Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 942: new business

"Knowing God?" Zhou Xiaoxiao's pupils shrank abruptly, and her gaze shifted to the yellow-skinned tome held in her hands by Chifu.

"Little girl lift the book up so that Senior Zhou can see the cover." Zhou Fan's face was filled with a smile.

Chofu obediently held up the book, and the words "Knowing God" were written on the cover of the book.

There was a stunned look on Zhou Xiaomao's face. It wasn't that she didn't believe that the fishing rod could afford "Knowing the Gods", but that shortly after she finished talking about "Knowing the Gods" to Zhou Fan, Zhou Fan let the boat move forward, and then started Fishing, and then I caught the "Shen Shen Jue".

The whole thing was too coincidental.

Even if she only knew that there were top martial arts exercises on the river, she didn't know that there would be the legendary "Knowledge of the Spirit" here.

Zhou Xiaomao's mind turned, she looked at Zhou Fan sharply and asked, "You already know that there is a "Knowledge of God" on this river, so you chose to take a gamble with the big gray worm, right?"

Zhou Fan admitted with a bright smile: "As you said, I do already know that there is "Knowing God" on the river surface, otherwise why do you think I would take such a risk?"

"But how did you know?" Zhou Xiaomao was a little puzzled, but Zhou Fan hadn't answered yet. She quickly woke up and said, "The boat told you."

Otherwise, Zhou Fan would not have known.

Zhou Fan nodded and said, "Of course the boat told me."

Zhou Xiaomao frowned slightly. She didn't expect that since the boat would specifically tell Zhou Fan about this, it was rare for the boat to even contact the boarding person before.

Zhou Fan saw that Zhou Xiaomao didn't speak, he said again: "Let's talk faster, otherwise I'll leave later, this transaction will be in vain, the business I just said is that I want to sell a copy of "Knowing God" Decision" for you."

Using the caught things to trade with guides, Zhou Fan has done it with other guides before, but the guides are very picky, and they don't like ordinary things.

And "Knowing the Gods" should be able to sell for a good price. It seems that this kind of rare practice method, Zhou Fan does not dare to let people know about it outside.

"Do you want to sell me a copy of "Shen Shen Jue"?" Zhou Xiaoxiao said with a strange expression, "I'm really interested, please tell me the price."

"150,000 gray worms." Zhou Fan quoted.

Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "At this price, are you crazy about big grey worms? I'll give you a maximum of 50,000 big grey worms."

Zhou Fan disdainfully said: "50,000 big gray worms want to get the top martial arts training, you are crazy, before your three martial arts skills are not as good as "Knowing God Art", you dare to sell 100,000 big gray Worm, why don't I dare to sell 150,000 grey worms?"

"The price I'm offering is already a good deal. If it were someone else, the price might be doubled."

Zhou Xiaomao retorted: "I dare to sell 100,000 big gray worms, that's because you are very eager for my martial arts, and I took "Knowing the Gods" more for collection, I don't want to spend a lot of money buy it for the price."

"Besides, you only spent more than 60,000 big gray worms to catch "Shen Shen Jue", and there are three large karma mirror fragments. I will give you 50,000 big gray worms, and you have already earned it."

Zhou Fan laughed and said: "What you said is really interesting, you don't care how much I paid to get "Shen Shen Jue", that's my business, I can't walk on the road, "Shen Shen Jue" smashes On my face, I have to give you away for nothing?"

"You junior, do you dare to bargain with me?" Zhou Xiaoxiao said angrily.

Zhou Fan felt that Zhou Xiaoxiao's words were inexplicable, and he snorted: "I call you senior, but if you want to rely on the old and sell the old, that's not possible. You, the senior, don't mean to take care of the junior, so you can't be more relaxed."

"Why should I take care of your junior?" Zhou Kitten was like a cat with a thorn, and his face was completely flushed.

Zhou Fan was just talking casually. He didn't expect Zhou Xiaomao's reaction to be so big. He frowned slightly: "If you don't take care of it, then don't rely on the old to sell the old. Let's talk about business."

"Okay, let's talk about business." Zhou Xiaomao regained her composure, and she said, "What you said makes sense, but I will never want 150,000 giant gray worms. Grey Worm."

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Then I will also reduce you 10,000 Great Grey Worms and 140,000 Great Grey Worms, don't say that you bought them useless, didn't you say it before? You can study it to see if you can comprehend it, and even if you don’t understand it, you can sell it to those who need it.”

"This exercise doesn't require any special aids. Selling one can get one big gray worm. It's a good business with huge profits."

Zhou Xiaomao's face was full of anger. She regretted it a little. She didn't say so much before she knew it. Now this kid has told her all the benefits of "Knowing God".

"One hundred thousand big gray worms, I won't give you one more." Zhou Xiaoxiao calmed down and said.

"130,000 big gray worms, forget it if you don't." Zhou Fan gritted his teeth.

Zhou Kitten didn't say a word.

Zhou Fan looked at the hourglass that had been on the table, time was running out.

Of course, Zhou Fan understands that whoever speaks first at such a time will be at a disadvantage.

But he doubted that if he didn't speak, Zhou Xiaoxiao would have such a weird and stubborn temper that he would never speak again, he coughed dryly: "Actually, there are only 30,000 more gray Yes. It's not too much for you, you're spending time with me like this, if I go out, next time you want it, I'll have to memorize it for you, it's a lot of trouble."

"Also, as a senior, you bargained with a junior with me, and you will lose more if you do so..."

"Enough." Zhou Xiaomao reprimanded, she glared at Zhou Fan: "He... how could there be someone like you?"

"He... how could there be someone like me?" Zhou Fan was confused.

Qifu is also puzzled.

Zhou Xiaomao said angrily, "I wanted to say shit, but I didn't want to swear, so I didn't say it. Do you understand now? Are there 130,000 gray worms? Here are you."

Zhou Kitten waved to Zhou Fan's glass ball, caught a wisp of gray mist and put it inside the glass ball. The glass ball began to grow, and dense gray worms emerged from the gray mist inside the ball.

Zhou Fan's face was filled with joy, so he would have 160,000 gray worms, and he had never been so rich.

Zhou Fan glanced at Qifu and said happily, "Little girl, how is your cultivation? Are you short of medicinal pills? I'll buy it for you."

Qifu was also happy for Zhou Fan, but she quickly shook her head and said, "I'm still a few days away from entering the speed stage, and the elixir for the speed stage is already available, and I don't need it now."

She knew that Zhou Fan had so many giant grey worms now, but Zhou Fan would need 100,000 giant grey worms to buy one practice. Resources, then you have to think first to hunt down monsters and earn big gray worms.

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