Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 907: sad look

I can't have all of them... Zhou Fan silently muttered a word in his heart, but instead he said a few words of modesty, and made a look that he didn't like money.

Zhong Tian took a sip of tea and said, "The price offered by the family is obviously better than that of the Great Buddha Temple."

The enlightenment relic may not be as cost-effective as the profound coins that aristocratic families can get. After all, the profound coins are real benefits. If the enlightened relic can't see anything, it will be a big loss.

Moreover, enlightenment relics are also of different qualities. The enlightenment relics that can be seen by Zhou Fan are of the lowest level, not the kind that the Sword Sect Sect Master once saw.

That's why Zhongtian said this. Zhou Fan didn't know it before, but he already knew from Li Chungniang that the value of enlightenment relics was not as high as he imagined.

Zhou Fan waited patiently. He knew that Zhongtian had called him not just for small talk.

The family offered a price of one million Xuan coins every year. If Zhong Tian was alone, he would definitely give up this competition.

The price of one million profound coins is too high, far exceeding his psychological expectations.

But the senior brother's words made him still remember, no matter how high the price is, he will take Zhou Fan down!

Zhongtian pondered for a while before saying, "I can offer a higher price than the noble family, but you must promise me to join the academy on the spot, and you can't delay like yesterday and wait for the price."

"I don't know what the price is?" Zhou Fan didn't agree first, but asked.

If you want him to immediately agree to join the academy faction, then the price can't be too low.

"Just now you have heard about the red gas refining crystal jade, and you also understand that the red gas refining crystal jade can save three times the time than the blue gas refining crystal jade, so the value of the red gas refining crystal jade is also three times that of the blue gas refining crystal jade. More than 30,000 profound coins for a piece of red gas refining crystal jade may not be able to buy." Zhong Tian said slowly.

"Does the academy plan to give me a piece of red qi refining crystal jade one day?" Zhou Fan asked with a strange expression on his face.

Zhongtian's face trembled slightly and said, "Do you think this is possible?"

This is 10 million profound coins a year, ten times more than the family's asking price!

Even if the academy is generous, it is impossible to be so generous, Zhou Fan also thinks it is impossible, he laughed dryly and motioned Zhongtian to continue.

"What I mean is that the academy can give you one more blue gas refining crystal jade for class A. If you want, you can exchange three blue gas refining crystal jade from me for one red refining gas crystal jade. I don't want to. The exchange is up to you." Zhongtian explained.

In other words, the academy's asking price is 3.65 million profound coins per year, which is more than three times more than that of the aristocratic family, and it can also be exchanged for Zhou Fan into red qi refining crystal jade.

Such an asking price is high.

You must know that even Du Ni, an esoteric disciple of Gaoxiang Academy, would not be able to receive such treatment, otherwise he would not have to work hard to get into Class A.

If it wasn't for the support of Senior Brother, Zhongtian would not dare to charge such a price.

Zhou Fan was also very moved when he heard it. If he could receive a piece of red qi refining crystal every day, he would only need four months to complete the cultivation of the Qi Gang segment.

Zhongtian observed Zhou Fan's expression, and he continued calmly: "But this offer is only one chance, you must agree to me on the spot, if you want to go back and think about it, then I didn't say this price, and the academy should withdraw. your competition."

The academy will definitely not withdraw from the competition with Zhou Fan, but if Zhongtian doesn't say so, he is afraid of another setback.

Zhou Fan naturally didn't know that the academy was determined to win him, but even if he knew it was useless, because the other two were destined to not be able to charge such a high price.

Zhou Fan just thought about it for a while and then agreed. The price is already higher than he thought, so there is no need to be greedy.

Being insatiable will only give a bad impression.

"Is this the price for the first year? What about the next few years?" Zhou Fan asked again.

Nakata thought about it and explained one by one, what kind of speed it will increase in the next few years.

After the two settled on all the details of Zhou Fan's joining the academy, Zhong Tian chuckled lightly, and took out the ghost oath to let Zhou Fan make an oath to bind him.

It's just a very loose oath to ensure that Zhou Fan will not betray the academy, but he doesn't need Zhou Fan to sacrifice his life for the academy. He has clear obligations and rights.

After Zhou Fan confirmed that there was no problem with the agreement, he made a ghost oath on the spot.

"Congratulations on joining the academy." Zhongtian said with a smile when he saw Zhou Fan's ghost oath.

He was very happy in his heart that one of the tasks assigned by the senior brother had finally been completed. The next step was to observe and record the ten people in Class A, especially the leader of Class A in front of him.

Zhou Fan hurriedly said, "In the future, I will ask President Zhong to take care of you."

Zhou Fan said a few words with Zhongtian, took out the two blue qi refining crystal jades on his body and replaced Zhongtian with red qi refining crystal jade before standing up to say goodbye. He would also visit the academy to get familiar with the future. A place to learn for months.

Zhongtian asked a student from the academy to show Zhou Fan a tour of the academy.

The student took Zhou Fangang to see a few places, but met Li Chungniang.

Next to Li Chungniang were Yelaitianxiang and Xiong Feixiu.

It can be said that the only three women in Class A are gathered together.

It was not surprising that Xiong Feixiu followed Li Chungniang and Zhou Fan, but he was a little surprised that Yelaitianxiang was also there.

The three women are obviously talking and laughing, and the picture is very harmonious.

"Big Brother Zhou." Seeing Zhou Fan's beautiful eyes, Li Chungniang walked over.

Xiong Feixiu and Yelaitianxiang also followed.

Xiong Feixiu raised her eyebrows slightly and looked away from Zhou Instead, Yelaitianxiang smiled and nodded at Zhou Fan.

"I want to talk to Brother Zhou about something important." Li Chungniang turned around and said to Xiong Feixiu.

"Then, Miss Xiong and I will go to other places first." Yelaitianxiang said.

Yelaitianxiang left with Xiong Feixiu, who was complaining a little.

Zhou Fan also asked the academy student not to accompany him, and the student left.

Zhou Fan glanced at Ye Lai Tianxiang, who had not gone far, and found that Ye Lai Tianxiang was also looking back at him, her eyes seemed a little resentful, and she seemed to be jealous.

With resentful eyes, Ye Lai Tian Xiang doesn't really like me as the worm girl said, will I be too narcissistic if I think this way? Maybe I have the wrong idea? Zhou Fan felt that this should be impossible.

"Brother Zhou, what kind of price is offered by the academy?" Li Chungniang asked.

Zhou Fan quickly put away his messy thoughts, and told him what Zhongtian had called him in the past.

"An extra copy of Class A resources?" Li Chungniang was surprised: "I can understand that Brother Zhou promised him immediately, but isn't the price too high?"

Zhou Fan also said with a strange expression: "I also feel strange in my heart, in fact, even if he only offered a price of two million, I should not be able to refuse it. Of course, I may not agree to two million immediately, but ask for it. Wait and see the views of the two sides of the Great Buddha Temple and the family..."

When Zhou Fan said this, he paused and said, "Is the academy setting this price because I am determined to win it?"

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