eyes were fixed on Chifu.

Ever since the golden talisman entered her body, Chofu has become rigid. In the depths of her green emerald eyes, golden runes are constantly being created and destroyed, and collisions occur within them.

"There will be no problem, it will definitely succeed!" Zhao Yazhu whispered to himself, "With such a secret method, the boat can't stop me."

Chifu's head began to swell, and in the blink of an eye, it swelled a round, which made Chifu look like a big-headed doll.

"She won't let you play dead, right?" Zhou Fan asked worriedly, if he died, where would he find an assistant who worked so hard?

"Everything was within my expectations." Zhao Yazhu seemed to be responding to Zhou Fan's words, and seemed to be talking to himself.


Chifu's head exploded, and countless red and white brains shattered and scattered.

Zhao Yazhu was stunned, she let her brain splash on Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was also stunned. He didn't expect Chufu to die like this. He recovered and said, "Didn't you say that everything was as you expected? You killed her."

"It's impossible, how could it be like this? It's impossible for her head to explode at this time." Zhao Yazhu roared angrily, but soon she was stunned again.

Because the corpse of Chofu that fell on the ground was shrinking, and when the white light dissipated, it became a mushroom that split in half.

Mushrooms... Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, I hate mushrooms.

Zhao Yazhu seemed to be locked in her figure, even if her cultivation was high, she was not the kind of cultivator whose joy and anger were indistinguishable. She laughed madly and said, "It's actually a clone, I let a clone deceive me, it's ridiculous, you say Isn't that funny?"

She was still laughing like crazy.

She would be deceived because searching for mysticism in the sky and underground could not identify the body avatar. After all, Chofu's avatar also contained the life information of the body part.

She will be deceived because this is Zhou Fan's body after all, and her five senses and even spiritual senses all come from Zhou Fan, so she can't identify the avatar of Chifu's body.

If she was there, she could see Chefu's little tricks even at a glance.

But no matter what she said, she was still deceived, so she thought it was ridiculous, and she kept laughing wildly.

In other words, Qifu is not dead. I said why this little girl dared to come to see Zhao Yazhu, it turned out to be a clone... Zhou Fan smiled and shook his head.

Maybe the ship already knew about this, so it never took action. Poor Zhao Yazhu, all the hard work became a joke.

Zhou Fan gloated a little, Zhao Yazhu was too dishonest,

When he came to see Chufu, it was entirely possible for him to fall into a dangerous situation, but he did not sympathize with Zhao Yazhu at all.

Zhao Yazhu's detachment left on Zhou Fan completely dissipated, and he didn't know whether he returned to the body of the ship or disappeared completely.

Zhou Fan regained control over his body, he breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, no matter what, this possession is finally over.

When Zhou Fan thought this way, he found that his eyelids were heavy and he couldn't lift them up at all.

This feeling made Zhou Fan's face show a strange color. He was too familiar with this feeling. He hurriedly teleported out and found a fairly hidden hill, feeling more and more sleepy.

"Xiao Wan, watch over for me, wake me up if there is a situation." Zhou Fan shouted, and before he could wait for Xiao Wan to answer, he fell asleep.

Opening his eyes in the chaos, Zhou Fan found him on the boat again.

This made Zhou Fan frown slightly, because he had already used his chance to enter today, but was suddenly pulled in, which was unusual.

But they were all on the boat. He looked around and found Chufu and Zhao Yazhu who had his back turned to them.

Zhao Yazhu shrugged and seemed to be crying.

"Miss Zhao, don't cry. If you can't do it this time, try harder next time." Zhou Fan chuckled lightly.

But his voice was full of sarcasm.

Chifu just kept her face straight.

Zhao Yazhu turned her head, she didn't cry, but her face became grim because of anger, and her shoulders were shaking.

Zhao Yazhu first glanced at Chifu coldly, her eyes fell on Zhou Fan and she said, "I paid the price to let the boat pull you in."

"The boat will agree because you are both in a safe place, but even if you come in, if you don't want to stay on the boat, you can leave now, and I will pay the price in vain."

"So it's like Fan suddenly realized, he smiled and said, "What's so urgent? Can't we discuss it tomorrow night? "

"No!" Zhao Ya said with a face, "I didn't pull you in to talk nonsense with you, I'm looking for her!"

As Zhao Yazhu spoke, she caught a wisp of gray fog, which turned into a box, and she threw the box to Zhou Fan and said, "This is yours."

As soon as Zhou Fan opened it, it was full of talismans of different levels, which could be considered to make up for the loss of the talismans he had just lost.

After Zhao Yazhu finished this, she looked at Chifu and said angrily, "I tried my best to train you and please you to help you plan and deal with Zhou Fan. When things come to an end, you actually treat me like this?"

Chifu said with a cold face, "You have bad intentions. You are good to me only for yourself. Do you still have the courage to mention this?"

She is not afraid of Zhao Yazhu on the boat, because Zhao Yazhu can't do anything to her as long as she doesn't want to die.

Ouch, is this going to be torn up? Zhou Fan pulled over a chair, looking like he was watching a play, and looked leisurely at the two women who were full of fire.

"Yes, I did it for myself, but what am I sorry for?" Zhao Yazhu trembled with anger.

"Don't think I don't know, you want to take away my body, if I am present, then my end will be as tragic as a clone." Chifu said with cold eyes, "You fat woman, you have a vicious heart, even if you are the main body. I won't die like a clone, and I will only become your puppet."


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