Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 904: 0 boiled into steel

As soon as Zhou Fan entered the academy as instructed yesterday, he walked towards the inner courtyard.

When he arrived at the entrance of the inner courtyard, he was stopped by the academy disciples who were on duty. Zhou Fan announced his name and then took out the Xuanguang Jade Talisman to prove his identity before allowing entry.

He followed a disciple of the academy through the long corridor and came to a martial arts room in the academy.

The martial arts room is large enough to accommodate dozens of people.

The academy disciple brought Zhou Fan and then retreated.

Three people from Class A have already arrived in the Yanwu Room.

They are Du Ni, Wrinkle Shen Shen, Ye Lai Tian Xiang.

The three of them didn't communicate at all, they all stood quietly.

"Good morning." Zhou Fan greeted the three with a smile.

From now on, I will be my classmate, Zhou Fan thought.

Standing in the corner, Wrinkle nodded slightly with a cold face.

Ye Lai Tian Xiang pursed her lips and smiled: "The chief is here, why don't you see Miss Li?"

"She should be here later." Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Zhou Fan..." Du Ni was about to talk to Zhou Fan when someone patted Zhou Fan's left shoulder and said, "Morning."

Zhou Fan recognized the voice of Hou Shisanjian, he turned around with a smile on his face and said, "Morning, Brother Hou."

But he was shocked when he turned around, because Hou Shisanjian was wearing a pair of big panda eyes.

"Brother Hou, haven't you slept yet?" Zhou Fan asked.

Hou Shisanjian yawned and said, "My strength is not as good as Brother Zhou. Brother Zhou can practice for eleven hours a day, and I don't dare to be lazy and sleep again. Yesterday, I stayed up all night practicing swordsmanship, and I was really tired. , I admire Brother Zhou more and more."

"..." Zhou Fan couldn't bear to say: "Brother Hou, you don't have to do this. Everyone's physique is different. If you go on like this, your body will be destroyed."

"Things that can't be boiled, can be made into steel..." Hou Shisanjian closed his eyes and fell asleep halfway through his words.

"Brother Zhou trains for eleven hours a day?" Du Ni, who was closest to Zhou Fan and Hou Shisanjian, suddenly widened his eyes when he heard it.

Wrinkle Shen Shen and Ye Lai Tian Xiang both looked over.

No wonder I'm not as good as Zhou Fan, he actually practiced for eleven hours a day... Wrinkled deeply and deeply frowned, he is now practicing for eight to nine hours a day at most, there is still a gap compared to Zhou Fan, no, I have to think about it when I go back Just practice!

"I'm joking." Zhou Fan said with a dry smile, he really didn't expect Hou Shisanjian to believe it.

Du Ni said with a serious face: "Brother Zhou, don't try to lie to me, if you didn't practice for eleven hours a day, how could you be better than me?"

"If you practice for eleven hours a day, even ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things."

"It's just eleven hours a day..." Du Ni said with a shivering face, "It's really something that a human being can do. If I continue to boil it hard, I'll become a **** or become a scum, and I don't dare to boil it like this. "

Zhou Fan: "..."

Soon, people came in one after another in the martial arts room, and all ten members of the class A gathered in the martial arts room.

There will only be one Class A in the academy. By the time the major exams for Class A begin, the students of the previous Class A have already graduated and left Class A.

Nakata came in with six teachers.

One of the six instructors is holding a box.

Zhang Li Xiaohu stared at the box with bright eyes. He guessed that it must contain the training resources that the students of Class A can get.

Zhongtian looked at the ten people who had arrived. He just nodded lightly and said, "First check the identity, there is no problem with the identity, and then make the ghost oath required by the Class A class."

The six teachers were busy checking the identities of the ten Zhou Fans.

This time, the inspection was very meticulous, and the details of Zhou Fan's ten people were thoroughly understood.

After confirming that there is no problem with the identities of the ten Zhou Fans, let Zhou Fan and the others make a ghost oath.

Dawei invested so many resources in training Class A students, but of course certain things are not allowed to happen.

However, this ghost oath is not very restrictive, it just ensures that they can't betray Da Wei until Da Wei doesn't feel sorry for them. It's somewhat similar to the ghost oath made by Zhou Fan at the Yiluan Division.

If the restraints were too great, there wouldn't be so many geniuses who wanted to be admitted to Class A.

Zhou Fan took it as if he had made the Ghost Oath of Yiluan Division again.

After all ten people took the ghost oath and made the ghost oath, they were considered to have completed the class entry ceremony.

Zhongtian kept watching, and after seeing the ten people complete the ceremony, he asked the ten people to gather and said, "Congratulations to you for becoming a member of Class A, I believe you are most concerned about the cultivation resources of Class A. …”

Zhou Fan's mouth twitched. Everyone knew that this Class A class had the most abundant cultivation resources, but no one could confirm how rich it was. He just hoped that he would not be disappointed.

After all, he has put so much thought into it, and he also hopes that the training resources of Class A can become another channel for him to obtain resources. After all, the training resources of the ship are the top, but it is very difficult to obtain, and some have to go through more and more difficult. Coping leader.

With the training resources of Class A, it can relieve his pressure to a certain extent. As for the hidden values ​​of Class A, such as the high-ranking official position of Yiluan Division, you must have studied in Class A. Zhou Fan is not too concerned about it for the time being. .

While Zhou Fan's thoughts were turning, Zhongtian continued to speak.

"The training resources for Class A this time mainly consist of three parts. The first part is needed for daily practice." Zhongtian said, he walked to the teacher who was holding the iron box, and he opened the iron box casually.

There are ten blue jade stones in it.

Zhou Fan was slightly startled, it was a blue Qi refining crystal jade!

Zhang Li Xiaohu almost drooled Of course he also recognized the Qi refining crystal jade.

"Considering that most of you have already entered the third stage of qi refining, the daily resources required this time will be calculated using qi refining crystal jade." Zhongtian picked up a piece of qi refining crystal jade and said: "If you have not entered the refining process, Those who are in the third stage of Qi can also exchange for the equivalent and suitable cultivation resources to enter the third stage of Qi refining as soon as possible."

No one spoke, just listened quietly.

Zhou Fan frowned slightly.

"Some of you may know about Qi Refining Crystal Jade, or some may not..." Zhongtian explained the function and value of Qi Refining Crystal Jade in detail to the ten people. Jade also has quality points, the more advanced one is the red gas refining crystal jade, but those are relatively rare, so I won’t say more.”

Zhang Li Xiaohu couldn't help but interrupted: "President, how many pieces of blue qi refining crystal jade worth 10,000 profound coins can we get, you won't tell us it's just one piece, right?"

Even a blue qi refining crystal requires 10,000 profound coins. Ordinary warriors can't afford it at all, but only one piece is too little.

"Of course not." Zhong Tian smiled and said, "The officials are not so stingy yet, because you can only use one piece of qi refining crystal per day, so you can receive about 30 blue qi refining crystals every month. You can receive as many blocks as there are days in a month, until you get three years' worth of resources."

Zhang Li Xiaohu was so excited that he almost fainted. If he can receive one piece a day, he can receive three hundred and sixty-five yuan a year, which means that he can receive three million and sixty-five thousand mysterious coins in one year. 10.95 million profound coins!

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