Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 933: dog junior

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Zhou Xiaomao had a deep impression of the Blood Waterfall situation. Her face darkened slightly, and an incessant sticky force erupted from her body again.

Zhou Xiaomao already knew that Zhou Fan had three types of martial arts, and she guessed that it should be the reason for the seed martial arts and Wei Hao of the Lianmai segment.

Zhou Xiaomao had heard of the famous Ji Hao, but she didn't have the "Beautiful Sea" exercise, so she couldn't know the specific situation of Ji Hao, if she was only two martial arts.

As Zhou Xiaomao's thoughts turned, the kitten knife suddenly let go, like a swirling door panel, with a strange and unpredictable trajectory, slashing towards Zhou Fan behind him.

This left-handed knife technique was carefully chosen by Zhou Xiaoxiao for Zhou Fan, but she knew very well that it would be very difficult to kill Zhou Fan without the kitten's three-strokes if it wasn't for her strange and unpredictable martial arts.

This week Zhou Fan is simply a freak, every rank is impeccable, even she has to admit in her heart that she has never seen a martial artist with a terrifyingly solid foundation!

Huge strength, strong infuriating energy, and various powerful abilities cultivated in each rank.

While Zhou Xiaoxiao's thoughts were spinning, the swirling cat's knife was about to split Zhou Fan in half with a roar.

Zhou Xiaomao understands that Zhou Fan may be able to avoid this move, but she has already thought of various follow-up countermeasures in her heart. When she released the kitten knife, her fists contained two different martial arts and blasted out one after another. Like a storm.

To deal with Zhou Fan, you must not miss any opportunity, otherwise you will be forced to use the kitten three-style.

In the face of the swirling Kitten Knife's fist, Zhou Fan's body became vast.

Apparently, Zhou Fan used the measure of guilt to defend against Zhou Xiaomao's powerful attack.

Zhou Xiaomao sneered in her heart, Zhou Fan's martial arts defense is amazing, but not without shortcomings, as long as her fists are fast enough and the number of blows is enough, they can break open.

It's just that the corners of Zhou Fan's mouth were slightly raised, and strange syllables burst out from his mouth.

Dragon God Language!

The golden ripples spread quickly, and everything seemed to become still.

Zhou Xiaoxiao's pupils shrank, she also has a way to deal with this Dragon God language, but what makes her feel bad is that Zhou Fan can obviously use his hatred to resist her attack, why use Dragon God language?

The only possibility is that the power of hatred and hatred is just a cover to deceive her, and Zhou Fan's real purpose is to use the Dragon God language!

At this moment, Zhou Xiaomao just wanted to step back. Her body swaying became blurred. She was using a rare infuriating secret technique, which could resist the erosion of time.

But she still had a momentary pause.

For Zhou Fan, this momentary pause was a deliberate preparation, and he slashed out.

Zhou Xiaomao knew that she had been fooled, but she was still calm in her heart, looking at the knife that fell, thinking about Zhou Fan's various abilities, and calculating how to split this dangerous knife.

What spread out from the rusted knife was a kind of force.

A brand new martial art that Zhou Kitten has never seen before.

This force was stronger than any force she had ever seen.

The silence is spreading.

Zhou Xiaomao felt that his vitality was constantly disappearing and becoming weaker and weaker.

Under this martial power, infuriating energy, secret techniques, and a powerful body can no longer play any role.

Zhou Kitten's eyes dimmed. She was unwilling to spit out a mouthful of blood. With this mouthful of blood, her breath became weaker, but her eyes became brighter like flames.

In the Dragon God Language Domain, she was still able to move, and under the annihilation trend, her vitality had not been completely cut off.

Zhou Fan didn't know how she did it, and he didn't have time to think about how Zhou Kitten did it. He could vaguely feel that the fierce and domineering sword intent was ready to go, it was the kitten's third style.

Zhou Kitten is going to use Kitten Three!

She obviously understands the critical situation. Under the kitten's third style, everything Zhou Fan has prepared will probably turn into ashes.

But how could Zhou Fan allow such a situation to happen? Before he could sense the sharp and domineering sword intent, his big and small swords had already slashed down.

With the sharp knife he wielded, Zhan Jian chopped out one hundred and eight knives.

Each knife carries the full power that Zhou Fan can use.

Chop the boat kitten alive into meat sauce!

The boat kitten was still slow, and her blood, who had become meat sauce, flowed along the deck, but was quickly enveloped by the rushing gray fog.

Zhou Fan was shaky, he laughed out loud.

His body was crumbling because the use of various martial arts, dragon language and other abilities had squeezed every trace of his true energy out of his body. Now if Zhou Xiaoxia hadn't been hacked to death by him, Zhou Xiaomao would have stretched out his fingers. Can kill him easily.

Chifu was stunned, she didn't expect Zhou Fan to win, and to win so neatly.

These ten days of failure made her not expect Zhou Fan to win at all, because Zhou Xiaomao was too strong.

But now Zhou Fan actually won!

Chufu was a little lost, and even Zhou Fan sat on the deck, she forgot to come and help Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was still laughing. The reason why he won was because of the third variation of Weihao that he had learned in the high martial arts section.

Weihai Sea of ​​Silence!

The annihilation potential that annihilates everything, the area of ​​the strange lord is the annihilation domain, where there are no creatures and monsters, where the cold is gray and white, no matter what enters there, the vitality will be cut off, turning into a part of the annihilation domain. .

Legend has it that no cultivator dared to set foot in the domain of annihilation, and no one ever knew what existed in the domain of annihilation.

The amount of jealousy and the waterfall of blood are certainly powerful, but they are still far behind the annihilation of the sea, which is why Bihao can be called the number one force.

Of course, the quirky sea of ​​silence will not be absolutely invincible.

At least Zhou Fan is sure that if Zhou Xiaomao knew in advance that he had acquired this powerful annihilation force, he would definitely think of a way to deal with it.

Zhou Fan was able to chop Zhou Xiaomao into meat sauce, that's because he won by surprise.

For the outcome of life and death is often decided in an instant.

Zhou Fan would chop Kitty Zhou into meat sauce because he was not sure that if he chopped Kitty Zhou's head off or split his body in half with one knife, Kitty Zhou would surely die.

In the face of this kind of leader, Zhou Fan finally managed to get a chance to win, so he naturally had to go all out.

Zhou Fan looked at the gray fog that was wrapping the Zhou Kitten's flesh and blood in front of him.

It didn't take long for the gray fog to dissipate, and Zhou Xiaomao stood in front of Zhou Fan alive again.

Zhou Fan had no accident. He killed Zhou Xiaomao just now, but Zhou Xiaomao didn't die. As long as she didn't jump off the boat and not offend the boat, she wouldn't die.

Zhou Kitten's face was full of anger, her eyes seemed to spew out two pillars of fire, and she growled loudly: "You son of a bitch, I'm going to strip you alive."

The sound shook the gray river outside the boat with layers of ripples. Novel Weird World of Immortal Cultivation Latest Chapter Chapter 3933 Dog Junior URL: https://

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