Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 849: Ring 7

Bai Xuanyu struggled to stand up on the ground, three teeth were kicked off in his mouth, his mouth was full of blood, and the large footprints on his face looked very funny.

The candidates watching the battle froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

Li Chungniang covered her mouth and chuckled, she didn't expect to maintain her manners is such a difficult thing.

The line, who had always had a serious face, couldn't help but smile.

Bai Xuanyu looked around, trying to stop those who dared to make fun of him with his sharp eyes, but most of the candidates had a good background, and when there were many people, they would not be afraid of a direct disciple of the Bai family.

Bai Xuanyu saw that this was ineffective, so he looked up at Zhou Fan in exasperation and said angrily, "You dare to humiliate me like this?"

"Didn't I do it?" Zhou Fan said blankly.

He did it before asking if he dared, is this stupid?

The anger in Bai Xuanyu's heart decreased slightly, but the coldness in his eyes deepened: "Why?"

He didn't understand why Zhou Fan did this?

"Because you dare to instigate Xiong Feixiu to deal with me, I'm still curious, and I didn't offend you, why did you do this?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows.

"So you know." Bai Xuanyu smiled coldly: "Of course it's for the place in the A-class class, or what do you think it's for? For that wasteful cousin in my family?"

Of course, Bai Xuanyu checked Zhou Fan's background and knew that Zhou Fan and Bai Xuanshi had a holiday, but in his opinion, these were not important at all. He wanted to get rid of Zhou Fan, so that there would be one less competitor.

It was also because Zhou Fan had a humble background and didn't have much background. Bai Xuanyu initially suspected that Zhou Fan had a background, but he didn't do it himself, he just instigated Xiong Feixiu.

Zhou Fan nodded in understanding.

The teacher reacted and shouted that Zhou Fan won.

Zhou Fan jumped off the ring.

"Zhou Fan, if you dare to humiliate me, the Bai family will not let you go." Bai Xuanyu said coldly.

After the cross-country test, Bai Xuanyu carefully investigated Zhou Fan's background, but still found nothing, so he concluded that Zhou Fan was indeed a genius disciple from a poor family.

Zhou Fan just glanced at Bai Xuanyu lightly and said, "Does what you said represent the Bai family?"

Bai Xuanyu's face froze, and he said coldly: "You just came from a poor family and disturbed the good things of my Bai family. Do you think you can do it like this?"

"I don't understand what I said, or you are too stupid." Zhou Fan said again: "Can what you say represent the Bai family?"

Bai Xuanyu's anger surged, he was about to blurt out, but the only trace of reason left him dared not say so, except for the old man in the family, who would dare to say that he represented the Bai family?

"If you can't represent the Bai family, then don't speak harshly." Zhou Fan sneered: "If the Bai family wants to play, I will accompany you to the end, whether it is overt or dark."

Zhou Fan has the confidence to say this, not only because of his own strength, but also because he belongs to the Yiluan Division and is about to enter the Class A class. It can be said that he has a bright future.

If the Bai family wants to deal with him, they have to ask Yiluan Si whether they agree or not!

It's just a white family, and Yiluan Si will not give up Zhou Fan because of fear.

The key is that Zhou Fan didn't kill Bai Xuanyu, what would the Bai family have the courage to do to him?

Bai Xuanyu is not stupid. After he calmed down, he also thought of this. He felt very aggrieved, and then vomited out a mouthful of blood.

I vomited blood...

Zhou Fan ignored Bai Xuanyu. This matter was not over yet. Today, he will get some interest back first, and then he will see what the Bai family will do. With the strong strength and background, he is not afraid of the Bai family.

Li Chungniang quietly stood beside Zhou Fan, and she glanced at Bai Xuanyu coldly.

Li Chungniang's icy gaze made Bai Xuanyu feel a chill, and his heart trembled. After all, he didn't dare to say anything, but turned and left.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry about the Bai family. If the Bai family dares to act as a demon, we will never forgive him." Li Chungniang comforted.

Zhou Fan smiled and shook his head, he was not worried at all.

"The competition between Shisanjian and Du Ni in the No. 7 arena is about to start." Someone shouted, and for a while, many people who had not competed rushed to the No. 7 arena.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang did not compete, and walked towards the seventh ring.

A match in the No. 7 arena is coming to an end. The candidate of the exchange blood stage was pressed and beaten by the candidate of the Qi orifice stage. He was struggling to support, but no one knew that it would be difficult for him to continue to support.


He was still knocked off the ring by the Qi Qiao Duan examinee.

Because of the revision of the examination rules, no more points can be obtained for killing people, and the candidates did not try to kill people deliberately. After all, killing people is very laborious, and it is easy to offend the forces behind the candidates.

If it weren't for a miss, most candidates would not be willing to kill their own test candidates.

After all, the other party is not his opponent, and generally does not pose a threat. There is no need to kill people to eliminate people.

So the competition went to such a level, but there were only two accidental deaths.

The Qi Qiao Duan candidate defeated his opponent, and he didn't feel any joy, but went on calmly, because he was unlucky to be assigned to the No. 7 arena, and there were two strong opponents in the No. 7 arena, Hou Shisanjian and Du If Shisanjian and Du Ni didn't suffer a loss or a serious injury in the next battle, then he would have a slim chance of qualifying.

So this battle is even more important for the candidates in the No. 7 ring.

Standing not far from the No. 7 arena are the three chief examiners of Zhongtian, and the three of them are of course very interested in the competition between Hou Shisanjian and Du Ni.

To these three chief examiners, the candidates were both respectful and awe-inspiring, and did not dare to get too close.

"President Zhong, who do you think will win?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked jokingly.

Zhongtian naturally heard the ridicule of Mr. Zhang Li, he said: "Du Ni will win."

"Hou Shisanjian is a disciple of Jianzong. He shined in the cross-country test alone, and finally ranked third, and Du Ni ranked fifth. We all know that although the cross-country test was a bit absurd at the beginning, it still reflects the Are you really so confident about the candidate's strength?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked with a smile.

"Amitabha, there has always been a saying in Dawei that if you are good at fighting, the disciples of the Sword Sect are number one in the world." Yuan Hai also said slowly.

Grandpa Zhang Li glanced at Yuan Haidao: "I didn't expect Master Yuan Hai to have heard this sentence, but I think this sentence is exaggerated. The academy and the Great Buddha Temple have always been on the side of Jianjian Sect."

"That's because the academy has my teacher, and the Great Buddha Temple has the old head. If you say that you are good at fighting, no one is better at fighting than Jianzong." Zhongtian corrected: "But this is only the overall situation, there are always exceptions. I still think Du Ni will win."

Zhongtian seems to have absolute confidence in Du Ni.

Both Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li were a little surprised.

But while they were talking, the teacher had already registered the results of the previous competition, and called for Du Ni and Hou Shisanjian to compete on the stage.

Du Ni and Hou Shisanjian walked towards the stage.

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