Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 916: Du Ni who wants to duel with Zhou Fan

After Zhou Fan came to the academy, he first went to the lecture hall arranged by the academy for Class A.

The ten people in Class A study freely, but that doesn't mean they won't be able to arrange lectures.

Arrange the lecture hall if something happens, you can notify ten people to gather here, and secondly, it is also convenient for ten people to exchange some martial arts experience in the lecture hall.

But usually it is completely free to come or not to come to the lecture.

When Zhou Fan came to the lecture hall, there were only five people.

These five people are Hou Shisanjian, Du Ni, Li Chungniang, Yelaitianxiang, and Xiong Feixiu.

"Good morning, Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang greeted Zhou Fan first.

"Brother Zhou." Hou Shisanjian and the others also greeted Zhou Fan one by one.

Hou Shisanjian's black eye bags got deeper, Zhou Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, but didn't say anything more, he believed that if Hou Shisanjian couldn't hold on, he would definitely give up.

It's impossible to be the first student in the history of the Dawei Jiazi class to stay up late and die, right?

Zhou Fan talked to them with a smile.

Ye Lai Tianxiang left the lecture hall first, she went to audit the academy's melody class.

Ye Lai Tianxiang's deceiving talent is related to her voice, and learning rhythm helps her awaken her deceiving talent.

Soon Xiong Feixiu left. She applied for an apprenticeship last night to teach her hidden weapon skills.

Even though the Xiong family has a lot of hidden weapon skills, there are still many hidden weapon skills in the academy that she has never seen before. Learning these hidden weapon skills will help increase her understanding of hidden weapons.

As for Hou Shisanjian, he planned to walk around. As long as someone in the academy was practicing swordsmanship or an instructor was teaching people to learn swordsmanship, he would take a look.

"What is Insect Girl going to learn?" Zhou Fan still didn't know Insect Girl's plan.

He never asked, because he didn't want to appear too concerned about the bug lady, so as not to cause any bad misunderstanding.

But now it's nothing to talk about.

Li Chungniang said gently, "I'm going to learn some art of war."

"Art of War..." Zhou Fan was slightly startled.

"The art of war also implies the way of life, business and family management." Li Chungniang explained.

"I see." Zhou Fan nodded to show his understanding, but his heart was full of worry.

Is Li Chungniang going to learn the art of war to help Li Jiuyue to raise troops to rebel in the future?

As for Li Chungniang's ability to bypass the oath, Zhou Fan didn't find it strange, because Da Wei had already forgiven them first, and this oath was made as if it had not been made.

It's just that the Great Wei is extremely powerful, and because of the rampant monstrosity, the enemies of mankind are mainly gibberish, and there has never been an uprising.

Even if there is a real uprising, I'm afraid it will be a chariot.

Li Chungniang and Zhou Fan said goodbye and left the lecture hall to learn the art of war.

"Brother Zhou." A resentful voice sounded suddenly in the lecture hall.

This voice is naturally Du Ni's.

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "What is Brother Du going to study?"

"I'm not like you. I've always been a disciple of the academy, and my studies have already been arranged." Du Ni said a little depressed.

Zhou Fan didn't understand why Du Ni was like a widowed resentful woman, but he didn't ask, but said, "If it's all right, then I have to learn."

"How can it be okay." Du Ni said a little unhappily: "I've been looking for Brother Zhou for a long time, but I was interrupted by the teacher several times before, and I couldn't meet Brother Zhou yesterday. Today, Brother Zhou is everywhere Don't even think about going."

Zhou Fan puzzled and asked, "What's the matter with Brother Du?"

"I would like to ask Brother Zhou to teach me about poetry, and I would like to ask Brother Zhou to give him some advice." Du Ni said with a serious expression on his face.

Asking about the knowledge of poetry... Zhou Fan said helplessly: "Brother Du is laughing, I'm not familiar with poetry."

Du Ni laughed and said, "Brother Zhou, please don't joke. Brother Zhou's "Chrysanthemum Terrace" is a song that no one in the world knows about, and no one knows about it. He also left behind the nickname of Zhou Juhua. It is estimated that it will be famous for eternity."

When mentioning this nickname, Zhou Fan, who may be famous for centuries, his heart twitched: "I'm not a noble person. I also ask Brother Du to stop mentioning that nickname. Anyone who mentions me will be anxious."

Du Ni was slightly startled and said, "I didn't expect Brother Zhou to be so low-key and definitely worthy of this nickname..."

Zhou Fan's face darkened and he held down the handle of the knife.

Seeing this, Du Ni said lightly, "It seems that Brother Zhou really doesn't like this nickname, so I won't mention it, but the knowledge of poetry..."

"Brother Du, I still have things to do." Zhou Fan turned around and wanted to leave.

It's just that Du Ni quickly stopped him and said with anger, "Zhou Fan, do you think my level is low and you don't want to communicate with me?"

"I didn't." Zhou Fanqiang resisted the urge to cover his face. If he knew, he would not have written the chrysanthemum poem.

"Don't say it, I want to fight with you." Du Ni said solemnly.

Zhou Fan said helplessly, "You are not my opponent."

"Not necessarily." Du Ni took out a round bamboo tube from the talisman bag.

He lifted the copper cover, and inside the bamboo tube were dozens of closed white slips of paper. He pointed to the white slips and said, "Pick it up."

"What?" Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment.

Du Ni said of course: "Of course it's a random test. There are dozens of test questions that I have carefully selected. You choose one, and we will write a poem on the spot to compare the level."

I thought it was a martial arts competition, but I didn't expect it to be more like writing poetry... Only then did Zhou Fan understand it in his heart, he smiled wryly: "Brother Du, I was just helpless when I wrote poetry that time, I really don't like writing poetry, please forgive me. me."

"No." Du Ni firmly said: "Either Brother Zhou will stay and discuss writing poetry with me, or Brother Zhou will beat me in writing poetry, I am willing to bet and admit defeat, and will not pester Brother Zhou Otherwise, I will pester Brother Zhou every day."

Where are you a scholar, you are clearly a rogue, Zhou Fan is so angry that his teeth hurt, but this Du Ni is a disciple of Zhongtian, and he can't really hurt Du Ni for this trivial matter. He sighed and could only take it out. took a note.

He can't bluntly say that his poems are copied. In that case, he can just draw a note and lose to Du Ni. In this way, Du Ni should know what level he is and what is going on with the poem, so he won't do it again. I've been pestering him to teach poetry.

Zhou Fan opened the note and looked at it. The request was to compose a poem with the grievances as the core.

After Zhou Fan read it, he handed it to Du Ni.

"I actually won the question of grievances." Du Ni was stunned for a moment.

Boudoir grievances are a small category of poetry. Usually, only some women who stay in the boudoir like to write such poems to relieve their boredom. Of course, there are also some poets who like this kind of poetry.

Du Ni said he wanted to compare his poems with Zhou Fan, but he was still fair, and the poem topics he chose did not tend to be his own, but covered various fields.

Therefore, there are poems of grievances.

Du Ni had a look of excitement on his face. The more unpopular the title of the poem was, the more he could see a person's true level.

He took out two sets of pen and paper that he had already prepared, pushed one to Zhou Fan, and kept the other for himself.

"Let's start now, take a quarter of an hour as the time, and be the first to write fast and well." Du Ni began to think hard.

Zhou Fan had a strange look on his face, and he felt that his hands were itchy.

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