Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 887: I am invincible

After the second candidate entered the body of the gray fog elephant, he disappeared from their field of vision again.

The gray fog was so dense that it was difficult to see clearly even within three feet of the gray fog.

"For the sake of money, I can't give up." Zhang Li Xiaohu's body emerged with a crimson flame, and he rushed into the gray fog.

"Amitabha, that's fine, the little monk wants to see his own Buddha's heart." The group clasped their hands together, didn't do anything, and stepped forward with awe.

Wrinkle gave a deep cold snort, he glanced at Zhou Fan, pulled out the long sword from his waist, a blue light appeared on his body, and walked in slowly.

Du Ni laughed and said, "Interesting."

Du Ni's body began to become like mud. As he walked forward, mud spots fell from time to time.

"What is Heart Refinement? I want to see what's inside?" Small golden bugs crawled out of Wen Xiao's bandage, forming dense golden threads on his body.

After Wen Xiao disappeared into the gray fog, several candidates entered in succession.

Until He Yiming refused to give up dragging two heavy wooden barrels and disappeared into the gray fog, Xiong Feixiu, Li Chungniang, and Zhou Fan were left at the scene.

Xiong Feixiu was able to stay patiently until now, because the eldest sister was there, so he should not be in a hurry.

But now that everyone has left, Xiong Feixiu, who has already exhausted his patience, said, "Eldest sister, I'll go too."

"Go ahead, if you have a chance to come back in danger, go back, don't hold on." Li Chungniang laughed, she let Xiong Feixiu stay here because she wanted to see if there would be other people after they entered. Variety.

It is good to be advanced, but you must take the risk of being advanced, and it may seem that you will be one step behind if you are backward, but the risk may be much smaller.

This is what Li Chungniang and Zhou Fan discussed in a low voice just now.

After Xiong Feixiu got permission, he didn't turn his head, and the short child's body seemed to become more majestic. In fact, his height did not change, it was just a change of momentum.

"I'm invincible!" Xiong Feixiu said contemptuously, walking into the gray fog.

My heart is invincible... Zhou Fan's mouth twitched, this Xiong Feixiu's temperament is too much.

"Big Brother Zhou, then I'll go first." Li Chungniang smiled sweetly, she put a talisman on her body, and the white light enveloped her and walked into the gray fog.

Insect girl, worm girl, it is very unlucky to take one step first... Zhou Fan gave a wry smile in his heart.

No candidates went in together because the rules did not allow them to go in together.

In an instant, Zhou Fan was left alone in front of the gray fog.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the leader, or if he had already asked clearly, if he didn't participate in the third item of the martial arts test, he would have to abandon the test, and his original score would be invalidated. With so many factors combined, Zhou Fan might not be willing to step into the test. The unknown elephant body goes to participate in this so-called mind-training test.

But no matter how dangerous it is, there is no danger that the entire army will be destroyed. If the level of danger is really so high, he does not believe it will be so outrageous.

As long as the death rate does not exceed 50%, Zhou Fan is confident that he can survive.

It is impossible for him to give up here, and he can only gamble like other candidates.

Zhou Fan looked back and glanced at the three chief examiners of Zhongtian.

The three of Zhongtian didn't speak, let alone urge, but waited with a calm expression on their faces.

Zhou Fan's body first appeared with purple-gold rays of light, and he added a layer of purple-gold armor to himself, and different armor runes appeared on the armor.

He checked the defensive talismans such as the silver royal talisman and the silent spell on his body, and then pasted several defensive talismans on his body, and the infuriating qi emerged, forming a layer of infuriating defensive cover.

Zhou Fan's body disappeared in place with a swish, and rushed into the foggy body, and the outermost elephant body could see a human-like outline.

Zhou Fan rushed into the foggy body with a teleportation-level movement technique.

The faces of the three of Zhongtian trembled. Among the nineteen candidates, Zhou Fan was obviously the one who prepared the most exaggeratedly.

Zhou Fan disappeared into the foggy body.

Nakata flicked his fingers, and white light fell into the mist.

The fog churned for a while, and a wisp of fog condensed into the number 'nineteen'.

This means that there are nineteen candidates in the elephant body.

This detection method is to prevent candidates from using some methods to deceive them. It seems that they have entered the body of the elephant to train their hearts. In fact, they did not enter the body of the elephant at all, but detoured and walked to the other side.

This kind of practice is not allowed.

After confirming that none of the nineteen candidates used such a method, the three of Nakata were relieved.

The fog of the number 'nineteen' dissipated and merged into the fog.

Mrs. Zhang Li, who was watching this scene, frowned and said, "The sage designed this kind of test to test the hearts of the candidates. I don't understand why, but why did he only give us the control of the formation for this check? Give."

"Otherwise, if something happens to the candidates inside, we can take care of one or two."

"It's not that I don't want to, but the power of Guiying at the core of the formation is not easy to control. Even with our cultivation base, it is difficult to control it. If we don't do it well, it will only backfire." Zhongtian explained the He He waved for the two teachers to come over.

"Guiying..." Mrs. Zhang Li didn't ask any more, his eyes showed a look of caution.

Even though this formation was jointly designed by the sage of the academy and some formation masters of the academy, its core is Guiying. Without Guiying, this formation would hardly be able to exert its effect.

Zhang Li's family got a piece of Guiying known as a rare treasure. In fact, there was not much development on Guiying.

Because Guiying is too important, but also because Guiying is too strange and dangerous.

Even the academies, Buddhist temples, and official families have very low utilization rates of Guiying, and each development of Guiying has an unknown price behind it.

Every secret technique surrounding Gui Ying is a secret kept by each family and refuses to reveal the slightest bit.

Because once Guiying's secret technique is revealed, more aristocratic families will know that they master Guiying, which will lead to more prying eyes.

Zhang Li's family owns a piece of guiying, which can be guessed by the Great Buddhist Temple of the Academy, and some big families will also have such guesses.

But the Zhang Li family has never advertised that they own Guiying, so it is just speculation after all, and no one will take the risk of guessing and take risks against the Zhang Li family.

Two teachers came.

"You stay in this direction, and notify us immediately if there is any problem." Zhongtian interrupted Mrs. Zhang Li's thoughts.

The two teachers nodded in understanding.

The three of Zhongtian walked around the gray fog elephant body towards the other end of the elephant body.

Under the huge elephant body, they are like three moving ants.

The two sides of the elephant body are also guarded by teachers, so if candidates come out from the other side, they can also know.

The three of Zhongtian quickly walked to the other end of the elephant body.

This is the end of the test.

They waited patiently, waiting for the first candidate to come out.

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