Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 929: he is laughing

Of course, Xiaoxiao couldn't refuse Xiaoxiao's order, and immediately twenty little ones rushed over. They first worked together to lift the stone bricks on the ground, and then their hair stretched and rolled into the shape of a shovel. The shovel digs up.

"Let them be gentle, slow down, maybe there are treasures, and they will be ruined." Zhou Fan said again.

When Xiao Ling heard this, she hurriedly yelled at her nervously, because it was about her duck legs.

Xiaoxiao's movements became much lighter.

As a small shovel of dirt was dug up, nothing unusual happened.

Zhou Fan and Xiaoxuan just silently watched the figure of Xiaoxiaoxuan digging hard under the light of the oil lamp.

"Master, why don't I add a little bit more, so I don't know how long it will take to dig?" After a while, Xiao Qian said impatiently.

Although Xiao Xiaoxiao was diligent, their bodies were too small, and Zhou Fan asked them to move lightly, so their movements would inevitably be slower.

Just as Zhou Fan was about to nod his head in agreement, the digging team consisting of twenty little scorpions had stopped, and they crawled out of the mud pit and chirped.




Zhou Fan's face became serious when he heard the words, he did not go over to check immediately, but said, "Xiao Qian, let them come back and merge with you."

When Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxiao fuse together, you can see the memory picture that Xiaoxiao has experienced.

Xiaoxiao hurriedly asked twenty little ones to come back, and the twenty little ones first fused together and turned into a single hair before merging into Xiaoxiao's hair.

Xiao Ling closed her eyes and quickly opened them again. She glanced at Zhou Fan and said with a sullen look, "It's a human corpse."

Zhou Fan had already guessed when he heard Xiao Xiaoxiao speak just now. He asked, "Is there anything special about the corpse? I mean there is a dangerous place?"

Xiaoxiao tilted her head and thought for a while before saying, "It shouldn't be, Xiaoxiaoxiao hasn't been fully dug up yet, I just saw people's hands and feet."

Only then did Zhou Fan cautiously walk over and look at the small mud pit. Sure enough, under the cover of yellow soil, temporarily only people's fingers and toes can be seen.

After Zhou Fan confirmed that there was no danger, he turned around and walked out, took a shovel, and carefully dug out the dirt of the corpse.

As the soil was dug out, the appearance of the corpse gradually became clear.

It was a middle-aged man in a azure blue gown, but the body didn't have any rotten smell, and it seemed that he died not long ago?

Zhou Fan threw the shovel away, and patted the mud on the middle-aged man's face with his palm wearing purple gold gloves, trying to see his appearance.

After taking the soil off, Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly.

It's not because Zhou Fan knew the dead middle-aged man, but because the rough-faced man's mouth was slightly upturned, and he was smiling.

It seemed that something pleasant happened to him before he died.

Zhou Fan retracted his palm and looked at the smiling face. He was sure that the man had already lost his vitality, and it wasn't a fake death that was deliberately laughing and scaring.

Just who is he?

Zhou Fan was a little puzzled. He turned the middle-aged man's body over and saw a white blood-marked talisman on the middle-aged man's back.

Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. This is a rare frozen corpse talisman. As long as the talisman power does not disappear, the corpse will not be corrupted.

A Frozen Corpse Talisman can last for ten days, and the man's body did not rot, apparently because of the Frozen Corpse Talisman.

Just why use the frozen corpse charm?

Is it the fear of the rotting smell emanating from the soil after the dead body?

If you are really afraid, you can dig deeper, or just destroy the corpse.

There are so many ways to destroy corpses in this world that Zhou Fan can't count them.

Zhou Fan stood up.

Xiao Ling looked disappointed. She thought she had a treasure, but who knew it was a corpse.

It seems that there will not only be treasures underground, but more corpses.

"Has Xiaoxiaoyan finished finding the house?" Zhou Fan glanced at the corpse and asked Xiaoxiao.

Xiao Qian nodded and said, "I've searched all over, and I haven't found much."

"Let them come back... um, leave five out and monitor the house for me." Zhou Fan said slowly.

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