Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 914: Sparring Rules

Shouldn't the three kittens be called the kitten drinking milk, the kitten rolling, and the kitten calling the **** shoveler.

It's really too earthy. Can't you come up with a nice name for such a powerful swordsmanship? Zhou Fan muttered silently in his heart.

Zhou Xiaomao saw that Zhou Fan was silent, she sneered again: "How many big gray worms don't sell such a knife technique."

"And I have no intention of making any deal with you. Unless you can beat me, I will resume the deal with you like the leaders you met before."

"I only help those who can beat me on board!"

beat her...

Zhou Fan felt that his head was too big. How could it be so easy to win Zhou Xiaomao? This kind of power can suppress the realm, but the richness of combat experience is far from what he can compare, and he can easily master any moves.

Just like the boat kitten, she can perform such a domineering kitten triad.

Zhou Xiaomao said that no creature or eccentric has ever been able to see her third style. The arrogance and confidence in her tone did not seem like she was lying.

Zhou Fan tried his best to avoid the first move, let alone seeing Zhou Xiaomao's second move. As long as the first move was injured, Zhou Xiaomao could chop him to death with any knife.

Qifu also frowned slightly. She knew the importance of a facilitator to Zhou Fan, and many things needed a facilitator to answer.

Zhou Xiaomao turned around and walked to the other side of the gray fog. She sat down and looked at the river quietly.

"Anyone who boarded the ship before can beat you?" Zhou Fan suddenly asked.

He thinks that Zhou Xiaomao is lying, how many boarding people can beat her?

Don't this kitten need a big gray worm?

If you need the Grey Worm, you have to make a deal with the boarding person.

"No." Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't turn her head back and gave the answer, "Even those old monsters who are in the same realm as me can't be my opponent. Do you think you boarding people can beat me?"

Zhou Fan was stunned and said, "Don't you need a big gray worm?"

Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "Of course I need it. If I hadn't used the big gray worm as bait to catch something to relieve my boredom, I would have gone crazy."

"You're just curious, where do I get the grey worms without making deals with you boarding people?"

Zhou Fan nodded, but his pupils suddenly shrank because he thought of a possibility.

"The boat has me as a sparring guide for the boarding people. Do you think I am sparring for nothing? Every time I practice with the sparring, I can get a certain amount of gray worms from the boarding people, depending on the river surface."

Zhou Xiaomao turned around and said, she stretched out her hand and caught the two wisps of gray mist floating in, turning the gray mist into two colored glass balls.

Zhou Fan's glass ball only had one hundred and twenty-six large gray worms, while the one that etched Fu had five hundred and thirty-seven large gray worms.

Zhou Xiaomao's face froze, and she said angrily, "I beat you on the river here and you should get 5,000 giant gray worms. That's not enough for you."

Five thousand big gray worms for one beating? Zhou Fan also said angrily: "Did I tell you to beat me? Don't beat me if you have the ability."

Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "That's not good, my first hobby in life is to learn from others, and I can't find any good opponents on this ship, so I can only make do with you boarding people. In fact, you should be grateful to me, Think about it, where can you find someone as powerful as me to compete with you."

Zhou Fan snorted: "Don't think of people as a fool, is this a competition? This is a beating, you have no intention of teaching people well."

You may be able to make progress by learning from each other, but being beaten... like a kitten like a boat, will only turn people into idiots, and if you want to grow from being beaten, it is undoubtedly a dream!

Maybe he was beaten a lot, and he would lose the blood and courage that a warrior should have.

Even if he can make progress, the progress is not great. Zhou Fan doesn't want to be beaten and played.

Zhou Xiaomao smiled and said, "It's up to you. As long as I complete the sparring training according to the rules set by the boat, I can take 5,000 gray worms without your permission."

"Five thousand big gray worms a day, 50,000 big gray worms in ten days..." Zhou Fan's heart twitched, he broke the jar and said: "Then from today, I will not earn the big gray worms. Now, beat it up if you like it."

After Zhou Fan finished speaking, he looked at Qifu and said, "You don't want to go anymore, just practice hard."

Zhou Fan was thinking of breaking the boat kitten.

Zhou Xiaomao said in a hurry: "To correct one of your statements, it doesn't mean that I can beat you every day without your consent, of course, if you agree, I can beat you every day, otherwise I can beat you once every seven days. "

Hearing that it was once every seven days, Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief, but he shook his head again and said, "Even if it is once every seven days, it would be a fool to do something like being beaten up and sending a big gray worm. Grey worms."

Zhou Xiaomao said disdainfully at Zhou Fan's words: "It's up to you, as long as you owe me the giant grey worm, you can't move the giant grey worm in the glass ball. If you don't collect the giant grey worm, you can't fish."

"I've seen passive resistance boarding people like you a lot, but how long can they last?"

"I have accumulated a lot of gray worms, and one or two passive resistances have no effect on me at all."

Zhou Fan asked: "Is there only one or two? The big gray worms are obtained by the boarding people risking their lives to hunt and kill And they will give you 5,000 big gray worms every seven days. Worm, this is probably equivalent to more than half of the profit, who would want to do such a stupid thing."

"What can I do if I don't want to?" Zhou Xiaoxiao looked mocking: "I don't want to be trapped here yet? But it's not trapped here. As long as they can't get such good resources in the outside world, they will I can only try my best to collect the big gray worm."

"So I can get more grey worms than you think."

Zhou Fan sighed in his heart, this sparring guide is too tricky, no matter if she doesn't cooperate, she can beat him, no matter what, she has to take his big gray worm.

How does this make him play?

"By the way, maybe I can discuss with the boat to change the rules." Zhou Fan whispered to himself.

Zhou Xiaomao has very smart ears, she sneered: "Do you think that old man is your son? Do you let him do whatever he wants?"

"That's when you just woke up and didn't understand my relationship with the boat." Zhou Fan ignored the boat kitten, but stared at the deck and said, "The boat, the rules of this sparring guide have long been dead, where is this? Learn from each other and teach the boarding people, this is completely beating to the death, and you will also take my big gray worm, you have to change this rule, can you?"

Instead, Chofu looked at Zhou Fan with hope. She had seen the boat help Zhou Fan before.

Zhou Kitten noticed Chifu's expression, she frowned slightly, and an unpleasant feeling suddenly rose in her heart.

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