Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 868: Letter from Jingdu

"Is something wrong?" Zhou Fan looked at Hou Shisanjian and asked.

At this moment, Hou Thirteen Sword can't hide his tiredness, and the Fourth Sword Market consumes too much of his energy. If it was usual, he might have already laid down and fell asleep.

"Actually, I want to ask Brother Zhou, do you really practice for eleven hours a day?" Hou Shisanjian asked seriously.

I do practice for eleven hours a day, but it's very special, and it's hard for me to explain it to you... Zhou Fan thought to himself, he couldn't bear to say: "Brother Hou, don't need to care about this kind of thing, practice according to your ability."

Hou Shisanjian nodded lightly, then turned and left.

"When did you tell him that you practice for eleven hours a day?" Li Chungniang said slightly startled.

"It was not long ago." Zhou Fan repeated the matter.

After listening to this, Li Chungniang couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Big Brother Zhou, how could you lie to him, I think the Thirteen Swords are believed now."

"I didn't lie to him." Zhou Fan said, "I practice for eleven hours a day in my spare time."

Li Chungniang: "..."

"It's just that half of the time is in a dream." Zhou Fan said frankly.

While the two were talking, the last few rounds of the ring test had ended.

As soon as the ring test was over, the instructors gathered together and handed over the results to the three of Zhongtian.

The three of Zhongtian looked at the ranking of the nineteen names on the list: Zhou Fan, Hou Shisanjian, Wrinkled Shenshen, Li Chungniang...

More than a dozen candidates also gathered under the white jade high platform as instructed.

The number of people is naturally not enough for nineteen, because several candidates were injured, such as Xingxing, Wrinkle Shenshen, because of their injuries, they were unable to come here.

I don't even know if it will affect the next martial arts test.

If it affects, it is likely to be eliminated directly.

Zhongtian said: "I believe you all already know your rankings, and the rankings of the ring test will be posted soon, so I won't talk about the ring test here, but the last item of the martial arts test."

The candidates are all concentrated, and the last item of the martial arts test will determine who can enter the A-class class and obtain a lot of cultivation resources.

Zhou Fan also didn't dare to be careless. Even though he had already won the first place in the literary test, cross-country test, and arena, the martial arts test had always been a method of elimination, which meant that he might be eliminated even in the last one.

And even if he doesn't get eliminated, what he wants to fight for now is to be the leader of the Grade A exam, so he can't take the exam too badly, or else he might get ahead of him or wait for Thirteen Swords, who aren't too far behind him. .

"Bring it up." Zhongtian said with a serious face.

The three instructors under the white jade platform trotted up the steps, and the instructor in the middle was holding a black wooden box.

During the process of coming up, the eyes of the other two teachers never left the black wooden box.

The box is the size of a human head.

Zhongtian pointed to the black wooden box and said, "The inside is the test questions sent by Jingdu, let alone you, even our three chief examiners don't know what the third item of the martial arts test is so far."

"After the box was delivered to Gaoxiang Academy, there were no less than three people guarding it."

After Nakata finished speaking, he picked up the box and handed it to Yuankai.

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li checked the box very seriously and confirmed that there was no sign of opening and re-sealing the restrictions on the box. They nodded and handed the box back to Zhongtian.

Zhongtian took out a seal and affixed it to the ban center on the box surface, and the ban exuding a faint golden light dissipated.

Zhongtian pushed open the box of noodles.

Even if the candidates looked up, it was difficult to see what was inside the box.

"It's a letter and a box." Nakata said and took out the letter and the black iron box.

The black iron box is also sealed by the rune prohibition.

"There is no restriction on the letter, it says to read the letter first." Zhongtian said again, and he handed the letter to Yuanhai.

Yuan Hai glanced at it, and then handed it to Mr. Zhang Li. Mr. Zhang Li also glanced at the envelope and handed the letter to Zhong Tian.

All three had doubts in their eyes.

What the **** is going on here?

Such a style is probably from the academy sage who was once rumored to be mad.

Nakata tore the seal and took out the letter.

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li both gathered around to watch.

The three watched silently, and all fell silent.

The candidates below were a little anxious, but the three of Zhongtian didn't speak, they could only wait patiently.

"This is a letter from my teacher to you." Zhongtian glanced at the candidates under the stage, and he began to read.

"Congratulations to all of you who passed the ring test. If you can read this letter or listen to others read it, it means that... the old man has nothing to do!"

"The letter was written by the old man before the ring test. The rules of the ring test may be slightly changed, but it will not be changed or even cancelled, otherwise you will not be able to read this letter."

"The rumors from the outside world have long been expected, hum, it is estimated that many people will say that the old man has gone crazy!"

Zhongtian even read out the humming word, but his tone was flat without any emotion.

The candidates looked at each other in dismay. Before the ring test, there were indeed many rumors that the sage had gone crazy.

"Crazy or not, the old man This has nothing to do with you. I know that some people are dissatisfied, saying that the old man deliberately made things difficult for you, and even caused some candidates to die in the big exam."

"I can only say sorry to these old men, but no one forced you to take this exam. If you feel that it is dangerous, you can withdraw or leave."

"If the candidates who died without quitting or leaving are also the problems of the candidates themselves, the old man will not take any responsibility for this!"

"If you want to hold the old man responsible, and even want to kill the old man to avenge those candidates, just come to the old man!"

There was a commotion among the candidates. They never thought that the words of the sage of the academy would be so indifferent and overbearing.

Many candidates have complex expressions on their faces. They used to admire the saints of the academy, but now they are disappointed.

"Quiet." Mrs. Zhang Li said.

The candidates fell silent again and continued to listen to Nakata reading.

"The ring test is over, so there's one last item left."

"First of all, I want to tell you that the last item of the martial arts test will be held three days later, and the last item is also the most dangerous one. Those who are afraid of losing their lives in it can give up this test at any time."

"It doesn't mean anything to intimidate you, it's just a warning!"

"Wealth and silk have moved people's hearts through the ages, but you have to weigh whether you can hold this wealth and silk. If you can't hold it, you will die!"

"Each Class A has ten places, and the last one will eliminate a lot of people. I believe that there will be a shortage of students in many Class A classes. If there are not enough people, they will not be replenished, and the extra training resources will be used. It will be divided equally among the other students in Class A."

The candidates under the ring were all stunned when they heard this.

There will be a lot of unsatisfactory members in Class A, so how dangerous is this last item?

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